CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2024 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the …


CITY OF MISSOURI VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2024 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelly presided over the meeting and called it to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Tuttle, Keizer, and Taylor. Councilman Struble and Councilwoman Stueve were absent. Citizens attending included Robert Fairchild, Evelyn Marshall, Forest Dooley, and John Harrison. City Administrator Colglazier joined via Zoom. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion to approve Agenda for February 27, 2024, made by Taylor, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to open the Public Hearing on the proposed Urban Revitalization Plan Application for 413 W Huron St made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Darrin Schmidt and Dan joined via Zoom to answer any questions. The Council questioned the TIF financing and agreed to the ten-year term. There were no written or oral objections. Motion to close the Public Hearing on the proposed Urban Revitalization Plan Application for 413 W Huron St made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Citizen Inquiry: Robert Fairchild discussed with the Council the need to pave Morton St, Superior St, and Michigan St for the truck traffic related to property 413 W Huron St. Motion to table Public Work Update on hauling dirt for the Well Improvement Project made by Taylor, second by Keizer. Motion passes. Motion to approve Resolution 24-10 Approving the Urban Revitalization Application for 413 W Huron St made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Motion to table the Budget Workshop made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion Passes. Councilman Tuttle questioned Colglazier about the property on 500 E Erie St. There were no Mayor or City Administrator Comments. Motion to adjourn made by Taylor, second by Tuttle. Motion passes. Shawn Kelly, Mayor Attest: Turri Colglazier, City Administrator MVTN 3-6-24