CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY JUNE 20, 2023 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council …


CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY JUNE 20, 2023 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Swanson-Keizer, Stueve, Struble, Taylor, and Tuttle. Citizens attending were: Adam Bellis, Barb w/ SWITA, Evelyn Marshall, Linda Coddington, Forest Dooley, Milinda Coddington, Dakoda Tish, Jeannie Wortman, Mary Jo Buckley, Steve Smith, Lee Lange, Katie Moyer, and Roger Marshall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Taylor made a motion to approve Agenda for June 20, 2023, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. After questions about claims, a motion to approve the Consent Agenda; a) Minutes from June 6, 2023, Council Meeting, b) Claims list, c) Utility Reconciliation Report for May 2023, d) Park Board Minutes from June 7, 2023, e) Cigarette/Tabacco/Nicotine/Vapor permits, f) Liquor License; was made by Struble, second by Stueve. Motion passes. Citizen Inquiry: Jeannie Wortman addressed Council about the Buss Center holding high school equivalency classes, and reminded Council about Music in the Park. Mayor Kelly read Proclamation for Public Transit, South West Iowa Transit Agency. The City Council of Missouri Valley proclaims that the month of June 2023 is Ride Transit Month in Missouri Valley, IA. Project Update: Jeff Frey and Jake Zimmerer discussed with Council about the Street Project starting construction this week on Superior St. Completion date is expected to be finished next Spring, if not earlier. Received DNR permit for Well #6, waiting on the abstract of property we are using to set bid date. Zimmerer requested permission to set a date when he receives the abstract. Motion to approve setting of bid date, pending USDA approval made by Struble, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Frey updated Council on the Highway 30 Water Main. He explained that the pipe broke when they dug up the pipe to put a new casing on. He also explained how the rest of the line is in very bad shape. They are looking at different possibilities and the best route to fix the connection. Zimmerer reminded Council of the DOT and Corp meeting next Thursday night, June 29th. Zimmerer discussed valve replacements at the Waste Water Plant at the Lagoons with Tish from People Service. He will get some specs put together and give them to the contractor. Park Board Update: Buckley updated Council on Picnic Tables. They have 11 sold. They are six to nine weeks out. Stueve questioned the Park bathrooms being locked on the weekends. Mayor Kelly said we will follow up with the situation. People Service Update: Tish discussed the water main break where Bluffs Paving was installing the new line, they completed all the bacteria samples which came back clean, monthly samples are done and clean, updated fire suspension line at the Buss Center, assisted McLaughlin’s with the installation of new meter pit, and oversaw Bluffs Paving when they were digging the new casing. Discussion was held about two Boruff invoices that PeopleService was charged. 409 W Huron and 118 N 6th St service lines and curb stops were repaired. Council recommended sending out letters with our ordinance to the owners. Motion to approve Resolution 23-17 Appointing Marilyn Swanson-Keizer made by Taylor, second by Struble. Roll call: Ayes-Tuttle, Struble, Stueve, and Taylor. Abstain-Swanson-Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to hire Wyatt Love as a Career EMT with the start date of June 26, 2023, made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 23-20 Setting Wage for Career EMT made by Taylor, second by Swanson-Keizer. Roll Call: Ayes-Tuttle, Struble, Stueve, Taylor, and Swanson-Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 23-21 for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Allocation made by Struble, second by Taylor. Roll Call Ayes-Tuttle, Swanson-Keizer, Struble, Stueve, and Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 23-22 Approving the Transfer of funds from Emergency Fund to General Fund made by Taylor, second by Struble. Roll Call: Ayes-Tuttle, Swanson-Keizer, Struble, Stueve, and Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 23-23 Approving the Transfer of Funds from Various Funds to Debt Service Fund made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Roll Call: Ayes-Taylor, Tuttle, Stueve, Struble, and Swanson-Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 23-24 Approving the Transfer of Funds from Various Funds to Capital Projects Fund made by Taylor, second by Struble. Roll Call: Ayes-Taylor, Struble, Stueve, Swanson-Keizer, and Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to allow City Clerk to pay bills thru June 30, 2023, made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to approve Invoice #8 from 500 E Erie St. LLC in the amount of $23,837.00 to be reimbursed by CDBG grant funds made by Tuttle, second by Stueve. Motion passes. Motion to adopt 3rd reading of Ordinance 605 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Missouri Valley, Iowa, by Amending Chapter 69, Parking Regulations. Roll Call: Ayes- Stueve, Taylor, Struble, Swanson-Keizer, and Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to