CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 6:00 P.M. Mayor Pro-Tem Stueve presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the …


CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 6:00 P.M. Mayor Pro-Tem Stueve presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Keizer, Taylor, Tuttle, and Struble joined via Zoom. Mayor Kelly was absent. Citizens present were Jeannie Wortman, Linda Coddington, Evelyn Marshall, Melinda Coddington, Jerry Keizer, Mary Jo Buckley, Rich Gochenour, Adam Bellis, Curt Field, William Huey, Dakoda Tish, Amanda Tish, Linda Summers, Jerry Summers, Aneitah Garmann, Lee Lange, Daytona Smith, and Forest Dooley. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion to approve the Agenda for October 15, 2024, made by Keizer, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Stueve opened the Public Hearing on the proposal to enter into a General Fund Loan Agreement at 6:03 p.m. There were no written or oral objections. Stueve closed the Public Hearing on the proposal to enter into a General Fund Loan Agreement at 6:05 p.m. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda: a) Minutes from October 1, 2024, Council Meeting, b) Minutes from October 2, 2024, Park Advisory Board Meeting, c) Minutes from October 3, 2024, Little Willow Dog Park Advocate Meeting, d) Claims list, e) September 2024 Financial Report, and f) September 2024 Utility Reconciliation Report made by Tuttle, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Citizen Inquiry: Jeannie Wortman with the Chamber of Commerce reminded Council of the fun events happening in Missouri Valley. Linda and Jerry Summers addressed the Council about their disapproval of changing the Zoning at the property 409 and 409 ½ E Erie St. Daytona Smith addressed the Council on why he feels there should be a Zoning change for his property. He is trying to start a small business and would like it re-zoned. Curt Field of Prochaska and Associates answered questions the Council had regarding the requested increase in architectural fees. He explained they had to re-engineer the sewer, causing the increase in fees. Motion to pay the increase in architectural fees made by Tuttle, second by Keizer. Ayes – Struble, Keizer, and Tuttle. Nay – Taylor. Motion passes 3 to 1. Motion to approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $57,006 for alley expansion concrete replacement made by Tuttle, second by Keizer. Ayes – Struble, Keizer, and Tuttle. Nay – Taylor. Motion passes 3 to 1. Motion to approve Rogge General Contractors pay application #3 in the amount of $102,892.60 made by Tuttle, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Jeff Frey, Eagle Engineering, updated Council on Well #6. The original contractor for hauling dirt to Well #6 has backed out. Vrba Construction will bring in the dirt and compact it down if we extend the contract until January 31, 2025. The electrical panel is in the process of being built, but the parts are on back-order. The Council agreed to have Eagle Engineering get the Change Order ready for the next meeting. Frey also discussed the problem on 7th St and the washout on Longview Dr and Liberty Ave. The Council agreed to put the Longview Dr and Liberty Ave washout first, 7th St next, and 4th St last. Mary Jo Buckley introduced Anitah Garmann as the new Park Advisory Board President. Garmann announced the new Vice President, Brandon Keller, and the new Secretary, Amber Flock for the Park Advisory Board. The Board is working on grants. They need 10 trees to be replaced at the soccer fields. She discussed the winterizing of the city park and gave an update on the Monkey in the Middle playset. Dakoda Tish, People Service, updated the Council on new Fire Hydrants being