CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023 6:00 PM Mayor Pro-Tem Struble presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 pm with the following Council Members present: Stueve, Keizer, Tuttle, and Taylor. Mayor Kelly was absent. Citizens attending were Evelyn Marshall, Adam Bellis, Dakoda Tish, Linda Coddington, Jeannie Wortman, Steve Smith, John Harrison, Dave Sparks, Wes Siekman, Mitch Rosonke, Mark Rodewald, and Wayne Kester. City Administrator Colglazier and Deputy Clerk Hankins joined via Zoom. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion to approve Agenda for July 18, 2023, made by Tuttle, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to approve Consent Agenda a) minutes from June 29 and July 11, 2023 b) Claims List c) Financial Report for June 2023 d) Utility Reconciliation Report for June 2023 e) Police Department Report f) approve Mayor’s appointment of Mary Jo Buckley and Ronald Jones to the Zoning Board of Adjustments made by Stueve, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Inquiries from Citizens: Jeannie Wortman updated Council about the Chamber event, the Harrison County Fair, and Mo. Valley Rally. Dave Sparks addressed Council about helping out at the Airport. He handed out resumes to each Council because he would like to be Deputy to Sherm Struble. Steve Smith updated Council about the Mo Valley Airport Lease. He had questions about who would be in charge overall at the airport, the Board, or the City. Mark Rodewald addressed his concern regarding a property on Valley St. The property is a health hazard he thinks. John Harrison discussed the appropriate process to file a complaint and then he would address it. Harrison did go to the property and tried talking to the owner. The owner was unavailable at the time. People Service Update: Tish updated Council about all things water and sewer related. They have been updating Diamond Maps, updated Operational Plans, removed a lead service line, assisted Boruff Plumbing in locating a service line, and conducted an assessment of the water running into the Hospital. The water tower had an inspection on July 11. He will report the findings to the Council when he receives it. Colglazier joined via Zoom and praised Tish on everything he has been doing and going above and beyond his scope of work. Library Update: Bruce Kocher updated Council on all the fun activities happening at the Library. Motion to allow the Mayor to sign the Engagement Letter with Schroer & Associates to Audit the Financial Statements for Fiscal Years ending in 2023, 2024, and 2025 made by Tuttle, second by Stueve. Motion passes. Motion to approve Invoice #6 from 500 E Erie St, LLC in the amount of $662.00 to be reimbursed by CDBG grant funds made by Stueve, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to approve Invoice #7 from 500 E Erie St, LLC in the amount of $82.00 to be reimbursed by CDBG grant funds made by Stueve, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to approve Invoice #8 from 500 E Erie St, LLC in the amount of $562.00 to be reimbursed by CDBG grant funds made by Stueve, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to allow the Mayor to sign a Subordination Agreement and Letter to IEDA subordinating our position on all documents filed made by Stueve, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to decline Sewer re-average on 314 N 2nd St made by Stueve, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Struble had concerns about a house on Portland St that’s not being taken care of. He also discussed a rut problem in the alley between West St and 1st St going North. Councilman Tuttle thanked all the Fire Departments and First Responders for assisting with the recent fire on Erie St. Councilwoman Keizer questioned the construction that was supposed to happen on Monday. Wortman stated that the construction has pushed the date back to 7/24/2023. Councilwoman Stueve is concerned with properties that are used for storage on Erie St. If they were to catch fire, the whole town could go down. She feels the Council needs to push the issue and do something about the buildings. Moyer stated that there will be a meeting on Friday, July 21st at 10:30 am with the Bond Council for the Fire Department. There will be a Planning and Zoning Meeting on July 31st, 8 am in the Conference Room at City Hall. The employees of the MVAC want approval to close on August 12th instead of August 13th. Council disagrees and wants it open until August 13. Colglazier brought up the MVAC shutdown on Monday due to low/no chlorine. The city had the chemicals. Negligence of duties was determined to be the cause. Council decided that disciplinary action needed to happen. Motion to adjourn made by Taylor, second by Stueve. Motion passes. BILLS PAID BETWEEN MEETINGS, DEPARTMENT, DESCRIPTION, $ BLUFFS PAVING, CITY, HIGHWAY 30 WATER MAIN $132,937.59 NEEDS APPROVED AQUA-CHEM, POOL, CHEMICAL $1,816.40 AQUA-CHEM, POOL, TUBING FOR PUMP $32.00 AQUA-CHEM, POOL, DOLPHIN PUMP (FEEDS CHEMICALS INTO WATER) $373.58 BONHAM, WESLEY, CEMETERY, MOWING CONTRACT PYMT 3 $4,833.34 CAPITAL - TX, FIRE/EMS, STANDARD PAYMENT $40.00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY, CITY ENDOWMENT $30,550.00 DESOTO BEND MINI MART, STREET/FIRE, FUEL $312.23 EAGLE ENGINEERING, CITY, HIGHWAY 30 BYPASS $1,150.49 FORTE, CITY, FORTE PAYMENTS $18.17 HARRISON CO DEVELOPMENT, CITY, 1ST QUARTER FY 23/24 28 E AGREEMENT $1,683.00 HARRISON CO EMERGENCY, POLICE, SYSTEM USAGE $2,500.00 HARRISON CO ENGINEER, STREET, 2022 GRADING, SNOW, MOW, CANAL/JEWEL/WILLOW $5,000.00 MASTERCARD ANB, CITY, SEE ATTACHED $1,248.98 MICHAEL TODD, STREET, PARADE CONES $332.70 MOS MINI MART, CITY, FUEL $749.89 ONE BILLING SOLUTIONS, EMS, JUNE BILLING $1,077.79 SOUTHWEST IA PLANNING CO, BUILDING, RENTAL INSPECTIONS $810.00 TREASURER STATE OF IA, CITY, SALES AND USE TAX JUNE 23 $504.62 TREASURER STATE OF IA, CITY, WATER EXCISE TAX JUNE 23 $2,211.48 US POSTMASTER, WATER, WATER BILLING JULY $460.00 WASHINGTON NATL, CITY, INSURANCE B KOCHER $33.00 FED/FICA, TAXES $- PAYROLL, WAGES $- TOTAL $55,737.67 Sherman Struble, Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 8-2-23