HARRISON COUNTY CLAIMS - December 2024 Able Locksmiths, Equipment Repair & Mainte 1430.00 ADP, Service Contracts 48.78 Aetna, Retirement Medical Benefi 1661.06 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Meals & Lodging …


HARRISON COUNTY CLAIMS - December 2024 Able Locksmiths, Equipment Repair & Mainte 1430.00 ADP, Service Contracts 48.78 Aetna, Retirement Medical Benefi 1661.06 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Meals & Lodging 60.00 AM Electric LLC Ann & Mike Kir, Fuel & Oil 692.60 Anatomy IT LLC, Data Processing Services 2008.44 Lacey J Ardery, Employee Mileage & Subs 120.94 Armodus LLC, Park Land Development 116340.00 Atco International, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 339.75 Axxess Technology Solutions, Computer Updates 1500.00 Amanda L Barnum, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Baum Hydraulics, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 362.38 Connie Betts, Telephone 25.00 Bi-State Motor Parts, Engineering Services 295.30 Bi-State Motor Parts, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 62.64 Bill's Water Conditioning, Other 182.69 Bill's Water Conditioning, Water Use 145.44 Bomgaars Supply, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 77.99 Bonine Garage Doors, Building Maintenance 1558.50 Michael J Branstetter, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Angela D Brunow, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 71.28 Madelyn Brunow, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Bulletin-Review Lee Newspaper, Miscellaneous 105.00 Careficient, Computer Updates 9535.87 Carpenter Paper Company, Custodial Supplies 645.57 Bonnie Castillo, Fuel & Oil 164.82 Bonnie Castillo, Office Supplies 108.67 Bonnie Castillo, Postage 14.60 Central Iowa Distributing, Custodial Supplies 508.00 CenturyLink, Electric Light & Power 96.64 CenturyLink, Telephone 238.62 Checketts Law, PLC, Legal & Court-Related Ser 1090.00 Cheryl Smith Cleaning Service, Building Maintenance 375.00 Cheryl Smith Cleaning Service, Other Personnel 675.00 Christian Home Assoc, Sheltered Care 1399.50 Laurie Christo, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 City of Dunlap, Utilities Payments 150.00 City of Logan, Electric Light & Power 150.74 City of Logan, Miscellaneous 134.22 City of Logan, Office Supplies 5.56 City of Logan, Office Utilities 2.78 City of Logan, Service Contracts 52.93 City of Logan, Utilities Payments 150.00 City of Logan, Water Use 400.21 City of Missouri Valley, Electric Light & Power 58.01 City of Modale, Utilities Payments 150.00 Clark Pest & Termite Control, Extermination Services 45.00 Contech Engineered Solutions, Flood & Erosion Constr St 9606.88 Control Services, Equipment Repair & Mainte 957.50 Farner Bocken, Food & Provisions 1640.33 Country Hardware and Supply, Building Maintenance 10.24 Country Hardware and Supply, Custodial Supplies 60.03 Country Hardware and Supply, Electric Light & Power 51.71 Country Hardware and Supply, Engineering Services 183.59 Country Hardware and Supply, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 106.92 Country Hardware and Supply, Motor Vehicle Repair 712.43 Country Hardware and Supply, Office Equipment & Furnit 15.42 Country Hardware and Supply, Office Supplies 10.28 Country Hardware and Supply, Office Utilities 10.28 Country Hardware and Supply, Recreational Supplies 13.98 Crittenton Center, Sheltered Care 1259.55 Croghan & Russell CPA PC, Consulting Service 3425.00 Iowa Division of Labor, Safety & Protection Suppl 175.00 Dave Dickman Estate, Rent Payments 150.00 Alex Davis Endeavor Civil Engi, Engineering Services 5920.00 Diamond Mowers, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 1297.11 Christina Dickinson, Employee Mileage & Subs 4.92 Double B Trash Service LLC, Service Contracts 63.00 Douglas County Sheriff, Transcripts 75.00 Dunlap Reporter, Board Proceedings 844.40 Eby Drug, Prescription Medicine 328.45 Echo Group Inc, Building Maintenance 93.92 Eco Water Systems, Service Contracts 221.50 Edwards Hyundai, Employee Mileage & Subs 18589.00 Edwards Motorsports