installed. He also stated that the cold weather is upon us. He wants everyone to make sure they are taking care of their water meters. They completed all monthly sampling and the new valve in the lagoon is working. He introduced Aaron Majors. Dakoda has resigned and will be leaving at the end of November. Rich Gochenour, Public Works Director, discussed trading in the used park truck. Different vehicles were shown to the Council. The Council would like Colglazier to look into mileage spent a year on travel expenses before a decision is made. A discussion was had on trading the park truck for a side-by-side for City use. Gochenour stated that the BMX Park is not going to be leasing the land. He is in the process of putting the land back to the way it originally was. Motion to approve a 2025 Pool Pass to the Women’s Community Memorial Auxiliary made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to table discussion on rezoning Lot Seven (7) and Lot Eight (8) in Block Eighty-four (84) in Missouri Valley Real Estate and Improvement Company’s First Addition to the Town of Missouri Valley, Harrison County, Iowa, and the East Fifteen feet (E. 15’) and the West Fifteen feet (W. 15’) of the abandoned County Ditch between lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) in Block (84) in Missouri Valley Real Estate and Improvement Company’s First Addition to Missouri Valley, Harrison County, Iowa. Located at 409 W Erie Street and 409 ½ W Erie Street. Daytona is requesting a zoning change from RD60 (Duplex Residence) to BGH (Heavy General Business Zone) for auto repair made by Keizer, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to table discussion on rezoning Lot Seven (7) Block Eighty-Three (83) in Missouri Valley Real Estate and Improvement Company’s First Addition to the Town of Missouri Valley, Harrison County Iowa. Located at 323 W Erie Street for discussion on proposed zoning change from RD60 (Duplex Residence) to allow for Business use of BGC (Central Business Zone) made by Tuttle, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Discussion was had on zoning ordinance changes. Stueve would like all Council members to take more time to read through the draft documents. Discussion was had on the comprehensive plan steering committee. Harrison, via Zoom, explained that he has about 20 members lined up. He would like to introduce them at the October 28, 2024 Planning and Zoning meeting. Motion to approve Resolution 24-33 authorizing and approving a General Fund Loan Agreement and providing for the issuance of a $155,000 Taxable General Fund Note made by Keizer, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 24-34 Authorizing Economic Development Loan Agreement made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Tuttle questioned Harrison about the 500 E Superior property. Harrison stated that he has not been able to contact the property owner, but it has been posted Do Not Occupy, so it will have to be handled by the Police. City Administrator Colglazier stated that one of the Fire Department trucks had a blowout on the interstate. Chief Dooley submitted a quote to replace all tires of the firetruck for $4,450.40. Councilman Taylor would like a couple more quotes. Colglazier also stated that the Highway 30 bypass finding of no significant impact also know as FONSI was filed, and is the last step in the environmental process. Harrison County emailed Colglazier. They gave notice that they would be doing work south of Valley Airport, Inc. The Lead Pipe Survey has been submitted and we will be sending out letters. Colglazier asked the Council what they would like to do about the cemetery. Planting shrubs or trees was given as a suggestion. Motion to adjourn at 7:39 