CITY OF LOGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 108 W. 4th STREET November 20, 2023 At 6:00 P.M. Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order. Agenda item 2 was the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda item 3 was roll call. Council Members Fisher, Scheuring, Sporrer and Mayor McDonald were present. Council Member Hinkel and Council Member Moss were absent. Agenda item 4 was to approve the agenda. Motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Sporrer to approve the agenda. 3 ayes. Agenda item 5 was approve consent agenda which consisted of approving the minutes of the November 13, 2023 regular meeting, setting the next meeting date as December 11th, approve the claims register and approve building permit for Doug Johnsen, 507 E 4th St, 40’ x 36’ shed. Motion was made by Fisher and seconded by Sporrer to approve the consent agenda. 3 ayes. Agenda item 6 was approve progress payment #1 in the amount of $27,740.00 to PowerTech for installation of Well Field Generator project. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Scheuring to approve progress payment #1 in the amount of $27,740.00 to PowerTech for installation of Well Field Generator project. 3 ayes. Agenda item 7 was approve Resolution 23-26: A resolution in support of an application for funding from the Transportation Alternatives Program for the Safe Routes to School & Recreational Trails Phase 1. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Fisher to approve Resolution 23-26: A resolution in support of an application for funding from the Transportation Alternatives Program for the Safe Routes to School & Recreational Trails Phase 1. 3 ayes. Agenda item 8 was approve payment of GAX 5 in the amount of $8,014.29 to NRG Ventures on the CDBG-DR housing project. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Scheuring to approve the payment of GAX 5 in the amount of $8,014.29 to NRG Ventures on the CDBG-DR housing project. 3 ayes. Agenda item 9 was the Clerk’s report. Agenda item 10 was citizen’s questions/comments. Mat Gross updated the Council on the Shiverfest event on Dec. 1st. CLAIMS CENGAGE LEARNING, LARGE PRINT BOOKS, 383.80 DARCY MAULSBY, PROGRAM, 225.00 FELD EQUIPMENT CO, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INSPECTION, 220.00 FERGUSON WATERWORKS, WATER METER, 1,191.81 HARR CO REC, UTILITIES, 279.38 LOFTUS HEATING, FURNACE REPAIR, 178.00 LSB PAYROLL TAXES, FED/FICA TAX, 3,599.81 MICROFILM, PRINTER, 30.00 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, UTILITIES, 153.78 MISSOURI VALLEY TIMES, LEGALS, 245.52 NRG VENTURES, LLC, CDBG-DR NRG GAX 5, 8,014.29 POSTMASTER, POSTAGE, 438.00 POWERTECH, LLC, WELL FIELD GENERATOR LABOR, 27,740.00 PROTECH, SNOW PLOWS REPAIR, 700.16 THINKSPACEIT, IT MANAGEMENT, 205.00 UPS, SHIPPING, 69.70 VERIZON WIRELESS, CELL PHONE, 121.65 VISA, BOOKS, YARD SIGNS, OFFICE SUPPLIES, 1,413.00 WINDSTREAM, TELEPHONE, 687.41 PAYROLL CHECKS, PAYROLL CHECKS ON 11/13/2023, 11,790.73 CLAIMS TOTAL, 57,687.04 GENERAL FUND, 8,820.80 LIBRARY FUND, 1,897.43 ROAD USE FUND, 3,422.35 URBAN HOUSING GRANT FUND, 8,014.29 WATER FUND, 32,938.51 SEWER FUND, 2,593.66 Total, 57,687.04 Agenda item 11 was to adjourn. Motion was made by Sporrer and seconded by Scheuring to adjourn. 3 ayes. Karen Androy, Deputy Clerk Attest: Clint McDonald, Mayor MVTN 11-29-23