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A legislative coffee was held at the Logan Community Center this past Saturday, with State Rep. Matt Windschitl and State Sen. Mark Costello making appearances and discussing what is coming down the … more
Things move in cycles. They come and go. Nothing lasts forever, but for some reason people like to operate as if things do. California used to be a Republican stronghold and Texas used to be a … more
I recently received an email from a concerned relative (not my own) regarding the apparent desecration and disappearance of some of their ancestors' headstones at Oak Grove Cemetery over in St. John … more
While I was looking through old editions of the paper for the Times-News Time Capsule that you'll find on another page of this edition, I was struck by two headlines on a front page from 1975. … more
Happy New Year, everyone, and I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. I'm not sure if some of you have heard, but there was some alleged drama at the courthouse when public officials were … more
I grew up watching the 1984 TV special version of “A Christmas Carol.” Starring George C. Scott, this rendition sometimes gets unfair hate because Scott is American. To that I say, bah … more
Hello, Christmas season You might remember my column from a couple weeks back where I said I'm a big proponent of celebrating Thanksgiving and then getting in the Christmas spirit. Well, … more
I don't know about all of you, but I'm not a big fan of the “Christmas season starts after Halloween” people. I personally think Thanksgiving is the best holiday. To me, it's the … more
It took me a long time to learn this lesson, but sometimes distractions are a good thing. Now, work needs to get done and there are things in life that require precision and efficiency, but … more
I wrote part of this column on Friday, Nov. 1, and part of it on Monday, Nov. 4. But, just stick with me and pretend for a moment that I wrote this today. OK? It is Wednesday, Nov. 6, and that … more
You may have heard the news: Dairy Sweet in Dunlap has the best breaded pork tenderloin in the state once again, earning the 2024 award nearly 20 years after its first win in 2005. For my story on … more
Quite often, the states of this great country have very corny and inaccurate slogans, or slogans that are just lazy. “Pure Michigan.” “I Love New York.” “Vermont, … more
Some history on Magnolia Old Settlers Some of you may already know this history, but I think it's cool. I've only been here for a couple years and this is my column, so please allow me to rehash … more
I am on an Americana kick. It's tough to even describe what Americana is. It's just one of those things where you know it when you hear it. Like when I hear an old Johnny Cash song, or some new … more
This year was the first time in a very long time that I had not spent the Fourth of July up in Clear Lake, Iowa. It was the first time ever that I had not celebrated it with much of my family. I … more
Cottonwoods glistened in the sunshine. The unfailing click of the windmill, the mamas calling to their new babies in the pastures and the twitter of a happy robin blended in the gentle South Dakota … more
According to reporting from the Harlan Tribune in its June 18 edition, Elk Horn facilities recently went into lockdown due to an incident involving a child. Elk Horn pool staff was … more
Lately, I've been trying to do a better job of living in the moment and being grateful for all of the people and places in my life that have had an impact on me. The hardest part is including … more
Long ago in a faraway land there lived an Empress. One late winter day she strolled through her garden. The bleak, colorless landscape disappointed her deeply, so she issued an imperial decree: … more
As many artists I love get older, and some of them stop touring altogether, it's always special for me when I'm able to go and see a performer or group that I enjoy. In the past, I've had the … more
“ I wonder if the northerns will be biting.” Delmer could barely contain his excitement. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. The final field was planted. Corn, oats and wheat seeds were … more
I ventured out to the movie theater and saw “Civil War” last week. I enjoyed it, but not because I'm super paranoid about another civil war happening in the U.S., or even particularly … more
A penny saved is a penny earned…It all adds up…Every little bit helps. They were simple, everyday sayings. They were life philosophies. They were the way we were brought up. So, growing … more
It’s no big fish tale! If dad even mentioned the words “go fishing,” the whole family would be ready and waiting in the car within 30 minutes. Worms dug. Poles packed. Lunch loaded. … more
Artificial intelligence (AI) was engineered to make our lives easier but poses the possibility of being twisted into menacing machines that wage war against mankind. At least, it’s a familiar … more
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