CITY OF LOGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET August 26, 2022 At 4:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was …


CITY OF LOGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET August 26, 2022 At 4:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. Council Members Hinkel, Moss, Sporrer, Fisher and Scheuring and Mayor McDonald were present. Agenda item 4 was to approve the agenda. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by Sporrer to approve the agenda. 5 ayes. Agenda item 5 was to approve a change order in the amount of $43,272.50 for Carley Construction, LLC for installation of extra water main on the 7th Street PCC Street Project. While excavating 7th Street, it was discovered that there is an existing 8” water main that runs through the intersection at 7th St. & Elm Ave. It was not planned to replace the water main from Elm Ave. to Linn Ave. but since there is an 8” main to tie it into that was not previously known about, doing the work now while the street is torn out makes more sense than waiting a few years down the road and having to cut into the new concrete on 7th Street that is being replaced. Dustin Moores and Craig Beedle of V&K explained the project to the council. It was also discussed that the funds to cover the additional water main would come out of the water fund and not necessarily out of the street project funds. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Scheuring to approve a change order in the amount of $43,272.50 for Carley Construction, LLC for installation of extra water main on 7th St. PCC Street project. 5 ayes. Agenda item 6 was to approve the purchase of additional water main materials for the 7th St. PCC Street Project in the amount of $51,996. Motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Hinkel to approve the purchase of additional water main materials in the amount of $51,996 for the 7th St. PCC Street Project . 5 ayes. Agenda item 7 was the Clerk’s report. Agenda item 8 was citizen’s questions/comments. There were none. Agenda item 9 was to adjourn. Motion was made by Hinkel and seconded by Sporrer to adjourn. 5 ayes. Angela Winther, City Clerk/Administrator Attest: Clinton McDonald, Mayor MVTN 9-7-22