The City of Missouri Valley is working to update its comprehensive plan. Also known as a “20 year plan,” this would deal with land use and set development goals for the city over the next two decades.
To do that, residents are asked to offer public input via a citywide survey. That survey can be found at or hard copies can be picked up at city hall or the library.
The survey is organized by the Southwest Iowa Planning Council (SWIPCO) which also has a survey out for Harrison County as a whole. More information on that can be found elsewhere in this paper.
Questions on the survey involve issues like childcare, ranking which issues you feel are important for Missouri Valley to thrive, housing options, city services, walkability, making Missouri Valley a “Railroad Quiet Zone” and more.
A steering group has been formed and discussion has been had with several stakeholders consisting of local business owners, Chamber of Commerce Director Jeannie Wortman, MVCSD Superintendent Christi Gochenour and City Councilman Aaron Tuttle.
“We want as much feedback as we can get,” Tuttle told the Times-News.