CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET July 8, 2024 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. Council Members DeWitt, Moss, Troshynski and Mayor McDonald were present, Council Members Hinkel and Sporrer were absent. Agenda item 4 was to approve the agenda. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by Moss to approve the agenda. 3 ayes. Agenda item 5 was approve consent agenda which consisted of approving the minutes of the June 17, 2024 regular meeting and June 21, 2024 special meeting, setting the next meeting date as July 22nd, approve the claims register, treasurer’s report, revenue report and building permit for Logan Magnolia School, 1200 N 2nd Ave, new athletic crows nest building. Motion was made by DeWitt and seconded by Moss to approve the consent agenda. 3 ayes. Agenda item 6 was to discuss and approve a request from Paul Hutson to allow chickens at 223 W. 6th Street. Paul requested more than 6 chickens, council agreed to 6 for now. Paul can come back in a year and request more if there have been no complaints. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by Moss to approve Paul Hutson to have 6 chickens in the front yard with a fence contingent upon the other 3 neighbor’s signatures. 3 ayes. Agenda item 7 was approve a Special Class C Retail Alcohol License for Sundown Entertainment LLC, dba Firefly Festival for Saturday, August 3rd, 2024. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by DeWitt to approve a Special Class C Retail Alcohol License for Sundown Entertainment LLC, dba Firefly Festival for Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 contingent upon dram insurance. 3 ayes. Agenda item 8 was approve Resolution 24-20: A resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for the Water Tower Painting Project. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by Troshynski to approve Resolution 24-20: A resolution authorizing the transfer of $25,000 from LOST to the water fund for the Water Tower Painting Project. 3 ayes. Agenda item 9 was approve change order #5 for a deduction in the amount of $25,409.62 on the CDBG-DR Street Improvements project. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by Troshynski to approve change order #5 for a deduction in the amount of $25,409.62 on the CDBG-DR Street Improvements project. 3 ayes. Agenda item 10 was approve pay application #3 to Ten Point Construction on the CDBG-DR Street Improvements project in the amount of $25,525.08. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by DeWitt to approve pay application #3 to Ten Point Construction on the CDBG-DR Street Improvements project in the amount of $25,525.08. 3 ayes. Agenda item 11 was approve the renewal of a lease for 5 acres of land to Shane Muxfeldt at 705 S 7th Ave. Motion was made by Troshynski and seconded by DeWitt to approve the renewal of a lease for 5 acres of land to Shane Muxfeldt at 705 S 7th Ave. 3 ayes. Agenda item 12 was approve Resolution 24-21: A resolution reporting the salaries for elected officials and employees of the City of Logan for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by DeWitt to approve Resolution 24-21: A resolution reporting the salaries for elected officials and employees of the City of Logan for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. 3 ayes. Agenda item 13 was the Clerk’s report. Agenda item 14 was citizen’s questions/comments. No citizen comments. CLAIMS ACCO, CHEMICALS 1,920.24 ANDROY, KAREN, MILEAGE/MEALS IMFOA TRAINING 239.38 AVESIS, INSURANCE 70.35 BAKER & TAYLOR, BOOKS 147.76 CENGAGE LEARNING, LP BOOKS 30.33 CLARK, ANGIE, reimb concessions 79.40 COLONIAL LIFE, INSURANCE 503.96 COUNSEL OFFICE & DOCUMENT, COPIER 38.94 DELL USA LP, computers/King grant 4,099.94 DEMCO, LAMNATE ROLLS 185.12 HARR CO HUMANE SOCIETY, 28E AGREEMENT 176.95 HARR CO LANDFILL, ASSESSMENT 3,055.00 IA ASSOC OF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, DUES 816.00 IA DEPT OF NAT RESOURCE, FY25 ANNUAL WATER SUPPLY FEE 153.27 IA DEPT OF REVENUE, WET TAX, SALES TAX 2,616.16 IA LEAGUE OF CITIES, DUES FY 24-25 1,174.00 IA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT TAX 577.64 IPERS, REGULAR IPERS 4,730.95 KIRK SUBDRAINAGE DISTRICT, PERMIT FEE 800.00 LATTA DRAINAGE DISTRICT, PERMIT FEE 500.00 LOGAN PUBLIC LIBRARY, REIMBURSE 1,155.00 LSB PAYROLL TAXES, FED/FICA TAX 4,508.16 MAGUIRE IRON, INC, WATER TOWER YEAR 1 125,062.00 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, UTILITIES 5,938.59 MID AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICALS, PAINT 784.00 MISSOURI VALLEY TIMES, LEGALS 243.56 NRG VENTURES, LLC, CDBG-DR GAX 11 65,063.68 PITT, DOUGLAS, MEAT 316.00 PRINCIPAL LIFE, INSURANCE 305.00 REED'S SERVICE LLC, TIRES ON RANGER 616.00 SELECTIVE INSURANCE, FLOOD INSURANCE 875.00 SOUTHWEST IOWA PLANNING, FY 25 DUES 908.00 STINSON, ELLEN, LUNCH SUPPLIES 222.87 T & S ELECTRIC, REPAIR POOL CHEMICAL PUMPS 240.00 TEN POINT CONSTRUCTION CO, Pay App 3 25,525.08 TREASURER IA, STATE TAXES 1,144.77 TRIONFO SOLUTIONS, INSURANCE 333.55 UPPER BOYER DRAINAGE, 1 LINE, 1 WELL PERMIT FEE, DRAINAGE TAX 1,057.94 UPS, WATER POSTAGE 76.45 VANWALL EQUIPMENT, REPAIR LAWN MOWER, TRIMMER 526.66 VEENSTRA & KIMM, INC., TRAIL PHASE 1 6,975.00 VISA, CONCESSIONS, BOOKS 898.20 WELLMARK HEALTH INS, INSURANCE 4,956.32 WINNELSON CO, WT MAIN N 3RD AVE 397.10 PAYROLL CHECKS, PAYROLL CHECKS ON 06/24/2024 18,133.29 CLAIMS TOTAL 288,177.61 GENERAL FUND 30,186.31 LIBRARY FUND 4,596.76 ROAD USE FUND 7,456.24 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 3,135.89 URBAN HOUSING GRANT FUND 90,588.76 ARPA FUND 81,026.31 Community Visioning Proj FUND 6,975.00 WATER FUND 56,521.05 SEWER FUND 7,691.29 Total 288,177.61 Agenda item 15 was to adjourn. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by DeWitt to adjourn. 3 ayes. Karen Androy, Deputy Clerk Attest: Clint McDonald, Mayor MVTN 7-17-24