City of Modale City Council Meeting Minutes April 29, 2024 A special meeting of the Modale City Council was held on April 29, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. …


City of Modale City Council Meeting Minutes April 29, 2024 A special meeting of the Modale City Council was held on April 29, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers present were Blair Adams, Kathy Dugdale, Tammy Cooperrider, Chris Skinner and Terigene Tiffey. Mayor James Cox was absent. Visitors present were Sid Jackson-Marshall, Troy Groth, Dustin Wallis & Johnny Coopperrider. Staff present was Shauna Gerke. CONSENT: Tiffey made a motion to approve the consent agenda, Skinner seconded. Motion passed 5-0. BUDGET: At 7:01 Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale opened the FY25 budget hearing. At 7:04 Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale closed the FY25 budget hearing. Cooperrider made a motion to adopt the 2024-2025 budget via resolution 2024-01, Skinner seconded. Motion passed 5-0. ORDINANCE: The first reading of amending CHAPTER 6-5 UTILITIES was made. Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale opened the public hearing at 7:11. Discussion of the amended ordinance as presented was had. Gerke is to change the included gallons to 2000 and change the usage fee from $7.50 per 1000 gal. to $0.75 per 100 gal. over the 2000 gal. base, with a flat $40 fee for sewer. Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale closed the public hearing at 7:15. This matter has been tabled to the regular meeting on May 13th. Resident Jackson-Marshall requested Marty contact her regarding manganese in her water. SEWER: The operations manual was tabled until Troy could get some more information from IDNR and could put together a quote. Change order #7 and Pay App #12 were presented. Since the CO was not on the Agenda, that item is tabled until the May meeting. However, both matters were discussed and Tiffey made a motion to accept pay app #12 in the amount of $32,771.20, Skinner seconded. Motion passed 5-0. The resolution accepting the work has been tabled to May 13th. UTILITY: All properties must be charged the sewer fee per ordinance. If any property has their water shut off, they are not to be charged the base rate for water during the time it is shut off. However, the shut off and turn on fees still apply. Gerke to double check all accounts are coded correctly and will adjust any over or under charges. VIOLATIONS/APPROVALS: It was requested that Gerke write violation letters to 208 W Anderson, 401 E Palmer and 402 E Palmer. It was further requested that she investigate what it would take to acquire the property at 206 W Anderson. A note reminding residents that it is a violation of city ordinance to put grass clippings on city streets was also requested. The Past Due Plan agreements and tax lien letters were reviewed and approved. Tiffey made a motion to approve submitting lien requests to the Assessor. Adams seconded. Motion passed 5-0. REPORTING: We were way behind on reporting. Gerke has the majority of it caught up, except some 2023 in the amount of $16,708.42. The funds are set aside, but Gerke requested Council approval to expend the funds since the amount is so large. Gerke is to look into whether or not the City is considered a 501(c)3. Also, there may be $12,058.17 left in the ARPA grant to purchase additional water meters. Gerke is to confirm. EVENTS: The Fire Department has requested usage of the borrow pit at the old ballfields for a mud volleyball event. The Council gave approval, conditional on each participant signing a waiver. Dugdale gave an update on the time capsule and Honor Roll Square. The time capsule will be opened at 10 a.m. on July 13th at the Legion/Veterans Plaza (Honor Roll Square). The Honor Roll Square will be dedicated after the parade in September, and there will be a beer garden at the 150th celebration in September. Tiffey made a motion to adjourn. Cooperrider seconded the motion; motion carried with a 5-0 vote. Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Kathy Dugdale, Mayor Pro Tem Shauna Gerke, City Clerk These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to Council approval at the next regular meeting. Full copies of these minutes will be available at City Hall. Minutes can be sent via email. MVTN 5-8-24