Harrison County Supervisors Meeting June 16, 2022 Chairman Walter Utman called the meeting to order with members John Straight and Tony Smith in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting June 16, 2022 Chairman Walter Utman called the meeting to order with members John Straight and Tony Smith in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Smith, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Smith, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Deputy Auditor Elizabeth Lenz, Paul Rhoten, Jerry Keizer, Benjamin Nuzum, Rebecca Wilkerson, Brian Rife, Stephanie Blackford, Deborah Nelson, County Engineer, Steven Struble and County Attorneys, Jennifer Mumm and Ashley West. Water Distribution System for Little Sioux, River Sioux & Woodland Camp Ben Nuzum, Little Sioux City Clerk, spoke with the Board regarding providing a water distribution system for Little Sioux, River Sioux, & Woodland Camp. This would work similar to the current sewer system where the county would be the debt holder for the system which would be funded through the USDA and be billed to the residents. The Board asked Mr. Nuzum to report back with more information before they made any decisions. Purchase Pump for Little Sioux/River Sioux Sewer System Ben Nuzum, Little Sioux City Clerk, stated that a new grinder pump was needed for the sewer system at the cost of $8,418.00. The Board approved payment for the pump on a motion by Smith, second by Straight, from the asset depreciation fund. Unanimous approval. This fund is used for repairs needed on the sewer system. River Sioux Special Assessments Unpaid sewer bills were presented to the Board and asked that a special assessment be placed as a lien against the properties. On a motion by Smith, second by Straight, the special assessments were unanimously approved. Recount Request Rebeca Wilkerson requested a full recount of Iowa House District 15 Republican Primary race. It was unanimously approved on a motion by Smith, second by Straight Handwritten Warrants On a motion by Straight, second by Smith, the handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $6,066.66 was unanimously approved. On a motion by Smith, second by Straight, the handwritten warrant to Rural Development in the amount of $40,279.00 was unanimously approved. Law Enforcement Contracts The following law enforcement contracts, 28E agreements, were unanimously approved on a motion by Smith, second by Straight: City of Pisgah, City of Persia, City of Little Sioux, City of Mondamin, City of Magnolia, and City of Modale. Operating Transfers On a motion by Straight, second by Smith the following operating transfers were unanimously approved: General Basic to Secondary Roads $178,000.00 Rural Services to Secondary Roads $2,203,000.00 Rural Services to Flood & Erosion $20,000.00 Amend Primary Election Canvass Susan Bonham, Auditor stated that she had ordered an administrative recount in three precincts due to the fact that 4 ballots were counted twice because of the ballots jamming in the scanner. This did not change the outcome of the election and the same situation happened in several other counties in Iowa. On a motion by Smith, second by Straight, the amended canvass was unanimously approved. LED Lighting On a motion by Straight, second by Smith, the LED lighting upgrade for the Welcome Center/Museum in the amount of $5,519.00 was unanimously approved. GIS Positon The Board held discussion regarding the current opening for the GIS position. It was decided that they would review the job descriptions they have and discuss at the next Board meeting. Courthouse Windows Susy stated that she had an email from Pete Franks who is working with the County in replacing the courthouse windows. We should have more information soon regarding cost, details, and options. Engineer County Engineer Steven Struble met with the Board. Project updates included: Taylor #12 Bridge—The paving of the concrete approaches has been pushed back due to weather. Boyer River Bridge, Jefferson #1 on Parker Trail—The project is still on schedule for the June 21 letting in Ames. Several plans have been sent out. 231st Street Grading—Pruett Grading has finished their work on this project, the roadwork is excellent. Bridge Deck Patching and Abutment Repair—Deck repairs on the Soldier River Bridge on K-45 have nearly been completed by Christensen Brothers. 194th Street HMA Overlay FM_CO43 (91)-55-43—Western Engineering started laying asphalt for the strengthening areas at Highway #127. Approaching traffic should be aware that paving is underway. HMA Patching for Various Sites—Ron finished and sent requests to contractors for proposals to send us quotations for our asphalt patching work. Melody Oaks Surfacing Project—The development council president called and volunteered to speak with residents regarding the removal of trees. After meeting with the residents, he will mark the tress they would like secondary roads to remove. Duane McDonald’s Washington #2 Bridge over Mosquito Creek on 280th Street—This will be a joint effort with Shelby County. The project needs to begin before the bridge deteriorates further. Shelby County wants to limit the expense and work on this project. Closed Session The Board went into closed session at 10:31 A.M. per Iowa Code 21.5(1)c on a motion by Smith, second by Straight. Roll call vote: No—Utman, Yes—Smith, Straight. Motion carried. The Board came out of closed session at 10:56 A.M. on a motion by Smith, second by Straight. Roll call vote: No--none, Yes—Utman, Smith, Straight. Motion carried. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Smith, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Walter Utman, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 6-22-22