HARRISON COUNTY LANDFILL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 12, 2024 The HCLC regular meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m., March 12, 2024 by Chairman Struble. Roll call showed Representatives: …


HARRISON COUNTY LANDFILL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 12, 2024 The HCLC regular meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m., March 12, 2024 by Chairman Struble. Roll call showed Representatives: O’Neill, Rife, Breyfogle, Woodward. Joining by phone was rep. Ortiz. Also in attendance were Manager Tyler Hinkel Item #1) Consent of agenda. Motion was made by Breyfogle and seconded by Woodward to approve the agenda. 6 ayes. Item #2) Review of the Meeting Minutes, from 2-14-24. Motion was made by Rife and seconded by Breyfogle to approve 2-14-24 meeting minutes. 6 ayes Item #3) The budget and claims were reviewed. The board went through the bills submitted for the month and the checking and savings accounts. Motion was made by Rife and seconded by Breyfogle to approve the budget and claims. 6 ayes Item #4) was for Questions/Concerns/Misc. Information that the Representatives or Hinkel has: Rife suggested that the HCLC make a donation to the Logan VFD in the amount of $250 for responding to a grass fire at the landfill on 2-19-24. All members were in agreeance. Item #5) Report – Drop-Box Recycling Reports – Misc. Information/New Articles were looked at. Item #6) EMS report – Hinkel informed the board about a new can sorter that was purchased with grant funds from the DNR. This equipment will allow the HCLC to separate the aluminum cans from other metals. This is an upcoming EMS objective to clean the recycling stream before sending product to end processing. Item #7) Setting future meeting times. Rife motioned to change the regular monthly landfill meetings to 11:00 am on the second Thursday of each month beginning April 11th 2024 at 11:00 am. Breyfogle seconded. 6 ayes. Repersentives from Woodbine, Magnolia, Dunlap had called in and expressed their support for moving the meeting time to earlier in the day as well. Item #8) Was for Budget work. Motion to adjourn at 7:34 p.m. by Rife and seconded by Woodward. 6 ayes. The next scheduled meeting will be held on April 11th, 2024, at the Harrison County Landfill 11:00 AM Chairman of the board – Sherman Struble Attest: Tyler Hinkel – HCLC Mgr. Bills Paid Since Feb 14, 2024 Meeting ACS, $3,175.99 Agriland, $433.02 Bill's Water, $76.40 Cenex, $86.07 Chase Card, $3,991.61 Health Equity, $1,933.90 IPERS, $3,259.55 IRS, $4,687.57 MidAmerican, $348.02 Principal, $179.64 The Yard Ramp Guy, $20,807.00 Titan Machinery, $1,650.00 Verizon, $51.07 Western Iowa Wireless, $149.80 Zeigler, $4,424.62 Total, $45,254.26 Bills Submitted for March 12, 2024 Meeting 5150 Mobile Service, $637.50 Apex Equipment, $7,575.00 Audubon Co, $779.09 Champlain, $3,542.00 Country Hardware, $44.24 Dunlap Reporter, $39.00 Harr Co Auditor, $300.00 HCDC, $100.00 HCLC, $4,270.40 Logan Auto, $2,298.78 Logan City of, $542.78 Memorial Comm Hosp, $241.00 Microbac, $177.75 Miller Oil, $2,930.50 MV Times, $80.36 SCS, $6,606.69 Super Foods, $7.96 Triple M Diesel, $2,386.06 Wellmark, $6,248.55 Total, $38,807.66 MVTN 4-17-24