CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, October 7, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., …


CITY OF MONDAMIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mondamin City Hall Monday, October 7, 2024 7:00 P.M. 1. Opening of Meeting a. Mayor Jamie Howrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call Council members present: John Glennie, Mary Seago, and Jim Rains. Absent: Karen Breyfogle and Chad Wilson. Staff present: Alyx Hirst and Mike Kelley. Public present: Brandi Kelley, John Harrison, Christine Howrey, and Bonnie Castillo from Harrison County Emergency Management. c. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda by M. Seago with a second by J. Glennie. Motion carried 3-0. d. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the September 9th, 2024 meeting minutes by J. Glennie and seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 3-0. Motion to approve the September 12th, 2024 meeting minutes by M. Seago and seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 3-0. e. Approval of All Claims as Presented M. Seago made a motion to approve all claims as presented and they were seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. 2. Public Comments John Harrison from Bluffs Inspection Services was asked to handle the ongoing nuisance at 401 Cedar St. 3. Community Center/Facility Report The community center manager sent in her report to the city council. 4. Library Report The librarian sent in her report to the council. 5. Fire Department Report None 6. Property Maintenance Report (John Harrison, Bluffs Inspection Service) John stated that the structure at 100 S. Harding had been torn down and he also gave updates on the other properties that are pending abatement. The city council discussed other properties that they would like John to start the abatement process on. 7. Old Business None 8. New Business a. Discussion with Bonnie Castillo from Harrison County Emergency Management Bonnie discussed some measures the city can take to become more prepared in an emergency situation. Bonnie also stated that signing up for Alert Iowa is the best way for the public to be notified of any emergencies in their specific area. b. Generator for the tornado siren Bonnie stated that we may be able to obtain a Hazard Mitigation Grant or be able to use the Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund Program to help with funding for a new generator to power the tornado siren if the power goes out. More information is needed before decisions can be made. c. Tree Removal Bids: 306 S Noyes Two bids were received. J. Glennie motioned to approve the lowest bid in the amount of $3,500.00. The motion was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. The bid was awarded to Kevin Cox. d. Resolution #2024-16: A Resolution authorizing and directing the city clerk to write-off utility accounts that are considered uncollectible J. Glennie motioned to approve Resolution #2024-16 and it was seconded by M. Seago. Roll call vote. All ayes. e. Recommendation/Action: Employee Evaluation for Librarian, Christine Hussing The evaluation committee reported on the Christine’s evaluation. J. Glennie motioned that Christine receive an annual 5% pay increase and it be retroactive July 1, 2024. With this increase, the new hourly rate will be $13.13. The motion was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. f. Resignation of Christine Hussing, Librarian Christine submitted a letter of resignation stating her last day will be December 31, 2024. M. Seago motioned to accept the resignation of Christine Hussing, and it was seconded by J. Rains. Motion carried 3-0. g. Notice approval for the library director’s job summary and starting wage M. Seago motioned to approve the starting wage for the new librarian at $13 per hour. It was seconded by J. Glennie. Motion carried 3-0. h. Purchase of new locks for the library A motion by M. Seago and seconded by J. Glennie to approve new locks for the library. Motion carried 3-0. i. Fall city wide clean-up day Council stated that Sunday, November 10th, from 2-4 p.m. will be fall clean-up day. j. Purchase of new lights for the city shed and the shop at city hall Motion by J. Glennie and seconded by M. Seago to purchase new lights for both the city shed and the shop at city hall. Motion carried 3-0. k. Land development at 501 Cedar St. Discussion on funding for the development of land at 501 Cedar St. Clerk Hirst stated she would reach out to SWIPCO and that contact could also be made to the Iowa West Foundation for options regarding residential housing. 9. Mayor’s Report None 10. Clerk’s Report Clerk Hirst stated she had received an email concerning children riding on motorized and battery-operated devices in the streets and not being seen by cars, trucks, etc. The council stated they would investigate it. Clerk Hirst reported that she had less complaints than expected from the increase in utility rates. Alyx discussed the process of switching the water meters over to radio read in the utility billing software which will require some time to do. Clerk Hirst is currently working on a budget amendment because of the transfers related to the USDA loans and water plant project costs. Lastly, Alyx stated that she is working on EPA’s Service Line Inventory. 