HARRISON COUNTY CLAIMS - MARCH 2023 ADP, Service Contracts 91.36 Agriland FS, Electric Light & Power 4705.90 Agriland FS, Lubricants 3357.20 All Makes, Data Processing Supplies 46.31 Emily R Allmon, …


HARRISON COUNTY CLAIMS - MARCH 2023 ADP, Service Contracts 91.36 Agriland FS, Electric Light & Power 4705.90 Agriland FS, Lubricants 3357.20 All Makes, Data Processing Supplies 46.31 Emily R Allmon, Continuing Education 21.63 American Textile Mills, Engineering Services 1074.90 Lacey J Ardery, Office Supplies 77.62 AT&T, Telephone 124.75 Baum Hydraulics, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 24.88 Ron Bell, Retirement Medical Benefi 1171.07 Connie Betts, Telephone 25.00 Bill's Water Conditioning, Water Use 294.85 Blum Trucking, Cover Aggregate & Sand 3611.52 Susan Bonham, Employee Mileage & Subs 217.35 Bonine Garage Doors, Building Maintenance 196.60 Bonsall TV & Appliance, Radio & Communications 149.95 Boruff Plumbing, Equipment Repair & Mainte 749.32 Boruff Plumbing, Personal Items & Clothing 1380.94 Boyer View Trucking, Cover Aggregate & Sand 21798.70 Michael J Branstetter, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Bulletin-Review Lee Newspaper, Magazines Periodicals & B 65.00 C & H Hauling, Trash Hauling 351.00 Careficient, Computer Updates 2595.00 CenturyLink, Electric Light & Power 83.10 CenturyLink, Telephone 361.05 Certified Laboratories, Safety Items 180.65 Certified Testing Services, Safety Items 180.65 Cheryl Smith Cleaning Service, Building Maintenance 750.00 Laurie Christo, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Laurie Christo, Employee Mileage & Subs 104.54 City of Logan, Office Equipment & Furnit 3.04 City of Logan, Office Utilities 592.51 City of Logan, Other Personnel 3.04 City of Logan, Service Contracts 49.44 City of Missouri Valley, Electric Light & Power 20.31 Clark Pest & Termite Control, Extermination Services 45.00 Shawna D Clark, Postage 212.65 CNH Industrial Accounts, Lubricants 24.17 CNH Industrial Accounts, Parts 206.43 Colonial Life & Accident Insur, Full Time Laborers Salary 9.00 Control Services, Equipment Repair & Mainte 11617.50 Farner Bocken, Food & Provisions 1265.37 Susan Corrin, Employee Mileage & Subs 25.41 Coulthard Levee District, Office Supplies 325.90 Country Hardware and Supply, Custodial Supplies 70.44 Country Hardware and Supply, Engineering Services 15.25 Country Hardware and Supply, Motor Vehicle Repair 396.83 Country Hardware and Supply, Office Supplies 42.97 Country Hardware and Supply, Park Land Development 9.99 Country Hardware and Supply, Recreational Supplies 26.06 Creative Product Sourcing, Educational & Training 526.80 Crittenton Center, Sheltered Care 1306.20 Custom Trends, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 136.96 Diane Davis, Custodial 510.00 Twiner-Herald, Board Proceedings 593.10 Twiner-Herald, Legal Notice 184.59 Twiner-Herald, Miscellaneous 57.72 Daniel Derengowski, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Christina Dickinson, Employee Mileage & Subs 41.27 Dixon Construction, Flood & Erosion Constr St 144408.75 Dunlap Reporter, Legal Notice 70.80 Echo Group Inc, Park Land Development 153.08 Eco Water Systems, Water Use 212.75 ECOLAB, Laundry Expense 1350.10 Debra R Eickholt, Employee Mileage & Subs 76.24 ESRI, Computer Updates 2475.00 ESRI, Data Processing Services 330.00 ESRI, Maintenance Contracts 605.00 Equature, Radio & Related Equipment 4555.00 Etter Glass, Outside Repair Service 920.00 Farm Service, Fuel & Oil 38724.65 Mitchell W Flaherty, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Brittany N Freet, Employee Group Ins 166.66 G & R Nifty Lawns, Agricultural/Horticulture 1072.70 Galls, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 264.88 Felicia B Geith, Employee Mileage & Subs 177.51 General Fire and Safety Omaha, Safety & Protection Suppl 479.00 Gochenour Brothers Farms, Cover Aggregate & Sand 14346.04 Graham Tire Sioux City, Tires & Tubes 246.14 Harlan Publishing LLC, Advertising 249.00 Harlan Publishing LLC, Office Supplies 804.70 Teresa Harper, Employee Mileage & Subs 35.63 Harrison County Landfill, Dues & Memberships 13487.00 Harrison County REC, Electric