City of Pisgah City Hall – Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2024 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order: Mayor B Mitsch @ 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: S Baumfalk, M Dreesen, L …


City of Pisgah City Hall – Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2024 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order: Mayor B Mitsch @ 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: S Baumfalk, M Dreesen, L McWilliams, N Madsen & K Wilson; Mayor B Mitsch - City Employees; T Noah, H Nejedly Approval of Agenda: 1st L McWilliams 2nd M Dreesen Yes – 5-0 Approval of Minutes and Bills: 1st K Wilson 2nd M Dreesen Yes – 5-0 Approval of Financial Report: 1st S Baumfalk 2nd N Madsen Yes – 5-0 Visitors: Two Harrison County Deputies, City Attorney C Fichter, D Nelson, Members of the Beers family & (R Woodward, late arrival) Mayor and/or Commission Reports: N Madsen – Parks & Sewer, M Dreesen – Water, R Woodward Landfill Commission, S Baumfalk – EMA Public In-Put: None Old Business: New Business: * Campground Billing Complaint – D Nelson: Ms. Nelson wanted to discuss whether reservations for camping spots and possibly an online web service could be implemented for the City Park. Current policy is – first come first served & will remain in place. * Replace Old Sign on Oak St with “Children at Play” – L McWilliams: Motion was made to order four signs; 1st L McWilliams 2nd S Baumfalk – Yes 5-0 * Heather’s Final Resignation: H Nejedly’s last day will be Thursday June 27, 2024 * Volunteers to Repair Vandalized/Damaged Playground Equipment: M Dreesen agreed to volunteer to help with repairs and suggested T Noah delegate and prioritize the jobs needed. L McWilliams suggested setting a clean-up date for the whole town to get involved in restoring the vandalized parks. * Property Clean up and Mowing Letters: Attorney C Fichter recommended that the City should enforce the current codes on properties that are out of compliance. There are several properties that need significate repairs and maintenance and several that could be condemned in their current condition. The Council agreed that these properties are an issue for the town and residents and agreed to have the City Attorney start action. Motion to approve; 1st M Dreesen 2nd K Wilson Yes – 5-0 * ICAP Insurance Renewal: Council approved; 1st L McWilliams 2nd M Dreesen Yes – 5-0 * Country Corner Liquor License: Council approved; 1st K Wilson 2nd N Madsen Yes – 5-0 Clerk Report: H Nejedly’s resignation is due to being weary of the continuous town drama and the negative effect it has on her. Maintenance, Water and Sewer Report: T Noah – Reported; New surveillance cameras will be installed around town and in the Parks on July 3rd. The new pumphouse Electrical Panel will be installed soon, leaving only the installation of outside electrical panels. The new lawnmower with accessories will be delivered Friday June 21st and was paid for with Grant money from the Jimmy King Foundation. T Noah asked to start the processes of repairs to metal pole building on old shop lot. Motion made to start the renovation process of the building; 1st M Dreesen 2nd S Baumfalk Yes – 5-0 T Noah – Informed the Council that he cannot continue to do the Maintenance Job – Clerk / Billing Work – Water & Sewer Operator and City Administration, unless he is given relief of his 24 hours a day 7 days a week on call schedule. He has been working these hours for almost ten years with little to no vacation time or breaks and he has had enough. If given help and his hours were under forty per week, he would be willing to do Administration, Grant Writing and keep his Water / Sewer Licenses. If the council cannot provide a solution he will be resigning from all positions as of November 1st 2024. He made note that his contract states that he is not required to be on call 24/7 and that the city is in violation of a written contract, but there has been no one else to cover some of this time. Motion made to advertise for a Maintenance position with job description; 1st M Dreesen 2nd L McWilliams Yes – 5-0 Fire Department: T Noah – Reported that he was able to purchase more equipment and improve one of their fire trucks, paid for by another Jimmy King Foundation Grant. The next Fundraiser will be scheduled for late fall. Open Discussion: Harrison County Deputies recommended that the council enforce the city ordinances and take action as needed, and they will continue to offer support when necessary. Motion to Adjourn – 1st N Madsen 2nd M Dreesen Yes – 5-0 @ 7:55 p.m. Brad Mitsch, Mayor ATTEST: Todd Noah, Administrator MVTN 7-3-24