CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following …


CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Keizer, Struble, Taylor, Tuttle, and Stueve. Citizens present were Jeannie Wortman, Linda Coddington, Evelyn Marshall, John Harrison, Melinda Coddington, Jerry Keizer, Mary Jo Buckley, Rich Gochenour, Bonnie Castillo, Rebecca Wilkerson, Aneitah Garmann, Nikki Dooley, Forest Dooley, Forest Dooley Jr, and Daryl Fichter. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion to approve the Agenda for October 1, 2024, made by Tuttle, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda: a) Minutes from September 17, 2024, Council Meeting, b) Minutes from September 30, 2024, Planning and Zoning Meeting, c) Claims List, d) Approve the Mayor’s appointment of Bonnie Castillo to the Park Advisory Board term expiring October 2030, e) Approve the Mayor’s reappointment of Minnie Fisher and Daryl Fichter to the Planning and Zoning Board terms expiring June 2029, f) Approve the Mayor’s reappointment of Trisha Lemaire and Amber Flock to the Park Advisory Board terms expiring October 2030, and g) Accept the resignation of Sue Cathcart from the Park Advisory Board effective November 6, 2024, made by Taylor, second by Struble. Motion passes. Citizen Inquiries: The Woman’s Community Memorial Auxiliary questioned if an MVAC Family Pool Pass could be donated for their Wine-tasting event. It will be put on the next agenda for approval. Rebecca Wilkerson introduced herself to the Council. She is running for Harrison County Supervisor. John Harrison inquired about the Planning and Zoning meeting held on Monday, September 30, 2024. Reasons for denying the variance request for 409 and 409 ½ W Erie and 323 W Erie were explained by Harrison and Daryl Fichter. He explained that it is considered spot zoning and reminded Council that the Planning and Zoning Board is just an advisory board. Taylor would like to see 323 W Erie turned into a business location. Kelly questioned what the difference would be if they were to zone 409 and 409 ½ W Erie as a business. Taylor commented that the only difference would be a sign. Stueve stated she would not want that business next to where she lived. She explained that it is the appearance of the property with junk cars, and she is against it being re-zoned. Jerry Keizer addressed the Council stating that the property owner at 409 W Erie is just trying to start a small business. The appearance of the property has nothing to do with the Planning and Zoning Board. With questions regarding the Planning and Zoning Minutes, Taylor would like a discussion of the rezoning added to the next agenda. Bonnie Castillo, Harrison County Emergency Management, stated that an email was just received stating that anyone can qualify for a low-interest loan from the recent disasters in Harrison County. Motion to deny the requested increase in architectural fees from Prochaska & Associates made by Taylor. Motion failed for lack of a second. Motion made to approve the requested increase in architectural fees from Prochaska & Associates made by Struble. Motion failed for lack of a second. Motion to table the requested increase in architectural fees from Prochaska & Associates until a representative can be at the meeting made by Stueve, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Jeannie Wortman, Chamber of Commerce, described all the activities in October. It is a very busy month. Chief Dooley gave the Fire Department update. There was a total of 55 calls for the month of September. He introduced a new Jr Cadet; Forest Dooley Jr. Fire prevention week is October 10-October 12. Fire Department Open house will be October 12 starting with a pancake breakfast at 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Fire Department is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. Motion to approve the resignation of EMT Daniel Gregory made by Stueve, second by Struble; Ayes-Tuttle, Struble, Keizer, and Stueve, Nay-Taylor. Motion passes 4 to 1. Motion to advertise for a Full-time EMT made by Stueve, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Dooley would like to create a Driver position to help out the EMTs. Council would like him to put together a job description and present it at the next Council meeting. Rich Gochenour, Public Works Director, updated Council on trading in the old park truck for an SUV. Gochenour will get some more options for the Council to look at. He stated that the pool was painted. Leak Investigators came out and looked at the pool. They will return when the pool is filled and look for the leak. He stated that the heater still isn’t fixed. Rassmussen will wait until spring to put together a new pilot assembly. He discussed the corner of 6th and Ontario. It is on the to-do list for Compass. 