Harrison County Supervisors Meeting May 22, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. Tentative agenda was approved on a motion by …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting May 22, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. Tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Paul J. Rhoten, Rebecca Wilkerson FY23 Budget Amendment Chairman Straight opened the public hearing. No comments were heard or received. Motion to close the public hearing was made by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Motion by Smith, second by Rife, to approve and appropriate the following amounts to the County’s FY23 budget: Motion carried. EXPENDITURES Amount, Purpose, Fund, Account Number 15,000, food/laundry/bldg - Jail, 01000, 01050-xxx-29 20,000, Health insurance - sheriff, 02000, 01060-113-99 10,000, fuel/oil - sheriff, 01000, 01060-250-05 10,000, radio/communication - sheriff, 01000, 01060-640-05 30,000, safety /wearing apparel - sheriff, 01000, 01060-xxx-05 10,000, office equip/misc - sheriff, 01000, 01060-xxx-05 100, bldg rent - juvenile probation, 01000, 01600-450-61 15,000, Health insurance - PHN, 02000, 03000-113-99 88,000, salaries/computer - PHN, 01000, 03000-xxx-23 5,000, FICA/IPERS - PHN, 02000, 03000-xxx-23 30,000, parking lot repair - PHN, 01000, 03000-xxx-23 6,000, Health insurance - Homemaker, 02000, 03400-113-99 7,900, Pass thru grant - Landfill, 11000, 06020-297-18-144 6,000, Health insurance - conservation, 02000, 06100-113-99 3,000, HVAC - conservation, 01000, 06120-441-22 300,000, contribution - HCDC, 01000, 06320-488-99 350,000, ARPA - nondepartmental, 01012, 06320-488-99 40,000, New equip - sec roads, 20000, 07200-xxx-20 475,000, Equipment operations - sec rds, 20000, 07210-xxx-20 75,000, Tools Materials Supplies - sec rd, 20000, 07220-xxx-20 110,000, Real estate bldgs - sec roads, 20000, 07230-xxx-20 4,000, Health insurance - recorder, 02000, 08110-113-99 30,000, audit - nondepartmental, 01000, 09030-420-99 75,000, building repair - maintenance, 01000, 09100-xxx-51 100, bond payment - landfill, 40000, 10100-501-18 200, bond payment - E911, 40000, 10100-501-99 (700,000), Construction - sec roads, 20000, 10200-xxx-20 1,015,000, Nature Center Project, 30110, 10210-601-22 10,000, Motor Vehicle - conservation, 01000, 10210-635-22 365,000, E911 radio project expense, 30000, 10220-640-53 REVENUES Amount, Purpose, Fund, Account Number 5,000, Medicaid - PNH, 01000, 2395-23 (03000) 2,800, Contract Law Enforcement, 01000, 2501-05 (01000) 200, fuel tax refund - sheriff, 01000, 2740-05 (01000) 65,000, Medicare - PHN, 01000, 2880-23-16 (03000) 5,400, grant - sheriff, 01000, 2890-05 (01000) 8,000, weapons permit - sheriff, 01000, 4410-05 (01000) 15,000, Sale of truck - conservation, 01000, 5290-22 (06000) 3,500, inspections - sheriff, 01000, 5590-05-301 (01000) 3,100, grant - sheriff, 01000, 8100-05-144 (01000) 23,000, Private Pay - PHN, 01000, 8110-23-154 (03000)) 1,100, fines - sheriff, 25000, 8590-05 (01000) TRANSFERS 650,000, 68000 to 30110, 30110, 10000-9030-99 650,000, from 68000, 68000, 10300-601-68 90,000, 23000 to 30110, 30110, 10000-9030-99 90,000, from 23000, 23000, 10300-601-33 50,000, 17100 to 30110, 30110, 10000-9030-99 50,000, from 17100, 17100, 10300-601-22 Drainage Assessments The Board met as Trustees for various drainage districts. Elizabeth Lenz, Drainage Clerk, presented the Board with the districts that are currently in debt. The following were the assessments that were set for 2023: Coe Sub, 15%, Motion by Smith, seconded by Rife. Unanimous approval. Faylor-Spencer, 66%, Motion by Rife, seconded by Smith. Unanimous approval. Orson Highway, 81%, Motion by Smith, seconded by Rife. Unanimous approval. Soldier Valley, 100%, Motion by Rife, seconded by Smith. Unanimous approval. Upper Soldier #1, 100%, Motion by Smith, seconded by Rife. Unanimous approval. Comments Rebecca Wilkerson had comments about the budget amendment. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor John Straight, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 5-31-23