LLC, Miscellaneous 44996.70 Debra R Eickholt, Employee Mileage & Subs 122.81 Lisa Emswiler, Autopsy & Coroner Expense 200.00 Nathaniel Epperson, Mileage 192.69 Scott C Epperson, Employee Mileage & Subs 101.17 Mitchell W Flaherty, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Flint Construction, Building Maintenance 3000.00 Foodland, Food & Provisions 75.00 Foodland, Miscellaneous 100.00 Fouts Funeral Home, Autopsy & Coroner Expense 1040.00 Nancy M Frazier, Sales Items 111.00 Brittany N Freet, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 G & R Nifty Lawns, Agricultural/Horticulture 2000.00 Hallett Materials, Cover Aggregate & Sand 11556.57 Marley Hansen, Custodial Services 200.00 Marley Hansen, Park Land Development 454.00 Harrison County Development, Educational & Training Se 100.00 Harrison County Extension, Chemicals & Gasses-Herbic 110.00 Harrison County Extension, Dues & Memberships 55.00 Harrison County Landfill, Dues & Memberships 13847.00 Harrison County REC, Electric Light & Power 3076.83 Harrison County REC, Park Land Development 350.00 Harrison County REC, Radio & Related Equipment 542.70 Harrison County REC, Utilities Payments 150.00 Harrison County Secondary Road, Fuel & Oil 520.00 Harrison County Secondary Road, Motor Vehicle Repair 190.00 Harrison County Secondary Road,Tires & Tubes 80.00 Harrison County Sheriff, Miscellaneous 89440.00 HEALTHCAREfirst Wells Fargo, Service Contracts 100.00 Eclipse Healthcare, Deputies Salaries 9669.20 Heartland Co-op, Fuel & Oil 1736.00 Heartland Family Services, Opioid Other Prevent Stra 4084.51 Heartland Family Services, Service Contracts 1185.98 Heartland Tire, Inc, Tires & Tubes 1505.92 Heartland Tires & Treads, Tires & Tubes 23708.85 Henry M Adkins & Son, Election Supplies 10600.00 HGM Assoc, Engineering Services 9011.60 Rene Hiller, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 HiTouch Business Services, Office Equipment 95.63 HiTouch Business Services, Office Supplies 38.65 Hodge Greenhouse, Sales Items 60.00 Sunnie L Hoss, Employee Mileage & Subs 65.59 Tammy M Hutchinson, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 IACCBE Winterfest, Educational & Training Se 520.00 IMWCA, Workmens' Comp Insurance 10234.00 Interstate Battery System of S, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 438.85 Iowa Communications Network, Miscellaneous 452.00 Iowa EMA, Dues & Memberships 175.00 Iowa Law Enforcement Academy, Continuing Education 150.00 Iowa Prison Industries, Traffic & St Sign Materia 442.64 Iowa St Medical Examiner, Autopsy & Coroner Expense 4099.00 Iowa State Sheriff's & Deputie, Dues & Memberships 600.00 Karen Iversen, Employee Mileage & Subs 104.52 Bill Iwen, Other Personnel 2400.00 Jack's Uniforms & Equipment, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 428.28 John Deere Financial, Parts 92.12 Randy L Jones, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Karl Chevrolet, Machinery & Equipment 108620.80 Karl Emergency Vehicles, Motor Vehicle 20627.98 Darin Kline, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Garrett C Klutts, Office Supplies 13.69 Jason Knickman, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Anita Kuhlman, Rent Payments 150.00 Lawson Products, Engineering Services 38.35 Loess Hills Hospitality Assoc, Sales Items 432.00 Loftus Htg & Air Conditioning, Outside Repair Service 2027.35 Logan Auto Supply, Engineering Services 215.39 Logan Auto Supply, Lubricants 17.84 Logan Auto Supply, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 1207.20 Logan Auto Supply, Motor Vehicle Repair 64.00 Logan Auto Supply, Oil & Air Filters 73.36 Logan Postmaster, Postage 1095.00 Logan Super Foods, Environmental Ed/Awards 128.99 Logan Super Foods, Food & Provisions 3845.28 Long Lines, Telephone 186.81 Mail Services, DOT Renewal Notices 931.38 Matheson Tri-Gas, Shop Equipment 1072.90 Amanda M MayBee, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Amanda M MayBee, Employee Mileage & Subs 10.00 McCullough Creative, Park Land Development 18500.00 Ben McIntosh, Mileage 184.92 Justin McMurray McMurray Auto, Motor Vehicle Repair 