MOWING NOTICE According to City Code, Chapter 135.03, mowing of grass in the street is unlawful. The City would appreciate it if all property owners would make sure they do not mow their grass into …


MOWING NOTICE According to City Code, Chapter 135.03, mowing of grass in the street is unlawful. The City would appreciate it if all property owners would make sure they do not mow their grass into the street as this clogs the storm sewers and backs them up when we have heavy rainfall. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.369) Also, According to City Code, Chapter 135.10, the City would like to remind property owners that all grass, weeds, vines and brush must not exceed 12 inches in height. If the growth exceeds 12 inches, the City will send one courtesy notice giving you 5 days to cut it. If not cut, the City Administrator shall order the work to be done and you will be billed accordingly including any administrative fees. Thank you for your cooperation with the above city ordinances. CITY OF LOGAN MVTN 5-3-23