It’s 3 a.m. and outside you hear what sounds like a baby crying. You then realize someone has found a rabbit’s nest and is cutting up baby bunnies. Are you not repulsed? Imagine that same someone breaking into your local NICU and cutting up baby humans - and then selling the body parts for profit! Imagine filming the person as they bragged about doing this - and you get arrested for exposing them.
You don’t have to imagine. Planned Parenthood employees were caught on camera bragging about killing babies and selling the body parts. Not blobs of tissue - body parts. For huge profit. The person who exposed this heinous, anti-human practice was charged with multiple felonies by Kamala Harris, then California attorney general. He faces prison time while Planned Parenthood continues killing babies.
Harris and Walz are exceedingly radical and Godless when it comes to killing babies (and many other issues) and not only support it but celebrate it up to the point of birth - in the name of “choice,” “my body” and “reproductive freedom.” God is not fooled, nor is He pleased. There is no difference between killing a baby 22 weeks after conception (and later) “in the womb” and killing a baby 22 weeks after conception “in the NICU” except the baby in the NICU was seen as human and wanted while the other baby was unseen, unwanted and defenseless.
We have lost our love for people and our reverence for life because we have no fear of the God who IS life and who we are made in the image of. No, we did not come from an explosion and millions of years of mutating slime. That is a fairytale for adults who can’t face the truth of a holy God who judges sin. We will all stand before this God who created us and give an account of our lives – and our vote.
Don’t vote for politicians who vote to cut up babies. That reveals a hostile attitude toward God, His Commands, human life and defenseless babies that brings judgment on nations and individuals. There is, however, a way out of the darkness.
“God is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. If you have been involved in an abortion or support the killing of babies, God gives grace to those who humble themselves, and forgiveness and salvation to those who genuinely repent. Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those heading toward slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who guards your life know it? Will He not repay everyone according to what they have done? Proverbs 24:11-12.
We have a presidential candidate who defends the murder of babies and the selling of their body parts. God have mercy on us. May we repent before we perish.
Kelly Hutson