adopt Ordinance 605 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Missouri Valley, Iowa, by Amending Chapter 69, Parking Regulations. Roll Call: Ayes- Stueve, Tuttle, Taylor, Struble, and Swanson-Keizer. Motion to allow Mayor to sign SWIPCO Administrative Assistance Contract Addendum relating to CDBG-CV Program made by Struble, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to allow Mayor to sign Olmsted & Perry Amendment No. 1 to the Owner/Engineer Agreement for the 2022 Street Improvement Project made by Taylor, second by Struble. Motion passes. Motion to approve the proposal from Thrasher to repair cracks and lift settled concrete at the Aquatic Center made by Stueve, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to approve the proposal from Rasmussen Mechanical Service to replace Aquatic Center pool boilers made by Stueve, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to approve annually placing signs on the pool fence along Highway 30 for the Woodbine Rodeo and the Mo Valley Rally made by Stueve, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to allow City Clerk to Certify the Community Water System Risk and Resilience Assessment with the USDA made by Stueve, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion on re-averaging sewer at 201 N 1st St, 516 N Boston St, and 311 S West St made by Tuttle, second by Taylor. Ayes-Tuttle, Swanson-Keizer, Struble, and Kevin. Nays-Stueve. Motion passes 4-1. Motion to change the date of the July 4, 2023, meeting to July 11, 2023, made by Tuttle, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to enter into closed session per IA Code 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation made by Taylor, second by Stueve. Roll Call: Ayes- Taylor, Stueve, Struble, Swanson-Keizer, and Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to enter into open Council Session. Roll Call: Ayes- Tuttle, Struble, Swanson-Keizer, Stueve, and Taylor. Motion passes. There were no actions from the closed session. Motion to approve Resolution 23-19 Setting Fiscal Year 23/24 Wages made by Stueve, second by Taylor. Roll Call: Ayes- Stueve, Taylor, Struble, Swanson-Keizer, and Tuttle. Motion passes. After some council comments, Colglazier reminded Council of the Special Meeting on June 29, 2023. Motion to adjourn made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. 500 E ERIE ST LLC, CITY, CDBG PAYMENT 7 $25,023.75 BEAR GROVE CHAINSAW, PARK, LAST HALF OF CARVING PAYMENT $975.00 INDUSTRIAL CHEM LABS, SEWER, DEGREASER FOR LIFT STATION $305.88 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY, CITY, MUNICIPAL PROFESSIONAL TRAINING L HANKINS $512.00 LONGVIEW TOWNHOMES, CITY, TIF $14,834.48 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, CITY, ELECTRICITY $7,780.44 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, CITY, SUMMIT PARK LIGHT $11.92 MILLER FUEL & OIL, STREET, FUEL $2,430.00 SCANTRON, CITY, CYBER BACKUP $88.80 SCANTRON, CITY, CYBER SECURITY $72.00 PAID 6/20/2023 ADVANTAGE ADMINISTRATION, CITY, JUNE 2023 SERVICE FEE $99.75 BAKER & TAYLOR, LIBRARY, BOOKS $958.03 BLAIR ACE HARDWARE, WATER, PRESSURE WASHER FOR PLANT $189.00 BONHAM, WESLEY, CEMETERY, MOWING CONTRACT #2 $4,833.34 BUSINESS CLEANING SOLUTIONS, LIBRARY, JANIRORIAL SERVICE - MAY C&H HAULING, LIBRARY/CITY, TRASH MAY $240.00 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICE, CITY, JUNE-JULY COPIER CONTRACT $137.80 CAPITAL TX, FIRE/EMS, COPIER $40.00 CHI HEALTH CHICAGO, EMS, N. DOOLEY PHYSICAL $413.72 CHI HEALTH MV, POLICE/PARK, MED TESTING $65.00 CINTAS, PARK/STREET, UNIFORMS $292.00 CJS FUTURE, POOL, POOL KEYS AND SPRAYER $30.97 COUNTRY HDWE & SUPPLY, STREET, CONCRETE MIX $27.45 DESOTO BEND MINI MART, STREET/FIRE, FUEL $288.84 GERHOLD CONCRETE, STREET, FIX RD BY PENNYS AND FIX CURBS $1,587.11 HAWKEYE, STREET, DUMP BODY $5,230.00 HORNBECK TURF & TREE, PARK, 2 YR TREATMENT FOR ASH BORER $249.00 JP COOKE, POOL, POOL TAGS $81.95 MAX SPEED GRAPHIX, FIRE, TSHIRTS FOR FIRE DEPT $750.00 MIDWEST LABORATORIES, WATER, SUPPLIES & TESTS $170.05 MOS MINI MART, CITY, FUEL $832.11 MV TIMES NEWS, CITY, LEGALS & PROOF $98.73 MV TIMES NEWS, LIBRARY, CLASSIFIED LIBRARIAN $25.60 MV TIMES NEWS, WATER, WATER QUALITY REPORT $132.44 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FIN, CITY, POSTAGE LEASE $143.91 PRESTO X, CITY/POLICE, PEST CONTROL $144.64 SANDRY FIRE SUPPLY, FIRE, NEW HOSES $5,000.00 SEALEY, LAUREN, POLICE, REIBURSEMENT BELT $77.84 SHOTWELL GLASS, FIRE, REPAIR WINDSHIELD SUBURBAN $49.95 SIGN DEPOT, EMS, SHIRTS FOR EMS $120.00 TAYLOR OIL, PD/FIRE/EMS, FUEL $289.08 THE OFFICE STOP, LIBRARY, PRINTER, INK, SHARPNER $1,511.86 THE OFFICE STOP, CITY, BINDER CLIPS $2.44 TREASURER STATE OF IA, CITY, WATER EXCISE TAX MAY 2023 $2,155.36 TREASURER STATE OF IA, CITY, SALES AND USE TAX MAY 2023 $515.45 UNITY POINT CLINIC, CITY, MED TESTING $84.00 US POSTMASTER, WATER, UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $460.00 WASHINGTON NATL, LIBRARY, JUNE 2023 B KOCHER INSURANCE $33.00 WASHINGTON NATL, LIBRARY, MAY 2023 B KOCHER INSURANCE $33.00 WEX BANK, FD/EMS, FUEL $405.09 FED/FICA, TAXES $8,385.94 PAYROLL, WAGES $37,075.37 TOTAL $73,259.82 Shawn Kelly, Mayor Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 7-5-23