p.m. made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Ayes – Tuttle, Keizer, and Struble. Nay – Taylor. Motion passes 3 to 1. AGRIVISION, PARKS, OIL, FILTER, BLADES $417.46 AQUACHEM, POOL, HYDROVALVES $131.58 BAKER & TAYLOR, LIBRARY, BOOKS $951.25 BAKER & TAYLOR, LIBRARY, DVD $24.49 BAKER & TAYLOR, LIBRARY, DVD $24.49 BOHLMANN, CITY, TRASH RECEPTACLE $232.83 BONHAM, WES, CEMETERY, MOWING CONTRACT #6 LAST $4,833.30 BOUND TREE, EMS, PATIENT SUPPLIES $282.90 CAPITAL BUS SYSTEM-TX, CITY, COPIER LEASE $102.66 CAPITAL BUS SYSTEM-TX, FIRE/EMS, COPIER LEASE $40.00 CAPITAL BUS SYSTEM-WYOM, EMS, COPIER LEASE $35.02 CASEYS, POLICE, FUEL $771.82 CINTAS, PARK/STREET, UNIFORMS $812.36 CULLIGAN, TRAIN, WATER/CUPS $23.79 DESOTO BEND MINI MART, POLICE/STREET, FUEL $477.67 ECO WATER SYSTEMS, CITY, WATER AND WATER COOLER RENTALS $141.25 FELDSECURITY, LIBRARY, ALARM MONITORING OCT TO DECEMBER $99.00 GALLS, POLICE, POLOS D KLINE $109.09 GALLS, POLICE, BELT D KLINE $46.21 HARRISON CO LANDFILL, LANDFILL, OCTOBER ASSESSMENT $5,860.00 HARRISON CO TREASURER, TAX, TAXES ON 315 S 2ND ST $1,242.20 HAWKEYE, STREET, SNOW PLOW FOR NEW TRUCK $8,395.00 IA LAW ENORCEMENT ACADEMY, POLICE, L PETERSON ACADEMY $4,800.00 IA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, WATER/SEWER, SGWC OCT-DEC SAFETY TRAINING $2,140.43 JQ OFFICE EQUIPMENT, CITY/POLICE/FIRE, COPIER LEASE $1,069.13 KOCHER, BRUCE, LIBRARY, MILEAGE, TRAINING, LUNCH $141.38 LEAK INVESTIGATORS, POOL, LEAK INSPECTION $550.00 MASTERCARD, CITY, SUPPLIES $2,014.20 MATHESON, EMS, OXYGEN $515.95 MATT PARROTT, WATER/SEWER, UTILITY BILLS $1,391.02 MATT PARROTT, WATER/SEWER, DISCONNECT NOTICES $674.33 MENARDS, POOL, SUPPLIES/EDGERS FOR DOG PARK $189.19 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, CITY, ELECTRICITY $9,901.37 MIDWEST LABORATORIES, SEWER, MONTHLY SAMPLES $80.05 MOS MINI MART, CITY, FUEL $1,109.48 MOSQUITO CONTROL OF IA, PARK, 2024 SPRAYING $8,655.00 MOTION AUTO, POLICE, OIL CHANGE $70.09 MO VALLEY TIRES, POLICE, FLAT TIRE REPAIR $28.00 MUSFELDT, RICHARD, LIBRARY, SEPT 2024 CLEANING $330.00 MV NAPA, DOG PARK, PARTS FOR FIRE HYDRANT $8.99 MV TIMES NEWS, CITY, MINTES 9.17 $143.12 NORMS TIRES, STREET, REPLACE STEM BACK HOE $40.00 OLSON, ERIK, WATER, EMERGENCY REPAIR HGWY 30 $2,235.00 PRESTO X, POLICE/CITY HALL, PEST CONTROL $171.84 PROCHASKA&ASSOCIATES, FIRE, ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $11,568.06 R&S WASTE, CITY, TRASH $264.00 RAILFAN SPECIALTIES, TRAIN, TRAIN MERCHANDISE $441.46 SWIGART, DARCY, POLICE, PATCHES D KLINE $12.00 TAYLOR OIL, CITY, FUEL $561.26 THE OFFICE STOP, CITY, COPY PAPER $230.00 UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, CITY, PRESORT FEES $350.00 WINDSTREAM, POLICE/FIRE, LINE CHARGE FOR SIREN $56.94 ZIEGLER, STREET, BACK HOE REPAIR $915.74 ADVANTAGE ADMIN, CITY, OCT 24 SERVICE FEE $99.75 ADVANTAGE ADMIN, CITY, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT $701.66 IPERS, CITY, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT $21,774.68 TREASURER, STATE OF IA, CITY, SALES AND USE TAX SEPT 24 $575.06 TREASURER, STATE OF IA, CITY, WATER EXCISE TAX SEPT 24 $2,700.51 TREASURER, STATE OF IA, CITY, STATE TAXES $5,416.59 HSA, CITY, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT $14,925.00 FED/MED/SS, CITY, TAXES $11,206.69 PAYROLL, CITY, PAYROLL $35,305.34 UTILITY REFUND CHECKS, WATER/SEWER, UB REFUND $445.92 TOTAL $168,863.60 FUND SUMMARY EXPENSES GENERAL $94,756.77 STEAM TRAIN PROJECT $616.74 FIRE DEPARTMENT $1,667.38 EMS DEPARTMENT $6,875.55 ROAD USE $28,208.79 EMPLOYEE BENEFITSS $787.23 LOCAL OPTION TAX 2021 PROJECTS 2022 PROJECTS 2024 PROJECTS $11,568.06 WATER $15,689.03 SEWER $8,694.05 TOTAL $168,863.60 Patty Stueve, Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 10-30-24