Jolee Cohn of Logan was named the 2023 Harrison County Fair Little Miss Princess during the ceremony held at the fairgrounds on Tuesday, July 18.
Kendra Beckner
All the contestants of the Little Miss Princess competition stood for a photo happy to show off their new sashes, medals, and flowers. Back row: Harper Staska, Kinsey Kuhlman, Hailee Clark, Coralynn Lefebvre, Esmae Stoops, Annika Larsen, Bayleigh Wagner. Front: Rylynn Meyer, Lillyana Jones, Macie Ehlers, Janet Schultes, Jolee Cohn, Ava Freihage, Charlotte Leonard, Cleo Hammitt.
Kendra Beckner
Hailee Clark was happy to receive a medal at the 2023 Little Miss Princess competition.
Kendra Beckner
Rylynn Meyer was escorted to the stage by 2022 Harrison County Fair Queen Hannah Thomas.