Harrison County Supervisors Meeting May 11, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. The tentative agenda with the removal of the …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting May 11, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. The tentative agenda with the removal of the landfill item was approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Paul J. Rhoten, Steve Struble Bank Reconciliations Treasurer Shelia Phillips presented bank reconciliations for March and April to the Board for their review. Election Equipment Motion by Rife, second by Smith, for the approval to purchase new election equipment from Henry M. Adkins in the amount of $90,884, and an additional $10,600 for the software/firmware licensing and annual maintenance/warranty. Motion carried. Flooring Auditor Bonham asked the Board to replace the flooring in the Board room and in the Auditor’s main office area using the extra flooring from the previous job. Labor should be no more than $2,000. Motion to approve by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Faylor-Spencer Drainage District The Board acting as trustees of the Faylor-Spencer Drainage District, tentatively set a hearing date of June 1, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. for the engineer’s classification of commission report. Motion to approve by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. IT Megan Reffett, IT Administrator, discussed participating in the CrowdStrike migration initiative that will allow the County’s Courthouse computers to have the CrowdStrike software installed on them. Motion to approve by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. CrowdStrike will be offered to other County facilities. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to Purple Wave in the amount of $125,400 was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Engineer County Engineer Steven Struble updated the Board on the following projects. Jefferson #1 Bridge Over Boyer River on Parker Trail – Contractor excavated for the west abutment and drove the eight 55’ steel H-piles for the west abutment. The formwork for the abutment footing was built and will pour the west abutment today. Taylor #12 Bridge on F50 over Allen Creek – County staff is still negotiating with IDOT to get an acceptable description of the justification for the added pay item for structures removal. Melody Oaks OttaSeal Resurfacing – Contractor is planning to begin the asphalt surfacing on May 30. FM Asphalt Resurfacing on Toledo Avenue South of Dunlap for 4.2 Miles – County held a preconstruction conference with the contractor. Expected start date is May 15th for the patching portion and after Memorial Day for the asphalt surfacing. OttaSeal Asphalt Surfacing on Panora Ave – Contractor plans to start the project in mid to late July. Windstream Communications requested approval of five utility applications: * Bore 48 pr copper cable south along Prairie Trail to cul-de-sac at 3411 * Bore a 45’ duct under 262nd St at 2560 262nd St for a copper 2 pair drop from the ped in the ditch to new house. * Bore duct under 145th St at 1976 145th St plow copper drop from ped to NID at the house * Place fiber from Hwy 183 to the Community Bank by plowing and boring 48 ct and 12 ct fiber. * Bore Allen Creek and 270th Street East of Modale. Bore from levy edge to levy edge to place 24 ct fiber 10’ under water level and to existing splicing peds. Peds are 1400’ apart. Motion to approve by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor John Straight, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 5-24-23