5th St and Huron St will be fixed this week. Mid-American Energy emailed Gochenour stating they would like to run fiber optics on top of 3rd St by the water reservoir. They need an easement to do the work. The Council agreed to let Mid-American Energy complete the job. He questioned if anyone remembered an alley between Beacon and Park Ave, going North to South between Superior and Michigan – people have asked why we do not maintain it. He stated that his employees do not maintain it and never have. The Council would like Gochenour to figure out the cost to maintain it and see if the owners would like to do a cost share of the alley. He also stated that he has started working with Dakoda Tish on valve replacements throughout town. He discussed the option of hydro-excavating the streets. It would be safer than using the bucket to dig the roads up with all the fiber optic cables running underground. They are working on isolating six valves at this time to get the non-working hydrants working again. The Council questioned purchasing an excavator. Gochenour does not see the need to purchase one at this time. Motion to approve Resolution 24-32 to fix a date for a public hearing on the proposal to enter into a Taxable General Fund Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $155,000 made by Stueve, second by Struble. Motion passes. Motion on rescheduling the November 5, 2024, Council Meeting due to the Rand Center being unavailable for Election Day to November 12, 2024, made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. John Harrison discussed the comprehensive plan steering committee. Harrison is waiting for some more information from SWIPCO on the committee. He has a few people signed up, and more people to reach out as well. The committee needs about 25 members. He would like to have the committee ready by the October 28 Planning and Zoning meeting so he can introduce everyone. Tuttle questioned the Days’ gravesite and the collection of “junk” at the cemetery. Harrison stated that he sent a letter to the property owner. Colglazier asked if they would like some bushes to be planted to hide the collection of “junk.” Keizer questioned the last Financial Report and the Aquatic Center phone. Moyer explained the purchases and stated that the phone was in “vacation mode.” Colglazier questioned making an ordinance for the City Dump Site. She will get an ordinance to present to the Council. She referred to Harrison to discuss the asbestos testing on the 315 S 2nd St property. Harrison stated the quote from Terracon is very expensive. They would like to know if they would like to continue to have Terracon do the testing, or if the Council would like to have the City tear it down. The Council agreed to have the City tear it down. Colglazier questioned about old furniture stored upstairs at City Hall. It is in the hallway and in the way. The Council agreed to get rid of it. Motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. made by Taylor, second by Stueve. Motion passes. AHLERS COONEY, CITY, LEGAL SERVICES THROUGH SEPTEMBER $120.00 ASI SYSTEMS, WATER, ALARM MONITORING OCTOBER-DECEMBER $104.97 BORUFF PLUMBING, WATER, HIGHWAY 30 WATER MAIN $1,709.85 BOUND TREE, EMS, COT STRAP $151.74 BOUND TREE, EMS, GLOVES $144.90 CENTURY LINK, CITY, PHONE SERVICE $606.70 CJS FUTURE, PARK/STREET, BOC COVERS, MOTOR TREATMENT/CORNER BRACE $61.89 CJS FUTURE, DOG PARK, 2 TONS OF PEA GRAVEL $200.00 COLGLAZIER, TURRI, CITY, REIBURSMENT FOR TRAINING $101.84 DREYER PAINTING, POOL, POOL PAINTING $25,665.00 GALLS, POLICE, UNIFORMS J DAVID $24.99 GERHOLD CONCRETE, WATER/STREET, WATER MAIN BREAK-MATERIALS FOR ERIC OLSON $1,272.65 GOODELL, CAM, POLICE, REIMBURSE MEAL TRAINING $36.16 GREGORY, DAN, EMS, REIBURSMENT FOR BOOTS $150.00 HANKINS, LOREE, CITY, REIMBURSE MEAL TRAINING $113.88 HARRISON CO DEVELOPMENT, CITY, ECONOMIN DEVELOPMENT QTRLY PAYMENT $1,683.00 IA DNR WATER SUPPLY, WATER, ANNUAL WATER USE FEE FOR 2025 $115.00 IA FIREFIGHTERS ASSN, FIRE, MEMBERSHIP $399.00 JQ OFFICE, LIBRARY, COPIER LEASE $136.00 MIDWEST MECHANICAL, WATER, WATER PLANT POWER ISSUES $375.00 MIDWEST MECHANICAL, WATER, OSHA SAFETY SIGN INSTALLATION $2,780.74 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY, SEWER, BACKWASH LAGOON REPAIRS $919.95 MV TIMES NEWS, LEGALS, MINUTES 9.3 $132.35 MV TIMES NEWS, LEGALS, P&Z NOTICE $20.00 PEOPLE SERVICE, WATER/SEWER, OCTOBER SERVICE $23,859.00 QUILL, PARK, TRASH BAGS, TOWEL $423.96 RASMUSSEN, POOL, POOL BOILER PARTS $3,051.00 ROGGE GENERAL CONTRACTORS, FIRE, PAY APP 2 FIRE STATION ADDITION $55,989.20 SALVO DEREN SCHENCK, CITY, JUNE ATTORNEY FEES $1,931.75 SALVO DEREN SCHENCK, CITY, JULY ATTORNEY FEES $2,032.00 TELRITE CORP, CITY/POLICE, LONG DISTANCE $67.64 VERIZON, CITY, CELL PHONES $914.67 VETTER EQUIPMENT, STREET, PARTS FOR MOWER $60.00 VETTER EQUIPMENT, STREET, PARTS FOR MOWER $180.00 WOLF TREE SERVICE, STREET, REMOVAL OF CITY TREES $8,000.00 WORTMAN, JEAN, CITY, PUMPKINS FOR CITY PLANTERS $222.00 ZIEGLER, STREET, BACK HOE REPAIRS $438.79 HSA, CITY, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT $425.00 FED/MED/SS, CITY, TAXES $11,793.63 PAYROLL, CITY, PAYROLL $35,018.21 UTILITY REFUND CHECKS, WATER/SEWER, UB REFUND TOTAL $181,432.46 FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES GENERAL $66,580.24 STEAM TRAIN PROJECT $10.12 FIRE DEPARTMENT $540.05 EMS DEPARTMENT $5,167.01 ROAD USE $8,776.58 EMPLOYEE BENEFITSS LOCAL OPTION TAX $8,000.00 2021 PROJECTS 2022 PROJECTS 2024 PROJECTS $55,989.20 WATER $20,876.25 SEWER $15,493.01 TOTAL $181,432.46 Shawn Kelly, Mayor Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 10-23-24