CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2023 Mayor Pro Tem Struble presided over the meeting and called it to order at 5:00 p.m. with the …


CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING RAND COMMUNITY CENTER THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2023 Mayor Pro Tem Struble presided over the meeting and called it to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following Council members present: Patty Stueve, Eric Ford, Aaron Tuttle, and Kevin Tuttle. Absent Mayor Shawn Kelly. Also present; LeRoy Sulley, Shae McGinnis, Edith Herbolsheimer, Angel Nies, Forest Dooley, Branden Fender, Loree Hankins, Katie Moyer, and Caleb Wohlers. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A motion to set Public Hearing for FY 22/23 Max Levy on February 21, 2023 made by Ford, second by Stueve. Motion passes. A motion to set Public Hearing for Urban Revitalization Plan Application on February 21, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. made by Stueve, second by Tuttle. Motion Passes. A motion to approve Invoice #1 from 500 E Eris St, LLC in the amount of $97,495 to be reimbursed by CDBG funds made by Taylor, second by Stueve. Motion passes. Motion to table discussion about donation to Fire Department made by Taylor, second by Stueve. Tuttle, Stueve, Taylor – Ayes. Ford and Struble Nays. Motion passes 3-2. Fire Department Workshop: Branden Fender discussed the high turnover rates within the department. He feels the department is being micro-managed. He feels the city and the Fire are constantly fighting and thinks both need to get along and work together. Discussion was held on the state of the building. Wohlers stated that things do not happen overnight. Ford stated that administration had a part to do with that and it would keep getting pushed aside and now we are playing catch up. Dooley discussed how certain Council People are trying to take over and it makes moral go down. Volunteers are uncomfortable with the constant presence. Ford stated that they are volunteering their time to be here and they shouldn’t feel uncomfortable. Dooley stated that since he has taken over, he separated the department into teams. The teams are led by Captains of the Fire Department. The teams are scheduled certain nights a week. This makes it easier and manageable for the Department. Smoking on the grounds was discussed and Struble suggested a designated smoking area. He feels that Chief Dooley needs to be let free to run the program. Moyer stated that since she started, she has noticed that there is no communication between the Career EMTs. Hankins stated that she would like us all to get along and “Teamwork makes the Dream work.” Dillon Dorance, a former Career EMT for Missouri Valley, stated that there is a communication issue between the Career EMTs. Dooley discussed the different types of classes that are available for our Volunteers to attend. He stated that he is now an instructor for IWCC EMS class and has access to get Volunteers into class. Wohlers stated that this has been an issue and has been trying to get addressed over the year. They also talked about the Cadet program at the MVCSD and how that program is going. They are hoping that this will bring in more Volunteers to the community. Herbolsheimer discussed the communication of the Career EMT. She feels that no one is retaining anything that was discussed. Much of their time is spent to listening to citizen and department complaints. There is animosity between the paid EMT and the Volunteer staff. The program is keeping calls in house instead of going to Logan or Modale. She has started a book to help with the flow of day-to-day task and the daily logs. She feels the staff is not doing their task. Colglazier asked what is happening with the daily logs of the EMT. Herbolsheimer stated she takes them and puts them in the administration office. Stueve wants to know how other staff are supposed to know what they did the day before? McGinnis questioned why it matters what the previous staff did? They have the same task every day. She stated that there is a group chat for communication, but no one uses it. Communication problems go both ways. Questions were asked why staff can not have access to the daily logs. The next shift probably needs to know what was done the previous shift. Colglazier explained the day-to-day task sheet. Each day has its own task that they complete and initial. Notes for communication are left in the book, but not being accessed. Herbolsheimer questioned when problems arise during the day, who do they need to talk to. What’s the Chain of Command? Taylor stated that if there’s a problem, it should be brought to Herbolsheimer, then to Colglazier and Dooley. Struble stated that if its not in her realm, she should have nothing to do with it. There was an incident involving one of the Ambulance doors being broken. According to Herbolsheimer, the Chain of Command wasn’t followed correctly. She should be the one to be calling in things that need fixed so she knows what is going on. Wohlers stated that she was told to switch rigs around and the truck captain would be in to fix it. They had to wait on parts. Dooley stated that he felt that what needed to happened did happen, and the truck did get fixed. When a truck need repaired, they need to make sure that it meets Government guidelines and certification. McGinnis stated that until there is a change in mutual respect, she feels that program may not succeed. LeRoy Sulley questioned how the response time has been since the Career EMTs have started. Dooley stated average in route time was 7.09 minutes from January 2022 through July 2022. In route time now is 6.09 minutes from August 2022 till present. Dooley stated that now the EMTs go to Culivan Heights and Rand Center to do blood pressure and glucose tests. Sulley also questioned the determining factor on who goes to a response call and if the EMS needs to wait for Volunteers to show up. EMS waits for volunteers to assist with calls in case there is a lift situation. Stueve concluded she thinks the main problem is the communication between the personnel. Chain of Command should be Herbolsheimer, Colglazier and Dooley. Tuttle questioned if they have enough Volunteers to cover Saturday and Sundays. Dooley stated that each Team is scheduled for different weekends. When the idea for Career EMTs was presented, they would work Monday through Friday. Colglazier asked if they would like to keep it Monday through Friday with 3 Career EMTs. Should they keep 3 or 4 or no EMTs? They suggested that Dooley come up with numbers to see how many Career EMTs they can have. They would like to keep 3 Career EMTs working, and work it out so they can get their hours in. Taylor suggested they keep 2 Career EMTs and just have a driver to help on cost. Dooley wants to know if there is a schedule made for the remaining 3 EMTs. Herbolsheimer said she made the schedule. Ford questioned who made Herbolsheimer a Lieutenant? Angel Nies stated that in order to be a Lieutenant, Herbolsheimer cannot run any EMS calls out of work time so she cannot be considered a Lieutenant since she is a paid employee of the city. Colglazier stated that there has been Volunteers coming in and yelling at the Career EMTs. She cannot allow that; it is a liability issue. She stated that everyone should be respectful to each other. Wohlers stated that the MVFD has managed without interference from the Council just fine. When the City Administrator left, there was no guidance for moving forward with the EMT program. He was “flying by the seat of his pants”. Wohlers feels like there should be more of an internal structure followed with the Career EMTs. Tuttle asked how to make the communication better. Dooley stated that there needs to be restructure in the program and hopefully that will help. Motion to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. made by Stueve, second by Taylor. Motion passes. Sherman Struble, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 2-8-23