Light & Power 3700.97 Harrison County REC, Radio & Related Equipment 533.80 HEALTHCAREfirst Wells Fargo, Service Contracts 100.00 Eclipse Healthcare, Deputies Salaries 8070.82 Heartland Auto Body, Motor Vehicle 100.00 Heartland Family Services, Service Contracts 1779.64 Rene Hiller, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Home Town Hardware, Electrical Supplies & Par 19.99 Home Town Hardware, Plumbing & Heating Suppli 527.32 Home Town Hardware, Recreational Supplies 48.06 Horizon Rehabilitation Centers, Continuing Education 60.00 Horizon Rehabilitation Centers, Office & Data Processing 60.00 Hotsy Equipment, Outside Repair Service 1659.73 Hutchinson Salt Company, Cover Aggregate & Sand 2482.92 IACCVSO, Miscellaneous 60.00 ICE Technologies, Data Processing Services 984.33 Interstate Battery System of S, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 404.85 ICAP, Real Property Insurance 2192.00 Iowa Law Enforcement Academy, Continuing Education 400.00 Iowa Prison Industries, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 433.19 Iowa State Fire Marshal, Park Land Development 2071.96 Iowa State Sheriff's & Deputie, Dues & Memberships 25.00 J H Stuckey Distributing Inc, Laundry Expense 518.86 Jack's Uniforms & Equipment, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 230.68 JEO Consulting Group, Park Land Development 4114.25 John Deere Financial, Lubricants 177.47 John Deere Financial, Parts 1141.66 Jones Automotive, Motor Vehicle 837.50 Randy L Jones, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Jason Knickman, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Donald Kohl, Rent Payments 150.00 Duane & Annette Kraushaar Chri, Miscellaneous 1700.00 L Wingert Construction, Building Maintenance 11200.00 Lawson Products, Engineering Services 571.79 Lawson Products, Motor Vehicle Repair 611.31 Elizabeth Lenz, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Elizabeth Lenz, Telephone 50.30 Loftus Htg & Air Conditioning, Building Maintenance 758.90 Logan Auto Supply, Engineering Services 58.68 Logan Auto Supply, Motor Vehicle Repair 839.81 Logan Christian Church, Office Supplies 50.00 Logan Postmaster, Voter Registration Serv. 100.00 Logan Super Foods, Environmental Ed/Awards 42.69 Logan Super Foods, Food & Provisions 2890.58 Long Lines, Telephone 175.90 Macmillan Holdings LLC Attn 10, Sales Items 141.24 MacQueen Equipment, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 4820.94 Jill Madsen, Custodial Services 321.00 Mail Services, DOT Renewal Notices 782.54 Mainstay Systems, Data Processing Supplies 1200.00 Mainstay Systems, Miscellaneous 12421.00 Mainstay Systems, Telephone 7664.00 Mark's Towing & Repair, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 223.00 Matheson Tri-Gas, Shop Equipment 798.15 Amanda M MayBee, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Amanda M MayBee, Employee Mileage & Subs 54.37 McCullough Creative, Park Land Development 37500.00 Meco-Henne Contracting, Park Land Development 107038.00 Medline Industries, Health Supplies & Equipme 415.19 Tabitha Melby, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Menards, Park Land Development 545.22 Michael Todd & Co, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 801.14 Lacey Michel, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Lacey Michel, Employee Mileage & Subs 343.88 MidAmerican Energy Company, Office Equipment & Furnit 28.99 MidAmerican Energy Company, Office Utilities 7804.14 MidAmerican Energy Company, Other Personnel 28.99 MidAmerican Energy Company, Radio & Related Equipment 134.19 MidAmerican Energy Company, Service Contracts 357.53 Midwest Service & Sales, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 487.50 Miller Fuel & Oil, Fuel & Oil 11136.10 Mo Valley NAPA, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 636.61 Mumm Law Firm, Building 1000.00 Mumm Law Firm, Clerks Salaries 4819.15 Mumm Law Firm, Educational & Training Se 59.49 Mumm Law Firm, Magazines Periodicals & B 56.00 Mumm Law Firm, Office Equipment & Furnit 1473.20 Mumm Law Firm, Office Supplies 137.54 Mumm Law Firm, Photocopy 86.80 Mumm Law Firm, Telephone 230.27 Mumm Law Firm, Transcripts 268.81 