11. Public Works Report Mike reported that the additional electric services were installed in the park and that he has been working on cleaning out the city shed. 12. Commissioner Reports M. Seago discussed items that she would like to submit for the King Foundation Grant. 13. Other Business None 14. Adjourn Having no further business to conduct, J. Glennie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by M. Seago. Motion carried 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. These minutes are as recorded by the Mondamin City Clerk and subject to approval at the next regular city council meeting. Attest: Alyx Hirst City Clerk, City of Mondamin Operating Account City of Mondamin Claims Paid September 10, 2024 through October 7, 2024 Name, Memo, Amount Hollman Media, web hosting 45.00 US Postal Service, stamps 517.04 Hinkel, Steven R, 64.5 paid comp hours 1,150.35 Ahlers & Cooney, PC, legal services for water treatment plant 18,700.00 Pounds Printing, Inc., printing of ordinance books 220.68 United States Treasury, August 2024 payroll taxes 2,285.98 IPERS, August 2024 IPERS 1,594.76 Intuit, payroll subscription fees 6.42 Davis,Sydney, remainder of utility deposit 104.30 Gawley Tire and Repair, Inc., nitrogen in tractor tires 728.00 Transfer, transfer to keep water savings acct open 100.00 Armodus, LLC, water meters pay app #2 57,808.28 Heartland Co-op - City, propane prepay 1,904.00 Heartland Co-op - Comm. Ctr, propane prepay 1,632.00 Heartland Co-op - Library, propane prepay 952.00 Heartland Co-op - fire dept, propane prepay 3,400.00 RP Constructors LLC, water plant pay app 13 292,596.91 RP Constructors LLC, water plant pay app. 12 38,649.89 Windstream, charges for services 322.17 USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Loan #1 4,975.00 USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Loan #3 1,560.00 USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Loan #4 2,386.00 AM Electric, electrical service for the park, grant funds 5,280.64 Midstates Bank, Internet Banking Service Charge 25.00 WEX BANK, fuel for fire and roads depts. 1,613.08 Wills, Trevor, remainder of utility deposit 55.64 Midstates Bank, loan payment 8,302.07 FNBO (Steve), Adobe and keys 47.88 Bonsall TV & Appliance, freezer at comm. Center 1,049.95 JEO Consulting Group Inc., engineering service for new water treatment plant 10,631.85 Stars & Bars Entertainment, deposit for Heritage Day services 320.00 Harrison County Landfill Commission, October 2024 assessment 742.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services 120.00 R & S Waste Disposal, charges for services 1,837.00 Missouri Valley Times News, publications 58.48 Mid American Energy, charges for services 1,535.32 Analytical & Consulting Services, Inc., wastewater testing 554.00 PeopleService Inc., charges for services 2,065.00 Missouri Valley Times News, publications 229.82 Harrison County Development Corporation, economic development services 237.93 Harrison County REC, charges for services 545.92 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, annual water use fee 115.00 JEO Consulting Group Inc., engineering service for new water treatment plant 6,264.95 Hawkins, Inc., water chemicals 516.89 VC3, Inc, charges for IT services 251.34 Ace Refrigeration Co., service call on freezer at community center 450.00 Harrison County Sheriff, law enforcement Q2 FY25 2,010.00 Menards - Fremont, wood, antifreeze 77.04 Bomgaars, weed trimmer and blower, oil, mouse traps, glue, blade 699.19 Heartland Co-op - Comm. Ctr, tank lease fee 60.00 Heartland Co-op - City, fuel for public works 353.12 Hinkel, Steven R, payroll 4,994.48 Hirst, Alyxandria M, payroll 1,623.92 Hussing, Christine C, payroll 825.05 Kelley, Michael R, payroll 2,614.34 Anderson, Roberta M, payroll 365.76 Crary Huff Law Firm, charges for legal services 1,752.65 Collection Services Center, child support payroll date 9/9/24 218.30 Collection Services Center, child support payroll date 9/23/24 218.30 Collection Services Center, child support payroll date 10/7/2024 218.30 Total 490,518.99 INCOME FOR SEPTEMBER 2024 Utility Service Charges $19,021.96 King's Court Housing Rent $3,000.00 Park Shelter Donation $265.00 Community Center Rentals $100.00 Liquor License Fee $97.50 Dog License Fee $60.00 Sale of Library Book $10.00 Harrison County Auditor – Library $9,277.34 USDA Rural Development (Water Plant Project) $369,265.37 Iowa Finance Authority - WTFAP Grant $150,000.00 Property Tax $8,571.32 Road Use Tax $5,385.44 Local Option Sales Tax $2,424.57 Interest Earned $85.51 Total Income from September: $567,564.01 Attest: Alyx Hirst, City Clerk October 7, 2024 City Council Meeting MVTN 11-6-24