COLUMN: Hellos and goodbyes


Hello, Christmas season

You might remember my column from a couple weeks back where I said I'm a big proponent of celebrating Thanksgiving and then getting in the Christmas spirit.

Well, now that Missouri Valley's tree lighting event has taken place, I'm ready to say that Christmastime is here.

This was my third time covering the event since starting with the Times-News. It was also the warmest it has been for this event by far. At the past two, I remember being unable to feel my fingers after trying to fiddle with my camera to get some good shots.

With Christmas carols, a visit from Santa, hot cocoa/cider and cookies and that bright tree with the nativity scene in front being lit up, I'm always officially in the holiday spirit when I leave the celebration.

For three years in a row now, my drive home from the tree lighting marks the first time that I listen to Christmas carols of my own freewill. Later that night, I loaded up the car with my wife, dog, some hot chocolate and some pizza and we drove around checking out Christmas lights.

There was one house in Omaha that had a full 15 minute presentation, complete movie clips, a coordinated light show and inflatable characters that would pop out when a song that pertained to them was being played. I can't imagine the time and money that goes into such a thing. But thanks for entertaining me!

Goodbye, Scott Nelson

When I heard that HCCB Executive Director Scott Nelson was retiring a couple months back, I promised him that when I wrote a story on it I wouldn't make it too sentimental or sappy.

I'm not going to do that in my column either, but I am going to publicly thank him for always being so easy to work with and talk to, whether it was about work or life.

I know that talking to the newspaper isn't always the favorite responsibility of people in leadership positions, but Scott was always excited to promote the latest project the board was working on and help spread public awareness.

I wish the best to Scott and his wife as they move up north to Clear Lake soon. Essentially all of my immediate family still lives in Clear Lake and Mason City, where I am from, and Clear Lake is a really awesome town. Harrison County will miss you, and so will the guy who writes stories for the newspaper. I hope to see you sometime when I'm up there visiting family.