1274.70 Medline Industries, Health Supplies & Equipme 1601.77 Tabitha Melby, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Tabitha Melby, Employee Mileage & Subs 50.92 Tabitha Melby, Office Supplies 20.33 Mid Country Machinery, Outside Repair Service 2878.51 MidAmerican Energy Company, Electric Light & Power 3009.20 MidAmerican Energy Company, Miscellaneous 501.43 MidAmerican Energy Company, Natural & LP Gas 296.86 MidAmerican Energy Company, Office Equipment & Furnit 29.93 MidAmerican Energy Company, Office Supplies 19.95 MidAmerican Energy Company, Office Utilities 19.95 MidAmerican Energy Company, Radio & Related Equipment 101.12 MidAmerican Energy Company, Service Contracts 203.74 MidAmerican Energy Company, Utilities Payments 150.00 Miller Fuel & Oil, Fuel & Oil 24666.48 Moores Portable Toilets & Pump, Plumbing Equipment 250.00 Motorola Solutions, Data Processing Supplies 1000.00 Danelle Myer, Mileage 191.75 Scott S Nelson, Protection/Security Servi 1000.00 Neptune Cremation, Funeral Services 1000.00 Amanda Cleaver, Employee Mileage & Subs 206.36 Kim Nunez, Mileage 233.96 ODP Business Solutions LLC, Office Supplies 92.33 ODP Business Solutions LLC, Postage 134.37 Office Stop, Custodial Supplies 59.71 Office Stop, Office Supplies 476.34 Kristina Pauley, Mileage 125.29 Beau Peschel, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Shane C Phillips, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Pitney Bowes Global Financial, Postage 260.10 Pitney Bowes Global Financial, Postage Meter Rental 260.10 Pitney Bowes Global Financial, Service Contracts 260.10 Shannon Pitt, Employee Mileage & Subs 64.99 Thad M Pothast, Telephone 10.00 PowerPhone, Radio & Related Equipment 10135.85 Powerplan, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 7398.28 Powerplan, Oil & Air Filters 315.14 Poweshiek County Auditor Melis, Autopsy & Coroner Expense 2047.00 Provider Insights Inc, Service Contracts 500.00 R & S Waste Disposal, Trash Hauling 665.71 RDO Truck Center, Oil & Air Filters 363.55 RDO Truck Center, Outside Repair Service 8203.05 Megan L Reffett, Employee Mileage & Subs 159.46 Megan L Reffett, Meals & Lodging 63.00 Reflections Cleaning, Building Maintenance 4900.00 Reflections Cleaning, Service Contracts 420.00 Regional Water, Electric Light & Power 64.80 David Reisz, Utilities Payments 191.38 Reporting Services LLC, Legal & Court-Related Ser 165.00 Ricoh USA, Maintenance Contracts 54.33 Ricoh USA, Office & Data Processing 402.86 Ricoh USA, Office Equipment 106.30 Brian Rife, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Dana J Riza, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Rubber Inc, Tires & Tubes 609.58 Santa Maria Vineyard & Winery, Sales Items 632.40 Schildberg Construction, Cover Aggregate & Sand 31617.44 Schildberg Construction, Park Land Development 2572.96 Schneider Geospatial, Schneider Contract & Serv 384.00 Schneider Geospatial, Telephone 4830.00 Preston W Schumacher, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Secure Shred Solutions, Office Equipment & Furnit 35.50 Secure Shred Solutions, Printing, Binding Serv 35.50 Secure Shred Solutions, Service Contracts 35.50 Secure Shred Solutions, Trash Hauling 35.50 Seeley Auto Service, Employee Mileage & Subs 444.74 Shelby County Auditor, Buildings (Rent) 1776.50 Sid Dillon Chevrolet Olds Pont, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 165.00 Bradley T Sieck, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Jennifer Skinner, Employee Mileage & Subs 93.13 Anthony L Smith, Employee Group & Life Ins 166.66 Solutions Harris Local Governm, Office Equipment 1748.35 Solutions Harris Local Governm, Solutions Contracts & Exp 6853.19 Springhower Repair, Educational & Training Se 1766.89 State Hygienic Lab, Abandon Well Exp & Water 383.00 Stericycle, Service Contracts 231.84 Stern Oil Company Inc, Lubricants 1450.53 Matt Parrott, Office Supplies 126.53 John L Straight, Employee Mileage & Subs 292.12 John L Straight, Meals & Lodging 10.00 Ten Point Construction, Asphalt & Asphalt Product 82393.30 Ten Point Construction, Concrete & Clay Products 