Dom McDowell, Theron Felner and Remington West sing "The Twelve Days AFTER Christmas" during the Missouri Valley holiday concert last week.
Aaron Hickman
AJ Majors plays xylophone during the Missouri Valley High School band's performance.
Aaron Hickman
Vylette Anderson plays drums and triangle during a Missouri Valley band performance.
Aaron Hickman
Ashley Hoden performs a saxophone solo during a Missouri Valley Jazz Band performance of "Salsa Caliente."
Aaron Hickman
Trinity Konsbruck plays xylophone during the Missouri Valley Jazz Band's performance of "Salsa Caliente."
Aaron Hickman
Alex Wright tickles the keys during the Missouri Valley Jazz Band's performance of "Salsa Caliente."
Aaron Hickman
Hannah Gutzmer plays the bass guitar during a Missouri Valley High School band performance of "Christmas 'a la' Big Band."
Aaron Hickman
Lilly Kraushaar plays the flute during a Missouri Valley Middle School band performance of "The Christmas Truce of 1914."
Aaron Hickman
Noah Staben plays tuba during a Missouri Valley Middle School band performance of "Holiday Bells Are Ringing."
Aaron Hickman
Alexis Bremholm plays trombone with the Missouri Valley High School band.
Aaron Hickman
Tayvin Felner plays a trumpet solo during a Missouri Valley Jazz Band performance of "Salsa Caliente."
Aaron Hickman
Missouri Valley seniors Caitlin Windschitl and Adam Meadows jam out during a performance of "Trickle, Trickle."
Aaron Hickman
Audrey Forbus and Madison Staben recruit parents from the crowd to join in a performance of "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
Aaron Hickman
Matthew Bowder, Julian Everline and Graham Johnson sing for the Missouri Valley Middle School choir during last week's holiday concert.
Aaron Hickman
Kaylee Derengowski and Addy Kelly sing during performances by the Missouri Valley Middle School choir.
Aaron Hickman
Missouri Valley band director Sam Arrietta was the pear tree to Caitlin Windschitl's partridge during "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
Aaron Hickman
Dorothy (Jade Prest) peeks at The Scarecrow (Addy Kelly) during the MoShow, Jr. performance of selections from "The Wizard of Oz."
Aaron Hickman
Alli Goodsell sings with the Missouri Valley Middle School choir during last week's holiday concert.
Aaron Hickman
Abagail Anunson, Nora Liwai, Katy Kelly and Mackenzie Derengowski perform with the Missouri Valley High School choir.
Aaron Hickman
Tayvin Felner and Adam Meadows perform with the Missouri Valley High School choir at last week's holiday concert.
Aaron Hickman