PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MONDAY, MARCH 4TH, 2024 MISSOURI VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 8:00 AM The Planning and Zoning board met at 8:00 a.m. on March 4, 2024, at the Missouri Valley Public Library. …


PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MONDAY, MARCH 4TH, 2024 MISSOURI VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 8:00 AM The Planning and Zoning board met at 8:00 a.m. on March 4, 2024, at the Missouri Valley Public Library. Present were Board Members: Dennis Smith, Daryl Fichter, Mike Nielsen, and Minnie Fisher. Mike Dworak was absent. Others present were City Administrator Turri Colglazier, Building Inspector John Harrison, Council Members Aaron Tuttle, Patty Stueve, Marilyn Keizer, and Public Works Director Richard Gochenour. Citizens attending were Ray Lager, Ray Lager for Cassie Spradling, Jacob Donaldson, Roxanne Westphalen, Steve Westphalen, Brenden Axtell, Evelyn Marshall, Bob Fitch, Sandra Fitch, Jason Jones, Walter Mason, Linda Summers, Jerry Summers, and Kenneth Coberly. Motion to approve Agenda for March 4, 2024, made by Fisher, second by Fichter. Motion passes. Discussion about vacating Walnut Street. Fisher questioned the purpose of vacating Walnut St. Gochenour replied that it was not technically a street, the resources put into Walnut St are going nowhere, it’s hard to maintain, and trouble with individuals living on Walnut St. Questions and concerns about property taxes, Emergency Services, possibly concrete or asphalt, and resell value of houses located on the street. Motion for Planning and Zoning Board of Missouri Valley to make a recommendation to Missouri Valley City Council NOT to vacate Walnut Street made by Nielson, second by Fisher. Motion passes. Discussion on re-zoning parcels 603002432900000: MVRICO LOTS 1 BLK 89;603002419300000: MVRICO LOTS 2, 8, 9, 10 BLK 89 & ADJ ST & ALLEY; 603002411500000: MVRICO LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 89; and 603002411300000: MVRICO LO 5 BLK 89 from residential to business. Motion for Planning and Zoning Board of Missouri Valley to make a recommendation to Missouri Valley City Council to re-zone parcels 603002432900000: MVRICO LOTS 1 BLK 89;603002419300000: MVRICO LOTS 2, 8, 9, 10 BLK 89 & ADJ ST & ALLEY; 603002411500000: MVRICO LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 89; and 603002411300000: MVRICO LO 5 BLK 89 from residential to business made by Fisher, second by Fichter. Motion passes. Motion to adjourn made by Nielsen, second by Fichter. Motion passes. MVTN 3-13-24