CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET January 22, 2024 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. Council Members DeWitt, Sporrer, Troshynski and Mayor McDonald were present. Council Member Hinkel and Moss were absent. Agenda item 4 was to approve the agenda. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to approve the agenda. 3 ayes. Agenda item 5 was approve consent agenda which consisted of approving the minutes of the January 8, 2024 regular meeting, setting the next meeting and budget work session date as February 5th, approve the claims register, approve building permits for Hank Gruver, 219 N 5th Ave, demolish and remove existing structure and Cheyann Straight, 203 E 7th St, electrical work. Motion was made by DeWitt and seconded by Sporrer to approve the consent agenda. 3 ayes. Agenda item 6 was to approve change order #1 in the amount of $9,250 on the N. 5th Ave. Street Improvements project to replace a sanitary sewer manhole. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to approve change order #1 in the amount of $9,250 on the N. 5th Ave. Street Improvements project to replace a sanitary sewer manhole. 3 ayes. Agenda item 7 was to discuss the option to purchase easements for the Safe Routs to School Trail Project. Craig Beedle talked to DOT District Engineer. City Clerk Winther will be designated contact agent. Agenda item 8 was to discuss the process of choosing the new design for the water tower painting project. City Clerk Winther will put on the next agenda for the council to vote on a design. Agenda item 9 was Mayor McDonald to appoint the Personnel Committee for 2024. Mayor McDonald appointed Council Member Hinkel and Council Member Sporrer to the Personnel Committee for 2024. Agenda item 10 was the Clerk’s report. Agenda item 11 was citizen’s questions/comments. There were none. Agenda item 12 was the Budget Work Session. Clerk Winther gave the council the budget timeline along with preliminary numbers and answered their questions. CLAIMS AETNA, INSURANCE, 26.28 AGRILAND FS, FUEL TANK LABELS, 26.15 BAKER & TAYLOR, BOOKS, 98.74 BUCY, EVELYN, SENIOR CENTER FOOD, 374.11 COUNSEL OFFICE & DOCUMENT, COPIER, 68.80 DEMCO, LABEL PROTECTORS, 100.03 DULTMEIER SALES, ACE PUMP, 1,063.36 FOLLET, SERVICE RENEWAL, 851.15 HARR CO REC, UTILITIES, 292.63 HYGIENIC LABORATORY, TESTS, 71.00 IA ASSOC OF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, DUES, 816.00 LSB PAYROLL TAXES, FED/FICA TAX, 3,863.32 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, UTILITIES, 232.53 MID AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL, DE-ICER, 134.73 MISSOURI VALLEY TIMES, LEGALS, 124.31 POLLARD WATER, BLUE WRENCH, 147.50 R & S WASTE DISPOSAL, TRASH SERVICE, 69.85 RDG PLANNING & DESIGN, WAYFINDING SIGN DESIGN, 5,000.00 SAMS CLUB, TRASH BAGS, SENIOR CENTER FOOD, 100.47 THE OFFICE STOP, BINDER CLIPS, 1.02 THINKSPACEIT, IT SERVICES, 205.00 UPS, SHIPPING, 45.16 VERIZON WIRELESS, CELL PHONE, 121.68 VISA, TOOL BOX, BOOKS, CLASS, TAX FORMS, 2,817.62 WINDSTREAM, TELEPHONE, 777.29 WINNELSON CO, WATER PLANT PARTS, BRINE PUMP PARTS, 1,398.66 PAYROLL CHECKS, PAYROLL CHECKS ON 01/08/2024, 12,807.73 CLAIMS TOTAL, 31,635.12 GENERAL FUND, 9,420.02 LIBRARY FUND, 2,483.01 ROAD USE FUND, 5,720.41 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND, 13.80 Community Visioning Proj FUND, 5,000.00 WATER FUND, 6,116.08 SEWER FUND, 2,881.80 Total, 31,635.12 Agenda item 13 was to adjourn. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Troshynski to adjourn. 3 ayes. Karen Androy, Deputy Clerk Attest: Clinton McDonald, Mayor MVTN 1-31-24