HARRISON COUNTY LANDFILL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 9, 2025 The HCLC regular meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m., January 9, 2025 by Chairman Struble. Roll call showed Representatives: Breyfogle, Woodward, Weigelt, Kreger, O’Neill. Also in attendance was Manager Tyler Hinkel and Darren Walsh form GBK& Co Item #1) Approval of agenda. Motion was made by Breyfogle and seconded by Weigelt to approve the agenda . 9 ayes. Item #2) Review of the Meeting Minutes, from 12-19-24. Motion was made by Rife and seconded by Breyfogle to approve 12/19/24 meeting minutes. 6 ayes Item #3) The budget and claims were reviewed. The board went through the bills submitted for the month and the checking and savings accounts. Motion was made by Rife and seconded by Anderson to approve the budget and claims. 6 ayes Item #4) was for Questions/Concerns/Misc. Information that the Representatives or Hinkel has: A) Hinkel notified the board that the HCLC was awarded a Dean J. King Foundation award to purchase a GPS unit for the track loader. B) Hinkel explained to the board that the Harrison County Road Dept. had started hauling dirt from a ditch clean out. The dirt received will be used in the landfill for daily cover and will extend the lifespan of the landfills dirt stock pile. The HCLC is extremely grateful to receive this material. Item #5) Reports – Drop-Box Recycling Reports – Misc. Information/New Articles were looked at. Item #6) Election of Officers. Breyfogle made a motion to appoint the following positions. Sherman Struble – Chairman, Mike Anderson – Vice Chairman, Brian Rife – Treasurer/Secretary, Rick O’Neill, Dave Weigelt, Ron Woodward – At Large Members. Motion was seconded by O’Neill 6 ayes. Item #7) EMS report – Item #8) Darren Walsh from GBK& Co presented the annual audit to the board. A copy of the annual audit can accessed at the HCLC Scale house. Weigelt Motioned to approve the FY 2024 Audit. Kerger seconded. 6 ayes Motion to adjourn at 11:25 a.m. by Breyfogle seconded by Woodward. 6 ayes. The next scheduled meeting will be held on February 13, 2025, at the Harrison County Landfill 10:30 AM Chairman of the board – Struble Attest: Tyler Hinkel – HCLC Mgr. Bills Paid Since December 19, 2024 Meeting IRS, Fed W/H $7,393.84 Intuit, Quickbooks $333.00 IPERS, Retirement $3,381.42 Principle, Life Ins Premium $183.20 On the Clock, Time Card $28.00 HealthEquity, HSA $2,047.90 Total $11,108.26, Bills Submitted for December 19, 2024 Meeting Aetna, Health Ins. Premium $5,897.41 Cenex, Gas $125.50 Western Iowa Wireless, Phone and Internet $149.80 Country Hardware, Shop Supplies $42.11 Bill's Water, Water $48.80 IMWCA, 24/25 Work Comp $837.00 Logan Auto, Shop Sup[plies $127.56 Metro Waste Authority, HHW agreement $4,021.35 Missouri Valley Times, Publication of minutes $98.49 Microbac, Leachate Testing $177.75 Verizon, M2M Gps $68.14 RDO Equipment, GPS unit for 963 loader $46,080.00 SuperFoods, Water $7.96 Miller Oil, Fuel $3,288.80 IRS, Taxes $427.68 Ziegler Cat, Installation of engine heater $807.04 Total $62,205.39 November Bills Bishop Business $157.01 Microbac Labs $339.00 Cenex $135.78 Unity Point $42.00 Continental Alarm $2,147.50 WiaW $149.80 Verizon Wireless $68.14 IMWCA $1,495.00 IMWCA $837.00 Culligan $58.00 Champlin $3,471.07 Midwest Welding $2,923.86 Miller Oil $2,908.18 AETNA $5,897.41 NMC $39.10 RDO $4,350.00 City of Logan $253.76 Logan Auto $312.76 Country Hardware $30.36 Harrison County Conserv $1,000.00 SCS $94.81 MVTN 1-15-25