CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, November 4, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call Council members present: John Glennie, Mary Seago, and Jim Rains. John Glennie was present by phone. Absent: Karen Breyfogle and Chad Wilson. Staff present: Alyx Hirst and Mike Kelley. Public present: None. c. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda by M. Seago with a second by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. d. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the October 7th, 2024 meeting minutes by M. Seago and seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 3-0. e. Utility Service Company, Inc. Invoice M. Seago made a motion to approve the Utility Service Company claim in the amount of $12,964.00. The motion was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. f. Approval of All Other Claims as Presented J. Rains made a motion to approve all other claims as presented and they were seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 3-0. 2. Public Comments None 3. Community Center/Facility Report The community center manager sent in her report to the city council. 4. Library Report None 5. Fire Department Report None 6. Property Maintenance Report (John Harrison, Bluffs Inspection Service) Clerk Hirst stated that she accidentally left the building permit for 401 N Main off of the agenda. She stated she had questions and wanted to discuss the permit with the property maintenance inspector. A call was made to John Harrison during the meeting to confirm what the requirements were before building. The city council stated they didn’t see an issue moving forward as the homeowners were already doing what was required. Alyx stated she would submit the permit next month for council approval. 7. Old Business None 8. New Business a. Public Hearing on Amended Budget for FY2024-2025 Motion to open public hearing by J. Rains and seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 3-0. The hearing opened at 7:38 p.m. No public comments were made, no written comments were received. M. Seago motioned to close the hearing at 7:41 p.m. with a second by J. Glennie. Motion carried 3-0. b. Resolution #2024-17: Adoption of the Amended FY2024-2025 City Budget J. Rains motioned to approve Resolution #2024-17. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried 3-0. c. Council review and consideration of Pay Application No. 14, Project 180263.01, in the amount of $330,969.27. Pay Application subject to USDA review and concurrence (water plant) M. Seago motioned to approve Pay Application No. 14 in the amount of $330,969.27 to RP Constructors, subject to review and concurrence from USDA. The motion was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 3-0. d. Council review and consideration of Pay Application No. 3, Project 180263.01, in the amount of $11,780.00. Pay Application subject to USDA review and concurrence (water meters) M. Seago motioned to approve Pay Application No. 3 in the amount of $11,780.00 to Armodus, subject to review and concurrence from USDA. The motion was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. e. Avenue of Flags donation to West Harrison National Honor Society Maggie Rains, a member of the Mondamin Avenue of Flags, requested that $2,000 be given to the National Honor Society at West Harrison for their help in putting up and taking down the Avenue of Flags throughout the year. Motion to approve the $2,000 request by M. Seago and seconded by J. Glennie. Motion passed unanimously. f. Reflection’s Cleaning: Park Shelter Motion by M. Seago and a second by J. Rains to hire Reflection’s Cleaning to deep-clean the Jimmy King Park Shelter Building. Motion carried 3-0. g. Christmas Lighting Contest Judging will be on the evening of December 20th from 6-10pm. Winners will be announced at the annual Christmas party at the Mondamin Community Center on December 22nd. Jim Rains motioned to award the following prizes: 1st place - $100, 2nd place - $75, 3rd place - $50, and 4th place - $25. The motion was then seconded by Mary Seago. Motion carried 3-0. h. Flood Elevation Survey for 501 Cedar Street Discussion only. M. Seago stated that we would need a flood elevation survey done before we can move forward with land development at 501 Cedar Street. Clerk Hirst suggested a call to our water plant engineer to see if we need to send out a request for qualifications to surveyors. i. Courtyard Post-Clock Discussion only. J. Glennie mentioned seeing a street clock and thought one would make a beautiful addition to Mondamin. Council stated that they would look into placement and funding for one in the near future. j. ICAP Grant Discussion. Mike thought updating the first aid kits in city buildings would be a good idea. 9. Mayor’s Report None 10. Clerk’s Report Clerk Hirst discussed items that she or the council need to follow up on. Alyx also reported working on the Service Line Inventory submission to the DNR and stated that the EPA released new guidelines about reporting which requires water systems to send out new letters to residents by November 15th. Alyx stated that she is working on the letter to make sure all the information required is presented and that she and Mike have answers for the residents when they ask. 11. Public Works Report Mike reported that other than daily duties, he worked on cleaning the water plant, burning brush at the lagoon, and GIS mapping on Mondamin’s Diamond Maps profile. 