NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON DESIGNATION OF EXPANDED 410 WALKER URBAN RENEWAL AREA AND ON PROPOSED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AMENDMENT Notice Is Hereby Given: That at 6:30 p.m., at the City Council Chambers, Woodbine, Iowa, on September 11, 2024, the City Council of the City of Woodbine will hold a public hearing on the question of amending the urban renewal plan (the “Plan”) for the 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area and designating an expanded 410 Walker Urban Renewal Area (the “Urban Renewal Area”), pursuant to Chapter 403, Code of Iowa, by adding and including all the property described as follows: Lots 22, 23, and 24 of Block 38, in the Town of Woodbine, Harrison County, Iowa. The proposed amendment to the Plan brings the property described above under the Plan and makes it subject to the provisions of the Plan. The amendment (1) covers the addition of the Property to the Urban Renewal Area; and (2) authorizes the undertaking of a new urban renewal project in the Urban Renewal Area consisting of providing tax increment financing support to 504 Walker LLC (the “Company”) in connection with the construction by the Company of a commercial building. A copy of the amendment is on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. At said hearing any interested person may file written objections or comments and may be heard orally with respect to the subject matters of the hearing. Toni Hanson Waite City Clerk MVTN 9-4-24