Harrison County Supervisors Meeting March 25, 2021 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Walter Utman and John Straight in attendance. The agenda was approved on a motion by …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting March 25, 2021 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Walter Utman and John Straight in attendance. The agenda was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Utman. Unanimous approval. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Utman, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Treasurer Shelia Phillips, Jacob Snyder The Board met as trustees for various drainage districts with all members present. Also present were Elizabeth Lenz, Drainage Clerk, Susan Bonham, Auditor, Frank Salter and Larry Meyer interested landowners. Seig Drainage District A petition filed previously requested that the Seig Drainage District be allowed to install there second pump in a matter which would allow easy access and use and also to install a flap gate on that pump. The Board directed Mr. Groth, Sundquist Engineering, to give direction regarding permanent installation of the second pump. Mr. Groth’s recommended to proceed with the installation of the second pump but advised that legal counsel be consulted regarding operation of this pump concurrently with the existing pump during high flow in the Missouri River. After discussion, on a motion by Straight, second by Utman, it was unanimously approved to install the second pump with a flap gate. Soldier Valley Drainage District Elizabeth Lenz, Drainage Clerk, presented two permit renewals for the AT & T Corp and the NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership L.P. These are for pipes located in the district and will be renewed for 10 years. On a motion by Utman, second by Straight, the permits were unanimously approved. The permits are on file in the Auditor’s office. Drainage Engineering Discussion was held regarding the current drainage engineering firm of Sundquist Engineering. The Board feels that work for the districts has not been completed in a timely fashion. They were concerned with losing FEMA funds. Although it was not an easy decision, the Board on a motion by Utman, second by Straight, voted unanimously to name Bolton & Menk Engineering as the new drainage engineering firm for Board supervised drainage districts in the county. The drainage clerk will contact Jennifer Mumm, County Attorney, to contact Mr. Groth of Sundquist Engineering with the Board’s decision. FY22 County Budget Chairman Smith opened the public hearing for the County’s FY22 budget. No comments were heard or received. Motion to close the public hearing was made by Utman, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Motion to approve the FY22 budget as presented and published by Utman, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Elected Officials’ Salary On a motion by Straight, second by Utman, the Board reduced the County Compensation Board’s recommendation of a 3.5% salary increase by .25; thereby the elected officials will receive a 3.25% salary increase for FY22. Unanimous approval. Longevity Pay Effective July 1, 2021, Harrison County non-union employees will receive Longevity Pay based on their years of service. Longevity pay will be paid on the regular payroll cycle after the employee’s anniversary date after the employee has completed the years of service as follows: Years of Service, Annual Longevity Pay 5-9 years, $500.00 10-14 years, $800.00 15-19 years, $1000.00 20-24 years, $1200.00 25+ years, $1400.00 This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis and there is no guarantee of its continuation i.e. it may end at any time and there will no longer be any longevity pay for employees. Elected Officials are exempt from this pay. Motion to approve by Utman, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $5,740.75, Motorola in the amount of $783,077.00, and Motorola in the amount of $1,154,227.00 were approved on a motion by Utman, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Engineer Steven Struble, County Engineer, met with the Board. Project updates include: Taylor #12 Bridge Replacement on F-50 over Allen Creek – The informational right of way exhibit sheet from the plan sheet has been prepared. A second informational notice to the landowners will be sent soon. County has approximately two months to acquire the needed right of way to keep the project on track for the 8/17/21 letting. 194th Street and Morgan Avenue HMA Asphalt Surfacing Project Woodbine to Dutch 4-Corners – County is working on getting the Windstream cable moved so that County crew can clean ditches to improve drainage along Morgan Avenue where silted-in road ditch and high water-table has caused subgrade failure. Bridge Abutment Repair and Deck Patching Projects – Engineer Struble is reviewing the plans prepared for the abutment repair for St John #7 on F-58 over Boyer River. This plan and the Morgan #2 deck and abutment repair and the St. John #11 deck repair on 335th St are farm-to- market funded projects. David Christensen Bridge on Laredo Avenue NE of Pisgah over Stowe Creek – Engineer Struble worked with Husker Steel and Sundquist Engineering to determine final design details. Engineer Struble asked the Board to change the date of the local letting from April 15th to April 29th at 10 a.m. to allow more time for the contractors to bid. Motion to approve by Utman, second by Straight. Unanimous approval. Melody Oaks and Ottawa Lane Otta Seal Projects – Staff is working on aggregate gradation that will be required for both projects. Quotations will be solicited from Schildberg and Martin Marietta so that crews can begin to stockpile the material. The blades are back on the roads today now that they’ve settled down after the rains. The trucks are mostly stockpiling this week to stay off the soft roads while it’s raining. Two trucks are patching on the blacktops today. After the seal coat roads dry out a bit more, they will be patched as well. The Board approved a resolution establishing a new multiplier for road right of way purchases at a factor of 5.1 times the parcel’s assessed value. Motion to approve by Straight, second by Utman. Unanimous approval. Establishment of Urban Renewal Area outside of Woodbine Attorney Clint Fichter and NuStyle Developer Greg Rothermel met with the Board to discuss the establishment of an urban renewal area outside of Woodbine. The City of Woodbine needs the County’s consent to establish this area. Real Estate Improvement District Attorney Clint Fichter and NuStyle Developer Greg Rothermel discussed the petition for the establishment of a real estate improvement district for the same area as the above urban renewal district. The legal descriptions and resolutions for both projects are currently being reviewed by the County Attorney and County Auditor. No action taken. Courthouse Roof McKinnis staff of Bryan Adams, Orlando Cueva, and Dustin Woodard met with the Board to update them on the Courthouse roof project. The part for the leaky SW roof drain should be in on Friday and will have it installed next week. A larger crane will be brought in to work on the copper dome tiles. McGill will be back to work on the north and south side stains. Concrete drain pads and new sidewalk will be done after the crane work. A final walk thru with Brian Nelson will be completed. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Straight, second by Utman. Unanimous approval. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman March 25, 2021 Chairman Tony Smith and member Walter Utman attended the 6:00 p.m. Harrison County Republican meeting at the Twisted Tail. General discussion took place with no action being taken. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 4-7-21