PUBLIC NOTICE Nutrient Management Plan for an Open Feedlot Operation John Reisz has submitted a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on behalf of Crossroad Cattle Company, an open feedlot operation with a capacity of 3940 animal units. This operation is located in Lincoln Township, Harrison County, and plans to apply manure in Lincoln Township(s), Harrison County(s). The NMP is on file at the Field Office #4 1401 Sunnyside Lane, Atlantic, IA 50022 and is available for public inspection, Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. In determining whether to approve the NMP, the DNR will consider written comments regarding whether the NMP complies with Iowa law. The DNR will conduct a public hearing regrading this NMP if a request for hearing is received within 10 days of the publication date of this notice. Persons requesting a public hearing will be notified of the time and place for the hearing at the address, telephone number or e-mail address provided in the request for a hearing. Information regarding electronic submission of comments and requests for public hearing may be obtained at the following internet address: under “AFO e-News.” Written comments or requests for a public hearing must be submitted to: Kelli Book, Attorney, 502 E 9th St, Des Moines IA 50319. Both comments and hearing requests must be received by the Department within 10 days of the publication date of this notice. MVTN 1-31-24