Mumm Law Firm, Utilities Payments 738.21 Jennifer Mumm, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Nebraska Furniture Mart, Building Maintenance 13338.97 Scott S Nelson, Employee Mileage & Subs 57.96 New Sioux City Iron, Motor Vehicle Repair 60.74 Northern Truck Equipment, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 3032.07 Noyes Cemetery, Care of Soldiers Graves 145.00 Office Stop, Custodial Supplies 278.69 Office Stop, Employee Mileage & Subs 185.50 Office Stop, Office Supplies 359.81 Larry P Oliver, Park Land Development 29.32 Peterbilt of Council Bluffs, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 172.03 Shane C Phillips, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Shelia Phillips, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Shelia Phillips, Meals & Lodging 15.76 Thad M Pothast, Employee Mileage & Subs 29.41 Thad M Pothast, Telephone 10.00 Powerplan, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 365.69 Powerplan, Outside Repair Service 11035.60 Prairie Valley Painting, Building Maintenance 1130.00 Pryors K&L Repair, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 47.88 Pryors K&L Repair, Steel Iron & Related Meta 68.50 RDO Truck Center, Engineering Services 62.38 RDO Truck Center, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 429.74 RDO Truck Center, Oil & Air Filters 81.60 RDO Truck Center, Outside Repair Service 20109.60 Reflections Cleaning, Building Maintenance 4346.54 Regional Water, Electric Light & Power 60.00 James I Reynolds, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Ricoh USA, Office & Data Processing 281.77 Ricoh USA, Office Equipment 157.49 Brian Rife, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Dana J Riza, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Rubber Inc, Tires & Tubes 24.62 Starla Ruffcorn, Custodial Services 610.00 Schildberg Construction, Cover Aggregate & Sand 115083.76 SEAT, Educational & Training 350.00 Secretary of State, Office Supplies 30.00 Secure Shred Solutions, Trash Hauling 96.00 Seeley Auto Service, Employee Mileage & Subs 797.53 Shelby County Auditor, Buildings (Rent) 1287.90 Shive-Hattery, Park Land Development 4860.00 Bradley T Sieck, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Sioux City Foundry Company, Shop Equipment 1501.35 Siouxland District Health Dep, Plumbing Equipment 14.00 Jennifer Skinner, Employee Mileage & Subs 43.30 Anthony L Smith, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Jacqueline A Smith, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Sharon K Smith, Employee Group Ins 166.66 Softree Technical Systems Inc, Electric Apparatus & Acce 990.00 Solutions Harris Local Governm, Data Processing Services 2061.50 Solutions Harris Local Governm, Office & Data Processing 7805.25 Southwest Iowa Assessors, Continuing Education 120.00 Springhower Repair, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 886.71 State Hygienic Lab, Abandon Well Exp & Water 125.00 Stericycle, Service Contracts 375.34 Bart Sullivan, Abandon Well Exp & Water 300.00 Sunnyside Village MHP LLC, Rent Payments 150.00 SWI Juvenile Emergency Service, Juvenile Detention Costs 30638.32 TDK Electric, Radio & Related Equipment 520.00 Telrite Corporation, Telephone 8.50 Thermo King Christensen, Engineering Services 389.32 Thermo King Christensen, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 1481.38 Thermo King Christensen, Oil & Air Filters 71.50 Thomson Reuters, Magazines Periodicals 1006.28 TK Elevator Corp, Equipment Repair & Mainte 348.40 Treasurer State of Iowa, Tax & Fee Disbursement 507.30 TRT Studios, Park Land Development 1364.03 Ronald Joseph Truitt, Miscellaneous 62.22 United Laboratories, Lubricants 636.00 UnityPoint Clinic, Safety Items 126.00 US Bank, Building Maintenance 241.85 US Bank, Continuing Education 631.72 US Bank, Custodial Supplies 44.39 US Bank, Dues & Memberships 105.00 US Bank, Educational & Training 60.00 US Bank, Employee Mileage & Subs 1872.14 US Bank, Environmental Ed/Awards 568.21 US Bank, Fuel & Oil 4698.52 US Bank, Health Supplies & Equipme 532.52 US Bank, Meals & Lodging 1055.91 US Bank, Mileage 93.03 US Bank, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 