Harrison County Supervisors Meeting January 9, 2025 Chairman Brian Rife called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Rebecca Wilkerson in attendance. Motion to approve the tentative agenda with changes of moving the budget items to the end and to group the Melody Oaks items was made by Smith, second by Wilkerson. Rife abstained. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Smith, second by Wilkerson. Motion Carried. Attendance: Auditor Megan Reffett, Paul J. Rhoten, Matt Pitt, Shelia Phillips, David Sherer, Lacey Ardery, Thad Pothast, Scott Nelson, Rashelle Wohlers, Susan Bonham, Deena Nelson, Stephanie Blackford, Don Blackford, Robert Brownback, Diane Cohn, Danelle Myer, Aaron Hickman, Laura Soetmelk, Steve Smith, Tim Collison Discussion on payment for Comprehensive Plan Matt Pitt presented invoices for the Comprehensive Plan and discussed how to pay for the contract that was signed last year. Additional charges for mailings and meetings were discussed and how they would be paid for. The board discussed a possible budget amendment and requested a new quote on the additional costs. HCCB – Discussion on Board Appointments Director Thad Pothast requested the Board’s input on how to proceed in filling the vacancy that was created on the Conservation Board last week when the board did not appoint the expiring member’s term. The County Attorney advised that the Board of Supervisors remain consistent in their appointment process since they have already appointed all other outside board recommendations as presented for 2025. The Board requested that Thad bring recommendations to them of people who were interested in the vacancy. Thad mentioned that he had a few people reach out to him that were interested, and he would discuss the position with them. Thad will come back to the Board on January 23rd with a recommendation for the Board. The Board also discussed the openings that were available that could be filled by those interested parties at the January 23rd meeting. Board of Health: Opening to fill vacancy for term ending December 31, 2027. Planning & Zoning Commission: Opening to fill vacancy for term ending December 31, 2026 Zoning Board of Adjustments: Opening to fill vacancy for term ending December 31, 2028 County Conservation Board: Opening to fill term ending December 31, 2029 Loess Hills Alliance: Opening to fill vacancy for alternate director for term ending February 2026. Harrison County Sheriff Deputy Appointment Harrison County Sheriff presented the Deputy Appointments. Mitchell Flaherty-Chief Deputy Sheriff Todd Denton-Sergeant Deputy Sheriff Garrett Klutts-Sergeant Deputy Sheriff Logan Lieber-Deputy Sheriff Justin McMurray-Deputy Sheriff Darin Kline-Deputy Sheriff Jason Knickman-Deputy Sheriff Beau Peschel-Deputy Sheriff Bradly Sieck-Investigator Deputy Sheriff James Reynolds-Deputy Sheriff Garth Wolff-Deputy Sheriff Miguel Sosa-Deputy Sheriff Christina Fagan-Reserve Deputy Sheriff Jacob Musfeldt-Reserve Deputy Sheriff Cameron Goodell-Reserve Deputy Sheriff Appointments were approved on a motion by Smith, second by Wilkerson. Motion Carried. Payout for Deanna Neil Jail administrator Tina Fagan presented the payout for Deanna Neil who retired. The payout in the amount of $11,644.04 was approved on a motion by Wilkerson, second by Smith. Motion Carried. Payout for Linda Sullivan Public Health administrator David Sherer presented a comp time payout for Linda Sullivan for overtime worked over the Christmas and New Year’s holiday. The payout in the amount of $916.42 was approved on a motion by Smith, second by Wilkerson. Rife Nay. Motion Carried. Handwritten Warrant for US Bank The Board approved a handwritten warrant in the amount of $4,863.78 to US Bank. Motion by Smith, seconded by Wilkerson. Motion carried. Engineer Consider petition and action on Resolution to change classification of a section of Melody Oaks Trial Discussion was held on a petition that requested the changing of classification for a section of Melody Oaks Trail. County Attorney Delanty advised that the petition filed was void because it was absent of two landowners’ signatures and one owner signed in the wrong capacity. A motion to reject the petition was made by Smith, seconded by Wilkerson. Motion carried. Discussion/Action on date to open Melody Oaks Trail gates Discussion was held on the requirements to remove the gates for the portion of Melody Oaks Trail that was reclassified in December. The gates have not been removed yet as the engineer is waiting for a landowner to build a fence for cattle. The board discussed that we cannot leave the gates closed since it has been reclassified to level B. The County Engineer advised that the gates are unlocked but not removed and the proper signs have not been placed. The County Attorney advised that the gates need to be removed since the classification has been changed and that road closed signs should be placed along with other proper signage for the level B road. A motion to place signs and open the road on May 1 was made by Smith, second by Wilkerson. Motion carried. Approve final payment for project FM-CO43(97)-55-43 to Western Engineering Discussion on the final payment of $15,394.50 from the Farm to Market account was held. Motion by Wilkerson, Seconded by Smith. Motion carried. Approve construction agreement with City Missouri Valley Struble presented the Board with a contract for the City of Missouri Valley to reimburse the county for the portion of the overlay south of Missouri Valley. The contract will allow them to repair their portion over the next three years. Motion by Smtih, seconded by Wilkerson. Motion carried. Review final payout for Dave Albers Engineer Struble presented a vacation payout for Dave Albers. There was confusion with his last date of employment and accumulated leave time. The board chose to table the approval until next week. Projects updates and activities The department is hiring and has offered positions to the candidates to fill two positions pending their pre-employment process. Crews are out blading roads, stockpiling rock, hauling salt and sand to the sheds, and clearing brush. Budgets David Sherer, Brandon Doiel, Shelia Phillips, Felcia Geith and Megan Reffett presented their proposed budgets for FY26. Comments Michelle Stirtz asked about how salaries are recommended now that the compensation board has been removed and recommended that the board take additional input into consideration. Matt Soetmelk voiced his interest in being considered for the vacancy on the Conservation Board. Deena Nelson voiced concerns about a property in Melody Oaks. She also voiced concerns about moving the gates on Melody Oaks Trail and when the road would be open. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Smith, second by Wilkerson. Motion carried. ATTEST: Megan Reffett, Auditor Brian Rife, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 1-15-25 TDR 1-16-25