REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 – 6:33 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on …


REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 – 6:33 P.M. Council Chambers – Woodbine, IA The regular council meeting of the City of Woodbine, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour. Mayor Cogdill called the meeting to order with the following members present: LENNING, VANDEMARK, GAU, MANN, & BANTAM. Mayor Cogdill led the pledge of allegiance. Motion Gau/Mann to approve the agenda after correcting the date in item #15 from April 1st to April 10th, 2024. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Lenning to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 2/14/2024 & 2/21/2024; b) approve the bills/receipts as presented; c) approve Cash & Investment reports – February 2024; d) approve Budget Report – February 2024; e) approve GAX #25 & GAX #26 - Harvest Hills – CDBG; f) approve new Special Class C Retail Native Wine license for Aroma Coffee & Cafe. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Citizen Input – Kathy Allmon spoke on the speed at which traffic travels on Park St south of the circle. She is very concerned for the children that live in the area and would like to see something done to slow traffic. Council agreed to have Chief Jensen look into the issue. Motion Gau/Mann to re-appoint Bill Steppuhn to the Board of Adjustments. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Bantam/Lenning to approve the sale of 4.34 acres from Scott & Amber Nelson’s property (parcel #140001010501000) within 2 miles of corporate City limits. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Discussion on Fire Works within City limits. Council agreed to expand the current dates and times. The City Administrator will change the current Ordinance and present it at the next Council meeting. Motion Gau/Bantam to approve the selling of the Fire Department’s 1978 Mini Pumper as the Department sees fit. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Vandemark to pay WMLP invoices that include paying for part of their utility billing software program. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Vandemark/Gau to approve that Woodbine Municipal Light & Power should pay the remaining balance of the invoice for the meter set for the new water tower project. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Mann/Bantam to approve going to bid for city wide garbage service with bids being returned by Friday, May 3rd, 2024. Ayes: 3, Nays: 2 Motion carried. Motion Lenning/Gau to approve Resolution #2024-4 setting Public Hearing for April 10, 2024 for the sale of the Police Dept. building. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to approve Resolution #2024-5 setting Public Hearing for April 10th, 2024 for Harvest Hills lot giveaways. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Lenning to approve the application & program guidelines for individuals to complete for the Harvest Hills lot giveaways. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Mann to approve waving the 2nd & 3rd readings on Ordinance #2024-3-13 Amending Title I, Chapter 6 – Fiscal Management, increasing Petty Cash from $20 to $100. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Bantam/Mann to adopt Ordinance #2024-3-13 Amending Title I, Chapter 6 – Fiscal Management, increasing Petty Cash from $20 to $100. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Bantam to approve the Operations & Maintenance Manual for the Gas Department. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Gau/Lenning to approve a new storage building for Public Works with Superintendent Androy presenting the winning bid and cost to the City Administrator and Mayor. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Motion Mann/Bantam to approve purchasing a table for $120.00 (8 seats x $15) at the Main Street Annual Meeting. Ayes 5 Motion carried. Mayor’s Report: Reminded everyone of the Fire Department’s Fish Fry March 29th, 2024. City Administrator Koch reported the state auditors have begun the audit virtually from Des Moines but will be on site next week. Public Works Director Androy reported the Hawthorne Sewer Project design changed slightly with a cost savings. He did not purchase the snow plow discussed in the previous meeting. Androy also asked council and received consensus regarding moving forward with getting bids and working with the contractor on the replacement of concrete, when WMU has completed burying electrical lines, in the alley behind the City Hall building, between 5th & 6th streets, and the alley to the east of Walker St. between 4th & 5th streets. Motion Gau/Vandemark to adjourn at 8:30pm. Ayes 5 Motion carried. MVTN 3-20-24