12. Commissioner Reports M. Seago stated that the Light up the Park event will be held on November 30th from 3-5p.m. at the Mondamin City Park. Santa and Mrs. Claus will make their annual appearance along with some new friends. 13. Other Business M. Seago stated that the streets on the North side of town need evaluated for repairs. 14. Adjourn Having no further business to conduct, M. Seago made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. These minutes are as recorded by the Mondamin City Clerk and subject to approval at the next regular city council meeting. Attest: Alyx Hirst City Clerk, City of Mondamin Operating Account City of Mondamin Claims Paid October 8, 2024 through November 4, 2024 Name, Memo, Amount Hollman Media, web hosting 45.00 Deluxe for Business, checks 410.36 Thiele Geotech, Inc., concrete test & trip charges 1,298.00 United States Treasury, September 2024 payroll taxes 2,989.34 IPERS, September 2024 IPERS 2,068.14 Intuit, payroll subscription fees 51.36 Kevin Cox, removal of trees 3,500.00 Hussing, Christine C, back pay from check dates 7/1/24 - 10/7/24 179.56 United States Treasury, September 2024 payroll taxes 76.50 Anderson, Roberta M, payroll 365.75 Hirst, Alyxandria M, payroll 1,344.92 Hussing, Christine C, payroll 840.73 Kelley, Michael R, payroll 2,614.32 USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Loan #1 4,975.00 USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Loan #3 1,560.00 USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Loan #4 2,386.00 Collection Services Center, child support payroll date 11/4/2024 218.30 Windstream, charges for services 322.17 Sam's Club, paper and comm. ctr. Supplies 136.77 Iowa Dept of Rev (state wh), Q3 IA Withholding 851.27 Iowa Workforce Development, IA Unemployment Q3 30.07 IPERS, Sept 2024 IPERS Missed wages R. Anderson 78.65 Midstates Bank (v), Internet Banking Service Charge 25.00 Mid American Energy, charges for services 1,295.72 Menards - Council Bluffs, furnance filters, LED lights, self level cement, lattice 344.25 Menards - Council Bluffs, LED lights for city shed, heater for Alyx office, door levers & deadbolts 700.75 Hawkins, Inc., water chemicals 210.39 Miracle Recreation Equipment, replacement of park equipment 321.06 PeopleService Inc., charges for services 2,065.00 Analytical & Consulting Services, Inc., wastewater testing 594.50 Harrison County REC, charges for services 647.06 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 14.00 Emergency Apparatus Maintenance, Inc., Kussmaul charger 2,483.87 Municipal Supply, Inc., new water meter software 7,450.00 Armodus, LLC, rock 1,302.98 Missouri Valley Times News, publications 244.02 Menards - Council Bluffs, self leveling concrete 119.97 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 22.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services 120.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services 1,837.00 IMWCA, 2023-2024 Audit Adjustment 424.00 Vetter Equipment, weed edger 154.89 WEX BANK, fuel for fire and roads depts 599.85 Siouxland District Health Department, water testing 22.00 Hollman Media, domain registration 25.00 Harrison County Landfill Commission, city shed clean out trash 28.08 FNBO (Christine), amazon subscription 179.00 FNBO (Steve), Adobe and tire repair 46.19 FNBO (Mike), hydraulic hose sewer lagoon 15.90 VC3, Inc, charges for services 251.34 GPM, flow meter sensor and service call 1,960.00 JEO Consulting Group Inc., 91% Construction Services, RPR Services, SWPPP A&M 2,796.85 Bomgaars, bushing, adapter, clamp, hose, bolts 68.05 TOTAL 52,710.93 INCOME FOR OCTOBER 2024 Utility Service Charges $26,550.51 King's Court Housing Rent $2,950.00 Community Center Rentals $225.00 Building Permit $20.00 MidAmerican Grant $500.00 Shelby County Auditor $1,384.80 State of Iowa – Library $1,201.77 CDBG Reimbursement $29,512.00 Property Tax $96,151.67 Road Use Tax $3,797.27 Local Option Sales Tax $3,433.17 Interest Earned $153.27 Total Income from October: $165,879.46 Attest: Alyx Hirst, City Clerk November 4, 2024 City Council Meeting MVTN 11-20-24