Harrison County Supervisors Meeting March 23, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with member Brian Rife in attendance. Tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Rife, second …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting March 23, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with member Brian Rife in attendance. Tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Attendance: Deputy Auditor Elizabeth Lenz, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson, Terry Crawford, Ben Nuzum, Tim Collison, John Thomas, and Helen Carritt. Water Improvement Project Terry Crawford, Sundquist Engineering, Ben Nuzum, Little Sioux City Clerk, and Tim Collison, Little Sioux Water presented a draft of a proposal for a water project that could potentially involve the City of Little Sioux, the unincorporated city of River Sioux, and Woodland Campground. The project is based on providing fire protection and improving the economic development of these areas. The project will cost approximately 4 million dollars and a USDA grant has been applied for. The City of Little Sioux would hold the debt for this project but would need Harrison County to sign a 28E agreement. Tim Collison expressed concerns with adding Woodland Campground. He felt that the campground would overwhelm the system, especially in the summer. The Board felt like this is an important project and asked to meet again when more information is available. Hungry Canyons Alliance John Thomas, program director for Hungry Canyons Alliance, is visiting all counties involved in the Hungry Canyons Alliance. Mr. Thomas explained that the straightening of our streams and rivers allowed them to become deeper causing damage to the infrastructures on these rivers and streams. Hungry Canyons Alliance was formed to help with this problem. Counties involved donate $5,000.00 yearly per county. Twenty projects have been completed costing approximately $525,000. The Board thanked Mr. Thomas for coming in. Hiring of Deputy Brandon Doiel, Harrison County Sheriff, spoke with the Board regarding adding an additional deputy. Mr. Doiel stated that calls have gone up considerably, stating that in 2015 there were 6.500 calls and in 2022 there were 13,600 calls. Mr. Doiel feels that increased calls along with additional programs added to the work load for deputies, makes the additional deputy warranted. The Board agreed and on a motion by Rife, second by Straight, the hiring of a new deputy was unanimously approved. Window Contract On a motion by Rife, second by Straight, the window replacement project contract with Chicago Lumber was unanimously approved. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $10,494.90 was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Engineer County Engineer Steven Struble met with the Board. Project updates included: Jefferson #1 Bridge over Boyer River on Parker Trail – contractor is removing the old Bailey Truss bridge one section at a time. It is 90% completed. Douglas 13 Bridge Replacement Project on Tama Trail – Engineer Struble received an email from the Assistant State Conservationist. No definite answer yet whether they will allow the headwall modification. Taylor #12 Bridge on F50 over Allen Creek Final construction documentation has been submitted. Morgan #3 Bridge Replacement Project on K-45 south of the Soldier River The wetland decision will not be made until after a wetlands consultant makes a formal determination this spring. FM Asphalt Resurfacing on Toledo Avenue south of Dunlap 4.2 Miles Project was let by IDOT on March 21st. The lowest bid was Western Engineering Co., Inc. $1,492.214.79. OttaSeal Asphalt Surfacing on Panora Ave-Willow Creek 6.4 Miles to Monona County Line Project was let by IDOT on March 21st. The lowest bid was Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation, A/K/A ASTECH Corp. $820,869.79 Mr. Struble also updated the Board regarding equipment and office activities. FY24 Budget Megan Reffett presented the Board with different salary proposals. Claims Claims, as presented, were stamped for approval. Comments Comments from Rebecca Wilkerson were heard regarding the county’s reserve funds. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. ATTEST: Elizabeth Lenz, Deputy Auditor John Straight, Chairman MVTN 3-29-23