11399.00 Thomson Reuters, Magazines Periodicals & B 2148.40 TK Elevator Corp, Equipment Repair & Mainte 391.24 Treasurer State of Iowa, Park Land Development 322.80 Truck Center Companies, Engineering Services 152.35 Truck Center Companies, Oil & Air Filters 588.74 US Bank, Advertising 39.89 US Bank, Building Maintenance 141.66 US Bank, Continuing Education 1827.64 US Bank, Custodial Supplies 48.99 US Bank, Data Processing Services 1.99 US Bank, Educational & Training Se 506.80 US Bank, Electrical Supplies & Par 23.00 US Bank, Employee Mileage & Subs 897.39 US Bank, Environmental Ed/Awards 647.07 US Bank, Food & Provisions 97.93 US Bank, Fuel & Oil 3875.05 US Bank, Legal & Court-Related Ser 44.00 US Bank, Meals & Lodging 311.36 US Bank, Mileage 37.18 US Bank, Miscellaneous 50.00 US Bank, Motor Vehicle 923.08 US Bank, Office Equipment & Furnit 13.98 US Bank, Office Supplies 841.60 US Bank, Park Land Development 652.00 US Bank, Postage 313.15 US Bank, Recreational Supplies 101.86 US Bank, Sales Items 1491.62 US Bank, Service Contracts 118.53 US Bank, Telephone 314.51 US Bank, Wearing Apparel & Uniform 94.36 Valley Times News, Advertising 95.00 Valley Times News, Board Proceedings 844.40 Valley Times News, Legal Notice 278.69 Valley Times News, Miscellaneous 237.00 Van Sickle Bees, Sales Items 167.00 Verizon Connect Fleet USA LLC, Outside Repair Service 980.65 Verizon Wireless, Data Processing Supplies 231.45 Verizon Wireless, Telephone 1251.44 Veterans Information Service, Miscellaneous 65.00 Visual Edge IT Inc File 2594, Office & Data Processing 140.24 Visual Edge IT Inc File 2594, Photocopy 234.65 Visual Edge IT Inc File 2594, Photographic Supplies 37.95 Visual Edge IT Inc File 2594, Service Contracts 42.95 WAUSAU Equipment Company, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 1983.39 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Office & Data Processing 133.23 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Office Supplies 100.76 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Service Contracts 328.09 WellSky, Service Contracts 125.00 Western Iowa Wireless, Data Processing Services 159.90 Western Iowa Wireless, Office Supplies 124.90 Wright Express, Fuel & Oil 3161.35 Shannon Winchester, Custodial Services 200.00 Shannon Winchester, Park Land Development 376.00 Windstream, Electric Light & Power 752.47 Windstream, Telephone 1756.46 Windstream, Telephone 154.74 Wiretap Telecom, Telephone 349.49 Yant Equipment, Fuel & Oil 2939.93 Youth Shelter Care of North Ce, Sheltered Care 119.37 Randy L Zacharias, Abandon Well Exp & Water 4000.00 Mark R Zack, Retirement Medical Benefi 699.72 Ziegler, Lubricants 414.40 Ziegler, Minor MV Parts & Accessor 1401.23 Ziegler, Oil & Air Filters 3321.95 Ziegler, Outside Repair Service 5132.62 1ITsource, Computer Updates 127.00 1ITsource, Service Contracts 452.75 December 2024 Withholding GENERAL FUND FICA 23,107.40 IPERS 20,998.09 GENERAL SUPPLEMENT FICA 25,632.86 IPERS 30,221.80 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 332.43 AETNA 73,987.48 HEALTH EQUITY 8,420.04 RURAL SERVICES FICA 5,836.02 IPERS 6,644.44 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 10.69 AETNA 3,109.49 HEALTH EQUITY 329.85 SECONDARY ROAD FUND FICA 22,515.60 IPERS 25,243.47 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 220.39 AETNA 49,762.30 HEALTH EQUITY 5,791.59 REAP FICA 21.02 IPERS 21.61 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FUND FICA 6,218.86 IPERS 6,680.40 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 60.75 AETNA 10,468.87 HEALTH EQUITY 1,374.99 ASSESSOR FUND FICA 2,275.16 IPERS 2,466.24 LINCOLN FINANCIAL 20.25 AETNA 4,573.50 HEALTH EQUITY 416.66 December 2024 Salaries Madelyn L Brunow 3,539.50 Shirley Conant 1,759.00 Christina Dickinson 1,691.00 Jodee Dixon 3,448.28 Brittany N Freet 3,097.92 Baeli Garbez 286.56 Laura Hansen 62.78 Cadence Harkless 3,168.00 Tammy M Hutchinson 4,596.50 Rhonda Kouma 841.00 Kristin E Leon 1,305.68 Emily Lieber 1,111.50 Megan Reffett 939.58 Kristine Underwood 520.10 Eugene Jacobsen 48.04 Donald Rodasky 53.40 MVTN 1-15-25 TDR 1-16-25