Pisgah City Council Meeting SPECIAL MEETING October 20, 2020 Mayor Ron Woodward called The City of Pisgah Council meeting to order at 5:57 pm on October 20, 2020. Location was Pisgah Fire Hall. …


Pisgah City Council Meeting SPECIAL MEETING October 20, 2020 Mayor Ron Woodward called The City of Pisgah Council meeting to order at 5:57 pm on October 20, 2020. Location was Pisgah Fire Hall. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll Call: Present Mayor: Ronny Woodward, Council members: Scott Baumfalk, Lori McWilliam, Mike Carson, Meredith Jenson, Present Karen Wilson Absent Staff members: Todd Noah Maintenance, Christina Clark City Clerk Present. Visitors: Steve Strubble, Jeff Parks. M. Jenson motioned to allow Jeff Parks to start Clean up on the Outside of 301 1st St since he is in the process of purchasing property 2nd M. Carson, K. Wilson Absent Ayes: All, Nays: None Motion Carried. L. McWilliams motioned to Accept Building Permit on 308 1st St 2nd M. Jenson, K. Wilson Absent Ayes: All, Nays: None Motion Carried. S. Baumfalk motioned to accept the Bid to Resurface Main Street along with the County allowing the City to make 3 payments of $ 21,000 2nd by L. McWilliams, K. Wilson Absent Ayes: All, Nays: None Motion Carried. L. McWilliams motioned to Adjourn meeting at 7:20 p.m. 2nd by M. Carson, K. Wilson Absent Ayes: All, Nays: None Motion Carried. Ronny Woodward, Mayor ATTEST: Christina Clark, City Clerk MVTN 11-11-20