City of Modale City Council Meeting Minutes May 13, 2024 The regular meeting of the Modale City Council was held on May 13, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Dudgale called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. …


City of Modale City Council Meeting Minutes May 13, 2024 The regular meeting of the Modale City Council was held on May 13, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Dudgale called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers present were Blair Adams, Kathy Dugdale, Tammy Cooperrider, and Chris Skinner. Terigene Tiffey and James Cox were excused. Visitors present were Jason Pavlik, Julie and Mark Long. Staff present were Marty Skinner and Shauna Gerke. Skinner made a motion to approve the consent agenda, Cooperrider seconded. Motion carried 4-0. PUB WORKS: Hydrants are being flushed. Gerke to confirm the amount of ARPA funds spent on the auto-read water meters. Memorial benches discussed. Skinner made a motion to spend $900 or so on a load of rock for E Anderson. Cooperrider seconded, motion carried 4-0. BLDG PERMITS: Three permits were presented. Cooperrider made a motion to approve Cox, Adams seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Adams made a motion to approve Hughes, Skinner seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Skinner made a motion to approve Long with variance of ord. 6-12-3. Cooperrider seconded, motion carried 3-1-0 with Dugdale abstaining. SEWER: Adams made a motion to accept Change Order #7, Skinner seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Cooperrider made a motion to order the operations manual from Sundquist, Skinner seconded. Motion carried 4-0. M. Skinner will check with DNR regarding the fence. Resolution 2024-02 to accept the work was read. Adams made a motion to adopt said resolution, Cooperrider seconded. Motion carried 4-0. CITIZENS: Current ordinances do not allow containers on residential property. Variances or permits were discussed, issue tabled to a future meeting. Awareness needs to be spread regarding the Legion Hall being a designated storm shelter for residents. FIRE: Resolution 2024-03 to purchase a 2009 pumper truck was read. Skinner made a motion to adopt said resolution, Adams seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Pool fills were discussed. Gerke is to check with other towns regarding liability. BUDGET: At 840 p.m. a public hearing was opened regarding adopting an amended budget for FY 24. With no visitors in attendance, the public hearing closed at 842 p.m. Resolution 2024-04 was read. Cooperrider made a motion to adopt said resolution. Skinner seconded. Motion carried 4-0. WATER ORD.: At 848 p.m. a public hearing was opened regarding amending water ordinance 6-5-8 and sewer ordinance 6-5-9. With no visitors in attendance, the public hearing closed at 849 p.m. Resolution 2024-05 was read. Adams made a motion to waive the second and third readings of said ordinance. Skinner seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Adams made a motion to adopt said ordinance amendment, Copperrider seconded. Motion carried 4-0. LIBRARY: Submitted documents were presented to Council. Coopperrider made a motion to accept Jonnie Tull as a new Library Board Trustee and retain Jennifer Skinner as Board President. Dugdale seconded. Motion carried 3-1-0, with Skinner abstaining. REPORTS: reports were made, but no action taken, regarding the apartment eviction, time capsule opening, 150th celebration and Honor Roll Square. PAST DUE UTILITIES: A change was made to the payment plan template requiring 1/12 of the balance due upon signing. Resolution 2024-06 certifying the Clerk to submit tax liens was read. Adams made a motion to adopt said resolution. Skinner seconded, motion carried 4-0. Resolution 2024-07 to adopt a distracted driving policy and the