5.66 US Bank, Miscellaneous 209.36 US Bank, Motor Vehicle 357.72 US Bank, Office & Data Processing 662.93 US Bank, Office Equipment & Furnit 673.21 US Bank, Office Supplies 1179.86 US Bank, Postage 285.69 US Bank, Recreational Supplies 193.37 US Bank, Safety Items 294.07 US Bank, Sales Items 306.92 US Bank, Service Contracts 131.45 US Bank, Telephone 351.84 US Bank, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 228.40 Valley Times News, Board Proceedings 776.36 Valley Times News, Legal Notice 27.42 Vanguard Appraisals, Miscellaneous 19337.50 Verizon Connect Fleet USA LLC, Outside Repair Service 963.76 Verizon Wireless, Telephone 2309.22 Visual Edge IT, Office & Data Processing 113.83 Visual Edge IT, Photocopy 42.14 Visual Edge IT, Photographic Supplies 33.95 Visual Edge IT, Service Contracts 60.90 Taryn Wegner, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue, Retirement Medical Benefi 650.93 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Office Supplies 83.44 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Printing, Binding Serv 128.10 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Service Contracts 212.39 WellSky, Service Contracts 125.00 Ashley N West-Joons, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Western Iowa Tourism Region, Dues & Memberships 225.00 Western Iowa Wireless, Data Processing Services 129.90 Western Iowa Wireless, Office Supplies 124.90 Wright Express, Fuel & Oil 2926.57 Wheeldon Construction LLC, Building Maintenance 8928.65 Windstream, Electric Light & Power 700.75 Windstream, Fax Expense 32.67 Windstream, Radio & Related Equipment 2889.45 Windstream, Telephone 1750.75 Wiretap Telecom LLC, Telephone 340.36 Rashelle Wohlers, Continuing Education 276.34 Woodbine Main Street Inc, Educational & Training Se 120.00 Woodhouse, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 214.72 Xybix Systems Inc, Miscellaneous 70152.61 Mark R Zack, Safety Items 58.83 Zep Sales & Service, Engineering Services 724.65 Ziegler, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 4424.58 Ziegler, Oil & Air Filters 305.07 Ziegler, Outside Repair Service 6946.60 1ITsource, Computer Updates 280.00 1ITsource, Service Contracts 381.00 March 2023 Withholding GENERAL FUND FICA 21,628.52 IPERS 20,040.15 GENERAL SUPPLEMENT FICA 22,009.78 IPERS 27,906.55 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 439.54 BC/BS 58,065.54 HEALTH EQUITY 7,961.72 RURAL SERVICES FICA 1,767.48 IPERS 2,003.22 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 10.69 BC/BS 2,437.07 HEALTH EQUITY 329.85 SECONDARY ROAD FUND FICA 21,499.96 IPERS 23,693.46 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 224.78 BC/BS 42,219.84 HEALTH EQUITY 4,291.61 REAP FICA 48.76 IPERS 50.14 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FUND FICA 4,619.36 IPERS 4,945.11 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 54.00 BC/BS 6,883.37 HEALTH EQUITY 1,041.66 ASSESSOR FUND FICA 2,045.32 IPERS 2,231.76 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 20.25 BC/BS 3,584.50 HEALTH EQUITY 416.66 March 2023 Salaries Patsy Beck 50.00 Madelyn Brunow 3110.49 Connie Ehlert 25.00 Margie Heffernan 1195.36 Kristin Leon 652.74 Sharon Smith 1752.12 Laura Hansen 62.27 Brittany Freet 2694.40 Kristine Underwood 552.98 Rhonda Kouma 487.50 Tammy Hutchinson 3500.39 Christina Dickinson 1496.00 Baeli Garbez 399.00 Ginger Geise 1800.00 Teresa Harper 1224.00 Lyla Olson 50.00 Marilyn Kepford 25.00 Peggy Shearer 25.00 Susan Cooper 50.00 Jill Higgins 25.00 Megan Reffett 868.66 Cynthia Dickinson 50.00 Heather Reed 2000.16 Donald Rodasky 53.10 Lance Baldwin 25.00 Gene McGinn 50.00 Lynn Dickinson 50.00 Tony Casperson 25.00 Richard Frazier 25.00 Russell Hansen 50.00 Eugene Jacobsen 47.86 Ryan Kastner 25.00 Danny Mathison 25.00 Kenny McIntosh 25.00 Curtis Mether 25.00 Solomon Mohn 50.00 Michael Perkins 50.00 Mark Flint 25.00 Michael Stolz 25.00 Lynn Stamp 50.00 Jimmy Olson Sr. 50.00 Scott Dollen 50.00 Larry Stevens 50.00 Timothy Faylor 25.00 Forrest Johnson 50.00 Ryan Wohlers 25.00 Norman Wallis 50.00 Michael Olsen 50.00 Martin Sertterh 50.00 Ricky Shearer 25.00 Kyle Swinford 25.00 MVTN 5-17-23