A downed tree leans into another at a residence across from the Missouri Valley Public Library on E Huron St. following May's derecho.
Aaron Hickman
Several Dairy Den employees, both past and present, attended the iconic Missouri Valley location's 70th anniversary celebration back in June, signing posters and reminiscing over good times had at the ice cream and sandwich shop.
Aaron Hickman
A second fire broke out at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge Monday afternoon. This comes just six days after a lightning strike between Whitetail Drive and Prairie Lane.
Cheyenne Alexis
Madalyn Larson smiles while exiting the stage at Missouri Valley's graduation and commencement ceremony held in May.
Aaron Hickman
A second fire broke out at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge in April. This came just six days after a lightning strike between Whitetail Drive and Prairie Lane.
Cheyenne Alexis
American Legionnaires honored the fallen with a rifle volley and the playing of "Taps" this past Memorial Day.
Kendra Beckner
Chief Forest Dooley presents Haley Orr with the Firefighter of the Year award in February.
Aaron Hickman
Fontenelle Forest guest speaker Dianne Guinn quiets Missouri Valley students as Jamaica, a red-tailed hawk, settles in on her hand during a program at the school.
Aaron Hickman
Pisgah originals: A reunion of friends happens at the annual Pisgah Play Day celebration, with this past year's happening to be the 100th edition of it. This group includes in the front row, from left: Genevieve Wallis, Sarah Bryceson, Larry Booth, Kenny Booth. Back row: Jane Johnson, Deborah Nelson, Marcia Booth, Donna Pape, Larry Papg, Martha Wallis.
photo: Matt Gengler
Mike Naig hopped in one of IGNITE Pathways' flight simulators with adjunct aviation and drone instructor Curtis Lee, where he was guided through the clouds above his hometown. The simulators are able to pull up any airport in the United States to run a flight simulation. In Naig's case, he flew out of the Emmetsburg airport, which is located about nine miles away from his hometown of Cylinder.
Aaron Hickman
The family of Taylor Herman accepts the Teacher of the Year Award. Herman, who passed away in 2023, was posthumously recognized by the Missouri Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Echo Estep
Missouri Valley Drive Your Tractor to School Day, March 22: Pictured, from left: Alivia McIntosh, Hailey Miller, Chris Wonder, Broden Berwick, Cody Pleskac, Nick May, Wesley Fox, Bobby Barnard, Colton Beckner, Jack Handlos, Tejlor Strope (Advisor).
DMc Flashbacks
Missouri Valley Easter Egg Hunt: Will and Audrey Wohlers.
photo: Matt Gengler
Mark Wetzel and Jean Christenson each claimed champion status in the junior division of the World Championship Goose Calling Contest, which used to be held at City Park in Missouri Valley on an annual basis..Christenson (whose maiden name is Hennessey), a Missouri Valley native, won the junior division in back-to-back years in 1960 and 1961, and Wetzel, hailing from Omaha at the time, won in 1961.Wetzel and Christenson hold their goose calls while catching up at the Buck Snort last April.
Aaron Hickman
Theron Felner and Sophie Caniglia perform a dance during the song "Fooling Yourself" at Mo Show's annual dinner show.
Cheyenne Alexis
Addyson Monico and Jordan Fisher were two of many students who planted trees on the Logan-Magnolia schools' property during Paws Day in May.
Aaron Hickman
Members of the newly established Girls Troop 558 and American Legion Post 337 members are pictured at a meeting back in June.
Aaron Hickman