updated employee handbook with said policy included. Cooperrider made a motion to adopt said resolution. Adams seconded, motion carried 4-0. Skinner made a motion to accept the bid for mosquito control in 2024. Adams seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Gerke would like to attend ClerkBooks training in June. There were no objections. Items for next month’s Agenda: ball fields purchase, water main/curb stop ord, library ord, and containers ord. Adams made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Skinner seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Pro Tem Dugdale adjourned the meeting at 944 p.m. Kathy Dugdale, Mayor Pro Tem Shauna Gerke, City Clerk These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to Council approval at the next regular meeting. Full copies of these minutes will be available at City Hall. Minutes can be sent via email. April, 2024 expenses Name, Account, Paid Amount General Fire and Safety, supplies, 441.25 Guinan Heating, service, 93.75 Heartland Coop, vehicle, 94.03 Danko Emergency Equipment Co, repair, 1,370.54 MidAmerican Energy, utilities, 87.84 Heartland Coop, fuel, 20.00 Bauer Built, supplies, 122.51 FIRE DEPT FUND TOTAL, 2,229.92 MidAmerican Energy, street lighting, 436.11 STREET LIGHT FUND TOTAL, 436.11 MidAmerican Energy, utilities, 131.76 Amazon, materials, 111.77 city of Modale, supplies, 100.00 Diane Pratt, wages, 799.42 Iowa Department of Revenue, withholding, 25.00 IRS, FICA, 235.66 LIBRARY FUND TOTAL, 1,403.61 AgriVision Equipment Group, vehicle, 57.55 NAPA, vehicle, 25.99 MidAmerican Energy, utilities, 10.44 PARKS FUND TOTAL, 93.98 Community Bank, interest, 136.98 Harrison County Landfill, tipping fees, 1,196.00 Missouri Valley Times, publishing, 622.30 Modale Fun Days Committee, supplies, 249.23 Harrison County Auditor, election, 627.40 Bomgaars, supplies, 49.98 Ace Hardware, supplies, 170.54 Kathy Dugdale (v), supplies, 157.96 Heartland Coop, fuel, 88.67 MidAmerican Energy, utilities, 56.42 Double "B" Trash, trash, 143.00 Windstream, utilities, 269.47 Linda Windschitl, software fees, 224.70 Community Bank, fees, 5.99 Jones Lang LaSalle, fees, 920.60 CITY HALL FUNDS TOTAL, 4,919.24 State of Iowa, excise tax, 1,581.47 Futuramic Products, repair, 656.00 MidAmerican Energy, utilities, 257.65 Heartland Coop, utilities, 502.14 Iowa Association of Municipal, fees, 669.00 Badger Meter, fees, 78.00 Missouri Valley Times, supplies, 78.40 Bomgaars, supplies, 464.69 Bomgaars, supplies, 413.36 Vetter Equipment, shipping, 38.15 Vetter Equipment, shipping, 37.80 UECO, supplies, 783.18 Sioux Land District Health Dept, Testing, 69.00 WATER FUND TOTAL, 5,628.84 State of Iowa, sales tax, 732.97 Armodus, LLC, repair, 32,771.20 MidAmerican Energy, utilities, 21.62 Sundquist Engineering, engineering, 387.00 USDA - Rural Development, 8156800 · Debt Service, 1,437.00 SEWER FUND TOTAL, 35,349.79 Iowa Department of Revenue, withholding, 83.56 IPERS, benefits, 262.49 Workforce Development, unemployment, 206.28 Alvin A Schiltz, wages, 577.69 Linda J Windschitl, wages, 25.81 Marty Skinner, wages, 1,451.88 Shauna Gerke, wages, 1,527.95 IRS, withholding, 304.00 FICA, withholding, 710.18 PAYROLL TOTAL, 5,149.84 Operating Account TOTAL, 55,211.33 Bricks R Us, 4306320 · Grounds Maintenance & Repair, 1,597.50 CJ Futures, 4306320 · Grounds Maintenance & Repair, 3,185.00 Doug Johnsen Construction, 4306320 · Grounds Maintenance & Repair, 6,345.00 U S Post Office, 4306508 · Postage & Shipping, 13.60 Vets Account TOTAL, 11,141.10 city of Modale, supplies, 350.00 Sign Depot, supplies, 420.22 150th/Fun Day Account TOTAL, 770.22 TOTAL EXPENSES, 67,122.65 April, 2024 revenue Vets, 3,769.72 150th/FunDays, 924.23 WaterFund, 37,877.33 LocalOptionSalesTax, 2,416.56 SewerFund, 7,954.88 GeneralFund, 39,969.43 RoadUseTax, 1,610.52 Total Revenue, 94,522.67 MVTN 5-22-24