Movie Moment

Three films to watch during Women’s History Month


Women’s History Month is about more than the contributions that women across the world have given to pave our world today. It highlights the women who have walked the earth, making even the smallest of differences.

As I go through the year, I take notes on movies that highlight those differences and contributions. Come March, I go back to the list and rewatch the films that gave me more of an insight of the importance of being a woman and our role in history.

'Women Talking'

This film is just how it sounds and more. Following a string of sexual violence against the women in a religious colony, they come together in an attempt to reconcile with faith.

I hadn’t heard of this movie until a recommendation was made to me — one that changed my life. This movie has brought many to tears and opened the eyes of others.

My initial review of this movie was: “This entire movie is an inner monologue of every woman that has faced these issues. 'Women Talking' is what men need to hear.” This is truly a film that not only validates women, but opens the eyes of men into a subject they conventionally do not hear.

'Pieces of a Woman'

This movie was one of the first movies to actually make me internally hurt. Covering a subject that is not magnified, yet many women have experienced, “Pieces of a Woman” is one of a kind.

What may seem like a mainstream drama is truthfully a film that alters our view on women and their perspective on tragedy. “Pieces of a Woman” shows the reality of how women are expected to hold themselves up despite the mental and physical trauma they endure.

This movie had such an impact on me, that it has officially risen to my number one spot on my favorite movies list. (An in-depth review of this movie will be coming shortly.) There was no other fitting place for this movie than first.

'Reversing Roe'

Before the overturn of Roe v. Wade, this 2018 documentary encapsulates the history of women and the laws surrounding their right to an abortion.

With this being an ongoing pillar in history, “Reversing Roe” gives us an informative elaboration on the topic. Even as a woman who is very in tune with the subject, this documentary opened my eyes on things I never knew.

I will always recommend a documentary for the sole purpose of education, but this one isn’t a recommendation as much as it is a must-watch.