City of Pisgah City Hall – Council Meeting Minutes May 16, 2024 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order: Mayor B Mitsch @ 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: M Dreesen, L McWilliams, K Wilson (S Baumfalk & N Madsen Absent) Mayor B Mitsch - City Employees; T Noah, H Nejedly Approval of Agenda: 1st L McWilliams 2nd M Dreesen Yes – 3-0 Approval of Minutes and Bills: 1st M Dreesen 2nd L McWilliams Yes – 3-0 Approval of Financial Report: 1st K Wilson 2nd L McWilliams Yes – 3-0 Visitors: City Attorney C Fichter – Not Present Mayor and/or Commission Reports: N Madsen – Parks & Sewer, M Dreesen – Water, R Woodward Landfill Commission, S Baumfalk – EMA Public In-Put: None Old Business: New Business: * Property Clean up and mowing letters – No letters were sent. T Noah went to the problem property owners and discussed the issues they were having, and all agreed to the necessary mowing and clean-up needed. * Building Permit 203 Iowa St – Council Approved Privacy Fence and Deck with restrictions on height and setbacks; 1st L McWilliams 2nd K Wilson Yes – 3-0 Clerk Report: H Nejedly – Things have calmed down and continuing to keep door locked. Maintenance, Water and Sewer Report: T Noah – Reported; The USD required that he send them documents that were not turned in from 2019, and it took him a considerable amount of time to locate and complete this task. The DNR requires a lengthy Inspection in the next couple of weeks. The City Parks are continuing to be vandalized. Volunteers are needed for placing the Flags at Soldier Valley Cemetery for the upcoming Memorial Holiday weekend. Fire Department: T Noah – The Fundraiser went as well as could be expected. Motion to Adjourn – 1st M Dreesen 2nd K Wilson Yes – 3-0 @ 6:40 p.m. Brad Mitsch, Mayor ATTEST: Todd Noah, Administrator MVTN 5-22-24