CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2023 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following …


CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2023 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Tuttle, Keizer, Struble, Stueve, and Taylor. Citizen’s attending was Dakoda Tish, Jeannie Wortman, Loree Hankins, Evelyn Marshall, Jerry Keizer, Mary Jo Buckley, Troy Morasco, John Harrison, Anitah Garmann, Rich Gochenour, Eric Davis, Katie Moyer, and Roger Marshall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion to approve Agenda for November 21, 2023, made by Struble, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to approve Consent Agenda a) Minutes from November 14, 2023, Council Meeting, and b) Claims list made by Tuttle, second by Stueve. Motion passes. Citizen Inquiry: Mary Jo Buckley questioned the Council on the procedures for dog complaints. She would like to know what happens next. Katie Moyer, a city employee, addressed the Council concerning recent discussions about employee benefits. Dakoda Tish with People Service updated Council on the removal of dead meters and radios, still working on the hydrant at 8th and Erie, main break on Blaine and Erie, change out of fluoride pump at WTP, other issues at the WTP, pumps at Highway 30 and Willow Road, Willow Park Lift Station is working well, and DNR reports for Lagoons. The council had questions regarding the City’s Health insurance renewal. Eric Willis joined via Zoom to answer those questions. Keizer questioned if switching to HMO would allow us to use doctors in Nebraska. Willis answered sometimes yes and sometimes no for doctors and hospitals to be in-network. Colglazier asked Willis to explain the price increase. Willis explained that the numbers they are taking into account are just the premium dollars going out each month. He explained that a partial self-fund is a very good benefit and it is customizable. Motion to approve Health Insurance Renewal made by Struble, second by Taylor. Ayes-Taylor, Tuttle, Struble, and Keizer. Abstain-Stueve. Motion passes 4-1. Motion to reimburse a citizen for damages sustained on Blaine and Erie caused by the pothole from the main break made by Stueve, second by Struble. Ayes-Stueve and Struble. Nay’s- Taylor, Tuttle, and Keizer. Motion fails 3-2. Discussion about soccer program. The council needs more information about the Lease. A sample Lease was handed to Eric Davis with the YEA. Davis will go over it and make the necessary changes. He will bring it back to the Council for review. Colglazier questioned if the City should be a fiscal sponsor, or if the City should finance the equipment and apply for grants. Motion to approve the annual representative appointment of Sherman Struble to the Harrison County Landfill Commission, term expiring 12/31/2024 made by Taylor, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to enter into an occupational Health Contract with MCH in Blair for the Missouri Valley Fire Department made by Taylor, second by Struble. Motion passes. Motion to approve Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Annual Financial Report made by Struble, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 23-43 FY 22/23 Annual Urban Renewal Report made by Struble, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to approve 1st reading of Ordinance 609 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Missouri Valley, Iowa by amending provisions pertaining to Library Trustees made by Keizer, second by Struble. Motion passes. Motion to wave 2nd and 3rd readings of Ordinance 609 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Missouri Valley, Iowa by amending provisions pertaining to Library Trustees made by Struble, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to adopt Ordinance 609 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Missouri Valley, Iowa by amending provisions pertaining to Library Trustees made by Struble, second by Taylor. Motion passes. No Council comments. Mayor Kelly congratulated those who won a seat on the Council in the recent election. Colglazier stated that she has been approached about a piece of City property that someone would like to purchase, the AYSO proposal she emailed, Willow Lake Open House, DOT and UP updates, and getting rid of daily reports for city employees. Motion to adjourn made by Taylor, second by Struble. Motion passes. BAKER & TAYLOR, LIBRARY, BOOKS, $708.09 BLAIR ACE HARDWARE, CITY HALL, SMOKE ALARMS, $119.94 CANON FINANCIAL, CITY HALL, NOVEMBER COPIER CONTRACT, $214.18 CHI MV, PARK, MED TESTING C MYER, $20.00 CJS, PARK/STREET, BB NET, ADHESIVE, NUTS&BOLTS, KEY, $54.22 COMPASS UTILITY, STREET, 2022 ST RECONSTRUCTION PAYMENT 3, $68,503.63 DONOVAN, RYAN, LIBRARY, WINDOW WASHING, $100.00 GALLS, POLICE, BADGE L PETERSON, $13.60 GREGORY, DANIEL, EMS, REIMBURSEMENT BATTERIES, $13.98 GUINAN HEATING, PARK, FURNACE AT GROOMS HALL, $1,777.69 HARRISON CO ENGINEER, STREET, PAVEMENT MARKING RAIL ROAD, $250.00 HIGHWAY SIGNING INC, STREET, PAINTING STREET LINES, $3,125.00 HYDRO OPTIMIZATION, WATER, WTP&WELLS 2022 CONTROL SYSTEM, $44,912.50 KLINE, DANIEL, POLICE, TRAINING-FUEL REIMBURSEMENT, $22.42 LANGE, LEE, POLICE, TRAINING-FOOD REIMBURSEMENT, $20.66 MCLAUGHLINS SEPTIV, SEWER, SEWER REPAIR 803 N 1ST ST, $3,926.24 MJS FLOWERS, CITY, DIRT AND STICKS FOR PLANTERS, $254.04 MONROE, KEITH, STREET, REIMBURSEMENT SAFETY GLASSES, $300.00 MOTION AUTO, POLICE, OIL CHANGE, $70.09 MUSFELDT, JACOB, POLICE, TRAINING-FOOD REIMBURSEMENT, $20.12 MV TIMES NEWS, CITY, MINUTES AND ORDINANCE 608, $194.93 OLMSTED & PERRY, CITY, 2020 USDA WELL IMPROVEMENTS, $7,250.00 OLMSTED & PERRY, CITY, GENERAL-HGWY 30 BYPASS, $1,140.00 PEOPLE SERVICE, WATER/SEWER, CONTRACT DECEMBER, $22,439.00 RESOURCE RENTAL, STREET, AUGAR FOR SPEED SIGNS, $185.00 SIGN DEPOT, EMS, SHIRTS, $119.00 TELRITE CORP, CITY/POLICE, LONG DISTANCE, $50.55 THE LIBRARY STORE, LIBRARY, BOOK JACKET COVERS, $72.50 THE OFFICE STOP, LIBRARY, LINER, $45.99 ZIEGLER, STREET, LAMPS,PLATES,BULBS FOR FRONT END LOADER, $89.41 ADVANTAGE ADMINISTRATION, CITY, INSURANCE, $265.21 WELLMARK BCBS, CITY, DEC 23 HEALTH INSURANCE, $21,715.10 HSA, CITY, EMPOLYEE BENEFIT, $475.00 FED/MED/SS, CITY, TAXES, $10,995.56 PAYROLL, CITY, PAYROLL, $32,457.15 TOTAL, $221,920.80 FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES, GENERAL, $30,131.51 STEAM TRAIN PROJECT, $1,777.69 FIRE DEPARTMENT, EMS DEPARTMENT, $4,380.54 ROAD USE, $11,550.05 EMPLOYEE BENEFITSS, $18,490.00 2021 PROJECTS, $52,162.50 2022 PROJECTS, $68,503.63 WATER, $15,499.32 SEWER, $19,425.56 TOTAL, $221,920.80 Shawn Kelly, Mayor Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 11-29-23