REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 – 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on …


REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 – 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour. Mayor Pro Tem Vandemark called the meeting to order with the following members present: LENNING, VANDEMARK, GAU, MANN. Bantam & Mayor Cogdill were absent. Mayor Pro Tem Vandemark led the pledge of allegiance. Motion Lenning/Mann to approve the agenda. Ayes: 3, Gau voted no, Motion carried 3-1. Motion Gau/Mann to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 6/12/2024 & 6/19/2024, b) approve the bills/receipts as presented, c) approve Cash & Investment reports – June 2024, d) approve Budget Report - June 2024 Ayes: 4 Motion carried. Mayor Report: None Citizen Input – Brecinda Blum spoke on putting usage on gas bills, and putting ordinances on line. Craig Kelley spoke on combining Woodbine Municipal Light & Power with City of Woodbine. John Kerger spoke on garbage collection. Motion Gau/Mann to table discussion and possible motion directing city staff to work on Garbage Contracts. Ayes: 3, Mann voted no, Motion carried 3-1. Motion Gau/Mann to approve Res. #2024-33 setting Public Hearing for TIF Agreement with NuStyle at 518 Walker St. Ayes: 4 Motion carried. Motion Lenning/Mann to approve Res #2024-34 correcting the name on the development agreement dated June 29, 2021 from Todd Heistand to Harvest Hills at Woodbine, LLC. Ayes: 4 Motion carried. City Administrator Koch reported she will look into gas consumption being printed on our bills, and clarified our gas disconnect and reconnect fees. Koch also reported the city has received no applications for the seasonal or fulltime employee. She suggested possibly increasing the wage, and agreed to other forms of advertisement. Motion Mann/Lenning to adjourn at 7:30pm. Ayes 4 Motion carried. MVTN 7-17-24