CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET July 22, 2024 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. …


CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET July 22, 2024 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. Council Members DeWitt, Hinkel, Sporrer, Troshynski and Mayor McDonald were present, Council Member Moss was absent. Agenda item 4 was to approve the agenda. Motion was made by Hinkel and seconded by Sporrer to approve the agenda. 4 ayes. Agenda item 5 was approve consent agenda which consisted of approving the minutes of the July 08, 2024 regular meeting, setting the next meeting date as August 5th, approve the claims register and building permit for Logan Christian Church, 205 E 8th St, relocate walls. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by DeWitt to approve the consent agenda. 4 ayes. Agenda item 6 was the Sheriff’s report. Sheriff Doiel gave an update on 4th of July activities and 2 burglary investigations. Agenda item 7 was discuss bid received from Clean Air and Water Systems for a replacement tank liner at the Water Treatment Plant. Craig from V & K reported the cost is almost $100,000. Todd with V & K drafted a letter to DNR asking if liner can be waived if City builds a new water plant. Council agreed to send letter to DNR. Agenda item 8 was review the final punch list on the N 5th Avenue Street Improvements project. No items that need repaired. Agenda item 9 was approve allowing the placement of 3 Scenic Byways kiosks in the City Park by the Iowa DOT. Seth Brooks with Golden Hills RC&D presented what the kiosks would look like. Would like to put them in the SE corner of the City Park. The City will be responsible for installation. Motion was made by Hinkel and seconded by Sporrer to approve allowing the placement of 3 Scenic Byways kiosks in the City Park by the Iowa DOT. 4 ayes. Agenda item 10 was approve Resolution 24-22: A resolution approving a lease of farmland to Shane Muxfeldt. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by DeWitt to approve Resolution 24-22: A resolution approving a lease of farmland to Shane Muxfeldt. 4 ayes. Agenda item 11 was approve submitting GAX #10 on the CDBG-DR NRG Ventures housing project to the IEDA in the amount of $263,594.12. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Hinkel to approve submitting GAX #10 on the CDBG-DR NRG Ventures housing project to IEDA in the amount of $263,594.12. 4 ayes. Agenda item 12 was approve submitting GAX #11 on the CDBG-DR NRG Ventures housing project to IEDA in the amount of $65,063.68. Motion was made by Hinkel and seconded by Council Member to approve submitting GAX #11 on the CDBG-DR NRG Ventures housing project to IEDA in the amount of $65,063.68. 4 ayes. Agenda item 13 was approve the first reading of Ordinance 486: An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances by modifying chapters 15, 17, 30, 31 and 78 to remove references to a City Police Department and eliminate the sticker fee for UTV’s. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by DeWitt to approve the first reading of Ordinance 486: An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances by modifying chapters 15, 17, 30, 31 and 78 to remove references to a City Police Department and eliminate the sticker fee for UTV’s. 4 ayes. Agenda item 14 was the Clerk’s report. Agenda item 15 was citizen’s questions/comments. No citizen comments. CLAIMS ACCO, CHEMICALS 5,536.60 AETNA, INSURANCE 26.28 BAKER & TAYLOR, BOOKS 855.88 COUNSEL OFFICE & DOCUMENT, COPIER 46.26 COUNTRY HARDWARE, TRIMMERS, PAINT SUPPLIES 138.05 DEMCO, LABELS 128.14 FERGUSON WATERWORKS, WATER METER 1,202.04 FIRST WIRELESS, INC., PROGRAM RADIO, HOLSTER 124.45 HACH COMPANY, WATER TESTING SUPPLIES 2,853.46 HARR CO REC, UTILITIES 269.07 HD SUPPLY, HAND SOAP 86.84 HYGIENIC LABORATORY, TESTS 93.50 IA DEPT OF INSPECTIONS, ELEVATOR SAFETY PERMIT 175.00 IA LEAGUE OF CITIES, IA LEAGUE CONFERENCE 245.00 IOWA ONE CALL, LOCATES 30.60 JESSICA NEWTON, WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 83.38 LOGAN AUTO SUPPLY, AIR COMPRESSOR, FLOOR MATS 2,650.79 LOGAN SUPER FOODS, CONCESSIONS, SENIOR CENTER 673.59 LSB PAYROLL TAXES, FED/FICA TAX 5,221.85 MICROFILM, PRINTER 30.00 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, UTILITIES 247.26 MID AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL, PAINT 213.75 MISSOURI VALLEY TIMES, LEGALS 279.66 OVERDRIVE, LIBBY/BRIDGES ANNUAL FEE 635.28 R & S WASTE DISPOSAL, TRASH SERVICE 223.20 STINSON, ELLEN, SENIOR CENTER 276.10 THE OFFICE STOP, PAPER, STAPLES 56.90 THINKSPACEIT, IT SERVICES 175.00 THOMPSEN IRRIGATION, SPRINKLER REPAIR 123.50 TINA MOYER, WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 105.30 TRIONFO SOLUTIONS, INSURANCE 235.80 UPS, SHIPPING 163.25 VERIZON WIRELESS, CELL PHONE 25.35 VISA, CONCESSION, BOOKS, HOTEL 3,004.46 WELLMARK HEALTH INS, INSURANCE 4,956.32 WINDSTREAM, TELEPHONE 1,072.71 WINNELSON CO, WATER PARTS 242.47 PAYROLL CHECKS, PAYROLL CHECKS ON 07/08/2024 20,591.54 CLAIMS TOTAL 53,098.63 GENERAL FUND 21,933.68 LIBRARY FUND 3,362.89 ROAD USE FUND 6,675.70 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 2,425.46 WATER FUND 13,774.76 SEWER FUND 4,926.14 Total 53,098.63 Agenda item 16 was to adjourn. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to adjourn. 4 ayes. Karen Androy, Deputy Clerk Attest: Clint McDonald, Mayor MVTN 7-31-24